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  1. (10:19:33 AM) Secrets: beyond a few indie titles i don't forsee many other games taking their place
  2. (10:20:28 AM) daela__ [~daela@172-15-218-187.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
  3. (10:25:11 AM) daela_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  4. (10:26:16 AM) daela [~daela@172-15-218-187.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
  5. (10:27:08 AM) TheShocker: read about project 1999 recently, they still seem to have a pretty active community too
  6. (10:27:38 AM) Secrets: yeah, the whole community of devs there is pretty tight knit and works together
  7. (10:27:59 AM) Secrets: eqemu in general is one big open source community
  8. (10:29:12 AM) daela__ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  9. (10:29:16 AM) Secrets: i work in the games industry now so yeah not much time to do much now a days
  10. (10:30:19 AM) TheShocker: yeah, I have a lot of respect for the RoR devs, takes up so much of your time
  11. (10:31:54 AM) Secrets: if i wasn't so busy with my own games i'd probably help out with content
  12. (10:38:17 AM) blastoise [webchat@] entered the room.
  13. (10:38:35 AM) blastoise left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  14. (10:40:25 AM) Genisaurus [webchat@50-207-204-190-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] entered the room.
  15. (10:44:20 AM) Arietta left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  16. (10:53:13 AM) TheShocker: sorry, had to go afk for a bit
  17. (10:53:29 AM) TheShocker: what kind of games do you make, Secrets? or is it a secret? ;)
  18. (11:06:59 AM) Secrets: can't say, under NDA sorry TheShocker - but they're MMO games
  19. (11:08:20 AM) Genisaurus: Launched or in development?
  20. (11:08:35 AM) TheShocker: cool that you got to make your hobby your work though ;D
  21. (11:16:51 AM) Genisaurus left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  22. (11:33:15 AM) Threxx [webchat@HSI-KBW-109-192-014-148.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] entered the room.
  23. (11:35:41 AM) aerogath [webchat@ip-109-90-217-95.hsi11.unitymediagroup.de] entered the room.
  24. (11:48:14 AM) Tornadium [webchat@cpc78907-bele10-2-0-cust249.2-1.cable.virginm.net] entered the room.
  25. (11:48:48 AM) Tornadium: Still no word on the registration issue?
  26. (11:51:58 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  27. (11:52:13 AM) ***Elratie slaps Threxx around a bit with a large trout
  28. (11:53:59 AM) Valnak: Tornadium: seems to work now
  29. (12:25:29 PM) TheShocker: Tornadium: yeah, it's been fixed
  30. (12:42:11 PM) Medulla [webchat@x4db046a6.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  31. (12:57:03 PM) ropuch: The place for new players has been made? ;-)
  32. (1:00:07 PM) Elratie: hi
  33. (1:24:36 PM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  34. (1:41:31 PM) TheShocker: can't wait to be honest, hope they delete some gear and tallies too :P
  35. (1:49:11 PM) Noiree: problem is: if they wipe the gold and items, they leave out the ah and several ppl stored their stuff there
  36. (1:49:48 PM) TheShocker: they'd need to wipe that too
  37. (1:50:08 PM) TheShocker: and items in mail, sold items you can buy back from vendors, everything
  38. (1:54:39 PM) Secrets: hopefully they keep detailed logs
  39. (1:55:07 PM) Secrets: we do that on eqemu - made a separate application that the world/zoneservers communicate to, that relays data and stores it in a separate process to not hog the main thread
  40. (1:55:14 PM) Noiree: I still wonder how blue lvl 35 gear got on the ah on destro side
  41. (1:55:16 PM) Secrets: so logging isn't causing server lag
  42. (1:56:18 PM) Londo: Kintari seperated logging into its own thread few ror patches ago
  43. (1:56:34 PM) Secrets: yeah, threaded or another application would work
  44. (1:57:05 PM) Secrets: I preferred another application that way we could potentially host two instances and not stress the mysql server
  45. (1:57:33 PM) Londo: main cause of lag is that server does not have priority queue when re-broadcasting player state updates
  46. (1:57:40 PM) Londo: when player moves client sends 5 updates per second
  47. (1:57:49 PM) Londo: if you have 200 players in range and all are mooving
  48. (1:57:58 PM) Londo: thats hundreds of thousands of packets being sent out per second
  49. (1:58:14 PM) Secrets: the way we fixed that is delayed sending of updates
  50. (1:58:26 PM) Secrets: also, the eq protocol has a 'bulk send position update' packet
  51. (1:58:27 PM) ropuch: Noiree: one possibility are 37lvl mob ine IC arena
  52. (1:58:41 PM) Londo: well players near clip range dont need 5 updates
  53. (1:58:44 PM) ropuch: s/are/is - don't know the drop table for them though
  54. (1:58:52 PM) Londo: so I would send all updates to players in combat radius
  55. (1:58:53 PM) Noiree: blues don't drop from mobs anymore and there were several of those on the ah for 5g each
  56. (1:59:16 PM) Londo: client is smart enough to work well with few updates every second
  57. (1:59:21 PM) Londo: it just direction and velocity
  58. (1:59:27 PM) Londo: so client keeps moving in that direction
  59. (1:59:35 PM) Secrets: yeah we have position + deltas + heading
  60. (1:59:47 PM) Secrets: works just fine for most packets
  61. (2:00:11 PM) Secrets: and you don't need too many packets at once going out, eq client for example only needs one every 6 seconds for pcs
  62. (2:00:14 PM) Londo: there is also problems on how spatial partitioning works right now
  63. (2:00:17 PM) Secrets: unless the client sends its own update
  64. (2:00:29 PM) Londo: on keep take its possible to have all the players in single spatial cell
  65. (2:01:08 PM) Secrets: not familiar with the term is that a collision thing?
  66. (2:01:09 PM) Londo: the world is partioned into cells
  67. (2:01:12 PM) Londo: each cell has players in range
  68. (2:01:39 PM) Secrets: so if you move between cells rapidly
  69. (2:01:45 PM) Secrets: it'd force a position update i suppose
  70. (2:02:02 PM) Londo: to get list of players in range
  71. (2:02:09 PM) Londo: there are methods to improve that
  72. (2:02:13 PM) Londo: there is spatial hashing they can do
  73. (2:02:18 PM) Secrets: what kind of list are you doing?
  74. (2:02:29 PM) Secrets: we use an unordered hash map, but we also use C++ not C#
  75. (2:02:37 PM) Londo: on each update, each player has list of players nearby updated
  76. (2:02:42 PM) Londo: which is very expensive operation
  77. (2:02:47 PM) Secrets: oh jeez, yeah, I can imagine that
  78. (2:02:58 PM) Secrets: do you recalculate the distance on each update?
  79. (2:03:02 PM) Londo: I am not on dev team, but I work closely with them
  80. (2:03:13 PM) Londo: but I have access to source
  81. (2:03:35 PM) Londo: so I guess I kind of am on dev team
  82. (2:03:40 PM) Londo: I dont have too much time to contribute
  83. (2:03:48 PM) Secrets: kind of my position at eqemu then :p
  84. (2:04:18 PM) Secrets: we don't do updates for all nearby players, we branch the updates out into a process function
  85. (2:04:26 PM) Secrets: and send them on a server frame tick every x seconds
  86. (2:04:41 PM) Londo: yea I do something similar on another project
  87. (2:04:42 PM) Secrets: packets then end up in the encoder
  88. (2:04:46 PM) Londo: there is thread that updates hash
  89. (2:04:51 PM) Secrets: and then they go out on the network thread
  90. (2:04:52 PM) Londo: which reinserts player into the hash
  91. (2:05:01 PM) Londo: and moves them from bucket to bucket
  92. (2:05:08 PM) Secrets: yeah, we do all that calcuations at once instead of on receiving a player update
  93. (2:05:26 PM) Secrets: may be worth looking into i dunno though
  94. (2:05:52 PM) Secrets: each player has their own timer class that checks to see if they need to be sent local entity positions
  95. (2:06:05 PM) Secrets: and then distance calcs are done then
  96. (2:06:11 PM) Londo: most people dont have experience in mmo server design, any help is always appreciated
  97. (2:06:13 PM) Secrets: instead of having to recalc expensively each time
  98. (2:06:17 PM) Londo: its something that can only come with experience
  99. (2:06:49 PM) Secrets: i do optimization for my company and such, i just got added to a new project to help optimize a propiatary game engine
  100. (2:07:01 PM) Secrets: pretty much lol
  101. (2:07:13 PM) Secrets: and I applied the same technique with the eqemu project
  102. (2:07:28 PM) Secrets: as far as I know, the server is in C# which hinders performance
  103. (2:07:35 PM) Secrets: but can make it easier on coders for sure
  104. (2:07:53 PM) Londo: but should be possible to handle few thousands connections
  105. (2:07:59 PM) Secrets: yup i agree there
  106. (2:08:11 PM) Secrets: just requires some tricks to offload to other applications
  107. (2:08:33 PM) Secrets: networking calls are less expensive than db calls for example
  108. (2:08:47 PM) Secrets: for non-immediately required procedures
  109. (2:09:28 PM) Secrets: could potentially make a server that handles auctions, creation/management of instances and logging
  110. (2:09:55 PM) Londo: another issue they had was use of locks
  111. (2:09:57 PM) aerogath left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  112. (2:10:00 PM) Secrets: yup i can imagine so
  113. (2:10:20 PM) Londo: those locks need to be changed into spinlocks
  114. (2:10:20 PM) Secrets: from what it sounds like multiple objects are going to access and modify data
  115. (2:10:39 PM) Secrets: an entity manager class would probably be beneficial
  116. (2:10:56 PM) Secrets: oh
  117. (2:11:09 PM) Secrets: well that's good
  118. (2:11:18 PM) Secrets: just some optimization passes might be needed then
  119. (2:11:22 PM) Secrets: i'd help, but i'm swamped atm
  120. (2:11:57 PM) Londo: you can see the earlier version of code at https://github.com/WarEmu/WarEmu
  121. (2:13:36 PM) Londo: port of MaNGOS wow emu
  122. (2:14:17 PM) Secrets: oh nice
  123. (3:02:08 PM) Schnuppiiii [~Schnuppii@Schnuppiiii.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  124. (3:18:14 PM) Krumlok [webchat@] entered the room.
  125. (3:24:09 PM) Kulbuto [webchat@85-170-148-115.rev.numericable.fr] entered the room.
  126. (3:44:51 PM) Krumlok: oi git
  127. (3:46:02 PM) aerogath [webchat@ip-109-90-217-234.hsi11.unitymediagroup.de] entered the room.
  128. (3:46:33 PM) aerogath: one question, can i stop it that the Petbar dissapeard in SC's with my Squiqherder ?
  129. (3:47:58 PM) TheShocker: hmm, no idea, have you checked the forum?
  130. (3:48:11 PM) TheShocker: check if it's not one of your addons screwing things up
  131. (3:48:52 PM) Tornadium left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  132. (3:49:01 PM) aerogath: wi hate no Ui mods for Bars i only use Target Ring, Grid, WSCT :(
  133. (3:49:38 PM) TheShocker: hmm, doubt it's any of those
  134. (3:49:57 PM) aerogath: bäääh :'( ok i'll search ty
  135. (4:01:15 PM) TheShocker: which one?
  136. (4:04:27 PM) aerogath: have logged another char now cuz t2 zerg :D
  137. (4:23:25 PM) Kulbuto: Hey, is there any GM around here ?
  138. (4:26:13 PM) TheShocker: nope, don't think there is
  139. (4:28:51 PM) Krumlok left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  140. (4:41:27 PM) TheShocker: I'm not getting any orvr currency on my engi :|
  141. (4:41:43 PM) TheShocker: second time order locks the zone and I get nada
  142. (4:44:04 PM) TheShocker: yeah
  143. (4:44:23 PM) aerogath: i would say noobfilter but i had the same bug one time hmm ;P
  144. (4:46:13 PM) TheShocker: had it since I made the engi earlier today
  145. (4:46:18 PM) Elratie: awesome a black ork who is farming the 25+ guards in the Shadowlands elven warcamp
  146. (4:59:34 PM) aerogath: Can anyone tell me with which level the warrior priest gets his group heal ?
  147. (5:05:56 PM) aerogath: hope so ty :D
  148. (5:06:04 PM) aerogath left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  149. (5:07:18 PM) Noiree: all healers get their g-heal at 20
  150. (5:07:47 PM) spiegel left the room (quit: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
  151. (5:11:39 PM) TheShocker: yeah, wasn't 100% sure and didn't look it up XD
  152. (6:03:17 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  153. (6:13:15 PM) Destro [webchat@ip98-167-99-60.lv.lv.cox.net] entered the room.
  154. (6:29:56 PM) TheShocker: ugh, fuck if I know what's going on, finally got 3 tokens for a zone lock, thought it might be stealth fixed, next lock I get nada again :|
  155. (6:30:06 PM) TheShocker: missed out on 12 so far, meh
  156. (6:34:20 PM) Viny: yeah I don't even bother with those
  157. (6:35:00 PM) TheShocker: that's silly, they give gear upgrades while leveling up
  158. (6:35:20 PM) Viny: and how many do you have so far? :D
  159. (6:35:36 PM) TheShocker: on most of my toons I had the full t1 set before I could even wear it
  160. (6:35:53 PM) TheShocker: should have been the same on this one actually, now I only have the gloves :
  161. (6:36:12 PM) TheShocker: that's true
  162. (6:36:14 PM) Viny: on live you got a tome unlock at least
  163. (6:36:47 PM) TheShocker: you get the notifications for the unlocks here too, haven't checked the actual tome though
  164. (6:37:34 PM) TheShocker: I'm pretty liberal with buying upgrades from vendors
  165. (6:37:44 PM) TheShocker: even if it's just for one level, if I can increase my stats I do it
  166. (6:37:52 PM) TheShocker: what with bolstering it can really add up
  167. (6:39:42 PM) TheShocker: forgot how much fun engies are btw
  168. (6:40:14 PM) Viny: who was doing rats as a choppa
  169. (6:40:38 PM) Viny: and they were doing just fine
  170. (6:40:51 PM) TheShocker: heh, I soloed a rat on my level 12 SW XD
  171. (6:41:04 PM) TheShocker: SW are totally op for kiting
  172. (6:41:20 PM) TheShocker: took a few minutes though
  173. (6:42:57 PM) TheShocker: Elratie said earlier that there was a BO soloing lvl 25+ guards in elves XD
  174. (6:45:03 PM) TheShocker: think I need to start making destro alts soon
  175. (6:45:04 PM) Onyx [webchat@162-203-6-47.lightspeed.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
  176. (6:46:13 PM) Onyx: Hey mate
  177. (6:46:15 PM) TheShocker: Viny: maybe I'll level my chosen so I can do scs with you ;)
  178. (6:46:36 PM) TheShocker: how's witch hunting Onyx?
  179. (6:46:53 PM) TheShocker: oh wait, you switched to WE, right?
  180. (6:48:17 PM) Luf [webchat@] entered the room.
  181. (6:53:10 PM) stillmatic [webchat@92-244-5-185.customers.ownit.se] entered the room.
  182. (6:54:27 PM) Jojo^^ left the room (quit: Signed off).
  183. (6:54:47 PM) Onyx: I'm just switching all around TheShocker
  184. (6:54:53 PM) Epo [webchat@cpc71281-warr5-2-0-cust305.1-1.cable.virginm.net] entered the room.
  185. (6:56:52 PM) TheShocker: same here Onyx ;)
  186. (6:57:14 PM) TheShocker: got a BW, slayer, KotBS, SW, engi, AM, WE and chosen so far XD
  187. (6:57:27 PM) TheShocker: nah, taking a break, played for a while earlier on
  188. (7:00:18 PM) Luf left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  189. (7:00:48 PM) TheShocker: Viny: you streaming tonight?
  190. (7:05:02 PM) Viny: weekend most probable
  191. (7:05:18 PM) Viny: luffy is usually on her sorc with me
  192. (7:05:33 PM) TheShocker: yeah, I like playing them, had a twink in t1 back when you could play there for free
  193. (7:06:03 PM) TheShocker: would be a good addition too for you, someone to guard you and luffy
  194. (7:06:26 PM) TheShocker: I'll start leveling him, he's just a baby atm
  195. (7:07:15 PM) Viny: what name?
  196. (7:07:36 PM) Viny: how was that not taken yet :D
  197. (7:07:40 PM) TheShocker: that was my twink's name too ;)
  198. (7:07:55 PM) TheShocker: could be pwniez, not sure
  199. (7:08:11 PM) TheShocker: had an undead mage in wow with that name a decade or so ago
  200. (7:08:32 PM) TheShocker: on a US server back when my wife still lived there
  201. (7:08:42 PM) TheShocker: <- oldfag
  202. (7:09:29 PM) TheShocker: man, I tried playing wow again a few years ago, rolled a mage, they're just so fucking boring compared to BW/sorc XD
  203. (7:09:44 PM) TheShocker: that whole game is boring compared to war though, the pvp
  204. (7:10:27 PM) Viny: did you see this weeks SP episode
  205. (7:10:47 PM) TheShocker: not a fan of the latest season tbh, but that ep was ok
  206. (7:10:48 PM) Viny: I just watched it today, man that ending
  207. (7:11:14 PM) ropuch: Yo Viny! Any progress? ;-)
  208. (7:11:46 PM) TheShocker: hey ropuch
  209. (7:12:23 PM) Viny: http://imgur.com/rDYuQWA
  210. (7:12:59 PM) ropuch: Viny: I'm going for vacation on Sunday, can send you some crude addon for dumping tuble/registeringg custom macro tomorrow if it helps ya
  211. (7:13:12 PM) Viny: anything will help at this point
  212. (7:13:19 PM) Viny: shit I wish I had you around for this
  213. (7:13:31 PM) Viny: been reading up on hooks today, kind of a lot to chew
  214. (7:13:59 PM) ropuch: I'm programming noob, my area of expertise in company is 'working proof of concept' ;-)
  215. (7:14:42 PM) Viny: cause that sounds like a perfect career path for me :D
  216. (7:15:09 PM) ropuch: Techincal Support Engineer, but they changed lately to sth else
  217. (7:15:56 PM) Viny: RegisterEventHandler(SystemData.Events.PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED, 'AssistHelper.CallTarget')
  218. (7:16:09 PM) Viny: I'm trying to make a demo
  219. (7:16:23 PM) Viny: that writes target name in chat on every target switch
  220. (7:16:39 PM) ropuch: Hooking means: if client register an event, intercept this
  221. (7:17:09 PM) ropuch: Do your stuff, than (in most cases) return event handling to the client
  222. (7:17:13 PM) TheShocker: but /target doesn't work yet ingame, does it? at all?
  223. (7:17:31 PM) Viny: our plan is to tab the everloving shit out of nearbys
  224. (7:17:42 PM) Viny: and have the addon compare names each time
  225. (7:17:53 PM) Viny: with what main assist is calling out
  226. (7:17:57 PM) ropuch: LIke Craft Value Tip: when you hover over item, it itercept the event, in case it's crafting mats it do some foo-shmoo magic, modifying the tooltip
  227. (7:18:38 PM) ropuch: sec
  228. (7:18:58 PM) ropuch: https://mega.nz/#sitetransfer!W1stMjA2MjI5NDkyNywtMjA1NzUxNDkxLC0xNjk3NzAyMzkxLDE2NjIxNjUzNDddLCJ6Wno1WDlYSmFrME9qMTA0Yk9OdGpUUnJhbFZxVDFwc1ltaFJldzZ0LWVmVTA4X0dUaWpxQUtROTR3IiwiRiFSOHgxUkpCTCFnNFRlcjJKQzdOVXZOM0c4cEg5YzJBIiwwLG51bGxd
  229. (7:19:41 PM) ropuch: Just mesg me your email, my 'addon' is so barbarian you can pull of the idea from it
  230. (7:20:12 PM) ropuch: I just borrowed some code from other addon
  231. (7:20:43 PM) TheShocker: that's how programming seems to work these days
  232. (7:20:51 PM) TheShocker: googling stack exchange etc ;)
  233. (7:21:19 PM) Destro: shocker is there a lair at nordland destro camp?
  234. (7:21:35 PM) TheShocker: on a little island off the coast
  235. (7:21:45 PM) Destro: what about the one by the bridge
  236. (7:21:48 PM) TheShocker: well, not at the camp no, but close to it
  237. (7:21:57 PM) TheShocker: nope, not a lair
  238. (7:22:04 PM) Destro: what is it then?
  239. (7:22:16 PM) TheShocker: think that used to be the entrance for the nordland scenario
  240. (7:22:38 PM) Destro: i remember back at AoR it was like a dungeon to like a forest thingy majig
  241. (7:22:47 PM) Destro: yea
  242. (7:22:51 PM) TheShocker: with the plants around it?
  243. (7:23:03 PM) Destro: a man deer or some shit like it
  244. (7:23:13 PM) TheShocker: that used to be a dungeon
  245. (7:23:18 PM) Destro: is it open?
  246. (7:23:25 PM) TheShocker: you could get a cloak there that turned you into a deer
  247. (7:23:31 PM) Destro: WHAT
  248. (7:23:35 PM) Destro: ;-;
  249. (7:23:45 PM) TheShocker: pve isn't a priority
  250. (7:23:56 PM) Viny: ropuch: you got that pm? no email yet
  251. (7:23:58 PM) TheShocker: yeah was a fun dungeon, so easy to skip to the end boss XD
  252. (7:24:25 PM) Destro: I mean it'd be a nice addon to the tier 3 update, like adding a huge collection of dungeons and lairs
  253. (7:24:41 PM) Destro: It was just like yesterday
  254. (7:24:50 PM) TheShocker: no dungeons are working so far, afaik
  255. (7:24:50 PM) Destro: that i was getting pounded by a forest giant
  256. (7:25:00 PM) TheShocker: the ones in altdorf or IC aren't there either
  257. (7:25:11 PM) Destro: I love that dungeon
  258. (7:25:25 PM) Destro: with that mandeer talking to us on the cliff side
  259. (7:25:33 PM) TheShocker: what was the other one? where you could get gear with the first wards
  260. (7:25:39 PM) TheShocker: darkpromise I think it was called
  261. (7:25:48 PM) Destro: idk rly
  262. (7:25:53 PM) Destro: i literally forgot til i got on RoR
  263. (7:26:00 PM) Destro: i remember only glimpes of it
  264. (7:26:06 PM) TheShocker: yeah, same here
  265. (7:26:23 PM) TheShocker: I never really did pve much, but some of the dungeons were cool
  266. (7:26:37 PM) Destro: When i had the chance id love to pve alot
  267. (7:26:44 PM) TheShocker: soloed a lot of them for containers for making talis
  268. (7:26:53 PM) Destro: alright well i gtg
  269. (7:27:01 PM) Destro: about more dungeon
  270. (7:27:06 PM) Destro: and fanboy over it
  271. (7:27:12 PM) Destro left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  272. (7:28:03 PM) ropuch: Still, you can't invoke 'sent target nearest'
  273. (7:28:41 PM) Viny: you mean you cant make the game tab from addon?
  274. (7:28:58 PM) ropuch: Yea, that would end in addon-bots [;
  275. (7:29:06 PM) Viny: worst case scenario
  276. (7:29:22 PM) ropuch: Best one, actually, worst in case of your idea [;
  277. (7:30:41 PM) Viny: nvm still have to click to run it
  278. (7:30:41 PM) TheShocker: think the best you can do right now is have your addon make you say the name of your target in party/wb chat tbh
  279. (7:30:41 PM) ropuch: But, if you could hook on, dunno, player_target_updated, anfter 'marked' is matched display some notification with 'confirm' window
  280. (7:31:00 PM) TheShocker: it is
  281. (7:31:08 PM) TheShocker: but I don't think you can do more atm
  282. (7:31:09 PM) Viny: maybe I'll go back to my Enemy idea
  283. (7:31:22 PM) Viny: have it place a red marker or something
  284. (7:31:36 PM) ropuch: I'm too lame to understand enemy code ;-)
  285. (7:31:46 PM) ropuch: I mean: I don;t have time atm [;
  286. (7:32:07 PM) ropuch: I think enemy needs a TargetInfi data to place a mark
  287. (7:32:43 PM) Viny: so what?
  288. (7:32:52 PM) Viny: you parse for name from main assist
  289. (7:33:10 PM) Viny: then you ..TargetInfo:UnitName(namevar)
  290. (7:33:21 PM) ropuch: Nah, yopu need EntityID or sth, not just name
  291. (7:33:26 PM) ropuch: https://github.com/WarEmu/
  292. (7:33:44 PM) TheShocker: afaik
  293. (7:34:23 PM) ropuch: Still it gives you some idea ;>
  294. (7:34:27 PM) TheShocker: yeah
  295. (7:35:20 PM) ropuch: Viny: take a look at easystem_targetinfo/source/targetinfo.lua
  296. (7:36:30 PM) ropuch: https://code.google.com/p/wardiff/
  297. (7:55:58 PM) Viny: off to bed guys, cya on stream tmr shocker
  298. (7:57:00 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  299. (8:03:07 PM) Threxx left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  300. (8:11:02 PM) stillmatic left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  301. (8:11:56 PM) Onyx: Is the game up TheShocker? I can't connect.
  302. (8:20:10 PM) Onyx: Finally got it to work
  303. (8:20:15 PM) Onyx: it was an issue with the launcher
  304. (8:20:21 PM) TheShocker: I hope so, just got back behind my pc
  305. (8:20:36 PM) Noiree left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  306. (8:21:44 PM) TheShocker: yeah
  307. (8:21:53 PM) TheShocker: got an engi in t1 that's desperate to get to t2
  308. (8:22:28 PM) TheShocker: had to restart the launcher, got an error connecting to the login server too
  309. (8:22:30 PM) Onyx: Well I'm Onyxarrow if you want to play =3
  310. (8:23:19 PM) Onyx: Yup, might switch later but just felt playing it for now =3
  311. (8:23:45 PM) TheShocker: they're fun to play in t1, they do quite a lot of damage right from the start imo
  312. (8:24:11 PM) TheShocker: gorram
  313. (8:34:56 PM) Kulbuto left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  314. (8:58:49 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  315. (9:00:56 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  316. (9:05:25 PM) ikkifury [webchat@] entered the room.
  317. (9:06:50 PM) ikkifury left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  318. (9:06:58 PM) zabis [webchat@24-216-178-67.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] entered the room.
  319. (9:07:23 PM) zabis: hey guys, anyone else having issues logging into forum?
  320. (9:07:53 PM) zabis left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  321. (9:14:04 PM) Melcene [webchat@c-71-197-198-43.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  322. (9:15:11 PM) Melcene: New ROR/returning WAR player... is game and site down due to DDOS or ? Looking forward to playing again.
  323. (9:24:09 PM) firlam [webchat@] entered the room.
  324. (9:26:30 PM) TheShocker: hmmm, site's not loading for me indeed
  325. (9:26:54 PM) Melcene: On launcher, site shows red, game shows yellow
  326. (9:30:03 PM) Chttfkk [webchat@] entered the room.
  327. (9:33:08 PM) firlam left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  328. (9:33:59 PM) TheShocker: try closing and opening the launcher
  329. (9:35:03 PM) Melcene: Yeah tried a few times, connect button just doesn't even light up. We had originally gotten in once, but there was no char screen
  330. (9:44:05 PM) wargrimnir [webchat@c-107-5-128-133.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] entered the room.
  331. (9:45:56 PM) TheShocker: heard more people had that problem
  332. (9:46:51 PM) wargrimnir [webchat@wargrimnir.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  333. (9:46:53 PM) Melcene: Yeah, I checked the FB, then twitter, and twitter was how I found this :)
  334. (9:47:07 PM) wargrimnir: Website and Login are down. DDOS
  335. (9:48:00 PM) chaser_ [webchat@h75n9-m-rg-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com] entered the room.
  336. (9:48:12 PM) zabis [webchat@24-216-178-67.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] entered the room.
  337. (9:48:36 PM) zabis: yep
  338. (9:48:45 PM) zabis: https://www.facebook.com/returnofreckoning
  339. (9:49:34 PM) Naos [webchat@chm71-1-82-242-188-87.fbx.proxad.net] entered the room.
  340. (9:49:37 PM) wargrimnir: I update FB and Twitter :)
  341. (9:50:06 PM) Onyx left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  342. (9:50:07 PM) TheShocker: you can change the topic here too if you want, wargrimnir
  343. (9:50:13 PM) TheShocker: feel free to is what I mean ;)
  344. (9:51:52 PM) wargrimnir has changed the topic to: Website and Login are down due to DDOS || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  345. (9:51:55 PM) Naos left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  346. (9:52:03 PM) Naos [webchat@chm71-1-82-242-188-87.fbx.proxad.net] entered the room.
  347. (9:52:44 PM) Naos: sad to see DDOS continue :(
  348. (9:52:52 PM) Epo left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  349. (9:53:54 PM) chaser_: u here m8?
  350. (9:54:02 PM) Naos: today server was more laggy than others, is there a link with DDOS?
  351. (9:54:43 PM) ***chaser_ slaps kittenz around a bit with a large fishbot
  352. (9:55:25 PM) TheShocker: heym why are you slapping my wife? :P
  353. (9:55:38 PM) chaser_: hahaha
  354. (9:56:01 PM) chaser_: she keeps on killing me in rvr
  355. (9:56:56 PM) chaser_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  356. (9:57:40 PM) TheShocker: heh, nope, she's a BW, nivee
  357. (9:57:57 PM) TheShocker: kittenz has always been her irc handle, funny thhat there's a sorc called that XD
  358. (9:58:05 PM) chaer_hexxa_ca [webchat@h75n9-m-rg-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com] entered the room.
  359. (9:58:05 PM) TheShocker: should get her to play with my chosen pwnies
  360. (9:58:35 PM) chaer_hexxa_ca: well
  361. (9:58:41 PM) chaer_hexxa_ca: gnite again
  362. (9:58:49 PM) chaer_hexxa_ca left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  363. (9:59:15 PM) Naos: I am going to bed, all my best regards to devs, seems they are going to have a short night again... :(
  364. (9:59:31 PM) TheShocker: hope you can get on tomorrow mate :(
  365. (10:00:01 PM) Guntermas [webchat@p5490989B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  366. (10:00:18 PM) Melcene: So glad it's only 7pm here. Just wondering if I should get dinner overwith while we wait for servers
  367. (10:00:49 PM) Naos left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  368. (10:02:20 PM) Guntermas: so is there a clue when its going to be online again? ^^
  369. (10:03:49 PM) Melcene: Nooo don't say that! :(
  370. (10:03:51 PM) Co_Okie [webchat@68-191-101-153.dhcp.dctr.al.charter.com] entered the room.
  371. (10:05:08 PM) Co_Okie left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  372. (10:18:40 PM) TheShocker: heh, friend of mine went dressed as walter white for halloween, complete with pork pie hat. he posted a pic, I commented 'great run dmc outfit'. only ONE person got it :P
  373. (10:21:49 PM) wargrimnir: i'm old enough to get it =
  374. (10:28:16 PM) zenas [webchat@] entered the room.
  375. (10:28:34 PM) zenas left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  376. (10:31:40 PM) Moomin [webchat@97e18765.skybroadband.com] entered the room.
  377. (10:32:05 PM) TheShocker: hey Moomin
  378. (10:32:35 PM) TheShocker: :(
  379. (10:32:56 PM) TheShocker: DDoS has flared up again, so logging in might be nigh impossible
  380. (10:33:13 PM) Moomin: yes, i was in STK and i crashed out and then ...
  381. (10:33:24 PM) Moomin: also ESO had attacked
  382. (10:33:34 PM) TheShocker: I got kicked earlier when I was in an sc, but I managed to get back on
  383. (10:33:41 PM) Moomin: and the telephone company Telecom
  384. (10:33:52 PM) Moomin: lucky u ! u have been fasta !!
  385. (10:33:59 PM) TheShocker: elder scrolls online got DDoSed?
  386. (10:34:09 PM) TheShocker: damn
  387. (10:34:26 PM) Moomin: ppl got really nothing to do
  388. (10:34:53 PM) Moomin: uffy but yeah not goin to bring more drama... ;)
  389. (10:42:49 PM) Kup [webchat@47-32-131-152.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] entered the room.
  390. (10:45:45 PM) Secrets: i feel ya, our companies' game gets ddos'd pretty often too
  391. (10:46:00 PM) Secrets: it sucks, nothing you can do except integrate some sort of protection
  392. (10:50:52 PM) TheShocker: I recommend copious amounts of alcohol too
  393. (10:51:36 PM) Moomin: all here to wait for the miracle xD
  394. (10:52:53 PM) TheShocker: I should go to bed actually, it's almost 4AM here XD
  395. (10:53:07 PM) TheShocker: got distracted doing scs again
  396. (10:53:30 PM) TheShocker: I was about 10 minutes ago
  397. (10:53:40 PM) Moomin: and u logged offf!?!?
  398. (10:53:46 PM) Moomin: :P
  399. (10:53:53 PM) TheShocker: like I said, almost 4 ;)
  400. (10:54:03 PM) Moomin: ye
  401. (10:54:38 PM) TheShocker: just have to finish this beer ;)
  402. (10:55:30 PM) TheShocker: beer + orvr/scenarios = loads of fun XD
  403. (10:56:00 PM) Moomin: :S
  404. (10:56:00 PM) Guntermas: deez ddos guys should concentrate on shitty games
  405. (10:56:19 PM) TheShocker: yes, ddos hello kitty island ffs :|
  406. (10:56:37 PM) TheShocker: not sure it still does actually XD
  407. (10:56:50 PM) Moomin: lol
  408. (10:57:08 PM) TheShocker: http://www.hellokittyonline.com/
  409. (10:57:47 PM) Guntermas: they really dare to use the term mmorpg
  410. (10:58:15 PM) Guntermas: that should be reason enough to ddos this crap
  411. (10:59:29 PM) Moomin: anyway .. gonna log off ! see u in game ! x
  412. (10:59:30 PM) Secrets: i'd prefer no games getting ddos'd
  413. (10:59:52 PM) Moomin left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  414. (11:00:05 PM) Guntermas: yeah its just a bunch of bored jerks
  415. (11:00:13 PM) TheShocker: time to sleep I guess
  416. (11:00:15 PM) Melcene: Dangit, I haven't played WAR in at least 5 or 6 years. I wanna play! *whine*
  417. (11:00:19 PM) decreatr [webchat@] entered the room.
  418. (11:00:27 PM) TheShocker: night everyone, hope you can log in soon
  419. (11:00:38 PM) Melcene: Nite
  420. (11:09:22 PM) Rendas [webchat@c-73-217-142-137.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] entered the room.
  421. (11:18:08 PM) Rendas left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  422. (11:19:38 PM) Garraz [webchat@c-73-9-236-106.hsd1.il.comcast.net] entered the room.
  423. (11:21:05 PM) zabis left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  424. (11:21:49 PM) Garraz left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  425. (11:22:12 PM) Medulla left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  426. (11:35:12 PM) Foxbeep [webchat@cpe-70-114-243-11.austin.res.rr.com] entered the room.
  427. (11:35:24 PM) Foxbeep: Hey I just wanted to say I got my game working and thanks to all ya'll who tried to help me
  428. (11:35:57 PM) Foxbeep: I'd asked several hard questions and you guys were very helpful the last few days.
  429. (11:41:16 PM) Foxbeep left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  430. (11:51:13 PM) Co_Okie [webchat@68-191-101-153.dhcp.dctr.al.charter.com] entered the room.
  431. (11:52:00 PM) Co_Okie left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  432. (11:52:14 PM) Dwaegon [webchat@71-87-248-139.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] entered the room.
  433. (10/31/2015 12:01:06 AM) Dwaegon: Is it just the login is messed up or is the server down?
  434. (12:01:24 AM) Dwaegon: I'm willing to spend 20 minutes clicking on and off of this browser x.x
  435. (12:03:45 AM) Guntermas left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  436. (12:03:51 AM) Dwaegon: [>-_-]>▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 pew pew pew pew pew <(=_=<).. Can't touch this
  437. (12:04:20 AM) Pornflakes [~Pornflake@] entered the room.
  438. (12:05:06 AM) Pornflakes left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
  439. (12:06:54 AM) Melcene: It's just the login, according to the guys that were here earlier
  440. (12:07:13 AM) Melcene: People who are in are ok. Those of us who are not in can't get in. Been about 3 hours now :(
  441. (12:10:59 AM) Dwaegon: dang, I should have logged on when I had the chance. Got stuck downloading Medieval II on steam and keep getting a dang error :(
  442. (12:11:15 AM) Zednar [webchat@c-67-183-208-132.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  443. (12:11:18 AM) Dwaegon: so everything is backfiring today for meh
  444. (12:12:47 AM) Melcene: I just feel like the second I go play something else... it'll come up
  445. (12:15:27 AM) Dwaegon: now on the long journey of downloading Rage of the dark gods
  446. (12:24:30 AM) Zednar left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  447. (12:26:51 AM) Tornadium [webchat@cpc78907-bele10-2-0-cust249.2-1.cable.virginm.net] entered the room.
  448. (12:31:51 AM) Dwaegon: apparently its getting DDOS'd
  449. (12:32:13 AM) Dwaegon: Game servers are up from what I understand, but I think the log in servers are donw.
  450. (12:41:56 AM) Melcene: Yeah web and log in servers down, game was up last I heard
  451. (12:42:47 AM) Tornadium: im still waiting on my registration email from a week ago
  452. (12:43:58 AM) Melcene: Some accounts it won't work with... like msn, hotmail, etc
  453. (12:44:21 AM) Melcene: I caught some thread about it. Worked ok with my yahoo and gmail accounts tho
  454. (12:44:52 AM) mostly_harmless [webchat@] entered the room.
  455. (12:48:43 AM) Tornadium: I've tried with 4 different accounts :P all using gmail
  456. (12:57:26 AM) Melcene: Hmm my gmail got it immediately :(
  457. (1:01:17 AM) Schnuppiiii left the room (quit: Quit).
  458. (1:39:19 AM) dadlyj [webchat@] entered the room.
  459. (1:39:32 AM) dadlyj: ddos again?
  460. (1:53:51 AM) mostly_harmless left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  461. (1:57:21 AM) Melcene: Tornadium - just yesterday or the day before
  462. (2:00:31 AM) dadlyj left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  463. (2:18:11 AM) Tornadium: I made 4 accounts last week and didn't get an email lol
  464. (2:22:40 AM) Melcene: I had to make a new one today on gmail because my other was giving me invalid uname/pword, and got the email immediately :( Check junk/spam?
  465. (2:35:37 AM) Hate [webchat@aftr-37-201-229-179.unity-media.net] entered the room.
  466. (2:42:04 AM) Tornadium: Guess ill try making another when the ddosing finally ends
  467. (2:47:10 AM) ffff [webchat@] entered the room.
  468. (2:50:22 AM) Godo_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  469. (2:52:23 AM) Godo_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  470. (2:53:00 AM) Wara [webchat@adsl-dyn228.78-98-212.t-com.sk] entered the room.
  471. (2:53:19 AM) kozh [webchat@c-ae7fe255.01-99-6b6c6d10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] entered the room.
  472. (2:53:22 AM) Godo_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  473. (2:55:21 AM) Godo_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  474. (2:58:21 AM) Godo_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  475. (3:05:13 AM) Godo_: R u guys reckon, they'll get it going again today?
  476. (3:06:00 AM) Bruins5555 [webchat@78-67-26-136-no248.tbcn.telia.com] entered the room.
  477. (3:06:11 AM) Bruins5555 left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  478. (3:08:11 AM) Tyrshand [webchat@c83-254-172-106.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  479. (3:09:13 AM) Tyrshand: So the bloody DDoS's are at it again huh?
  480. (3:09:46 AM) Tornadium: How on did this dude get so pissed off that they're ddosing this regularly
  481. (3:10:34 AM) Godo_: Good question, I assume may be through the bans
  482. (3:11:20 AM) Mordu [webchat@ppp-94-68-247-178.home.otenet.gr] entered the room.
  483. (3:11:33 AM) Mordu: Any news?
  484. (3:12:05 AM) Destro [webchat@ip72-193-104-101.lv.lv.cox.net] entered the room.
  485. (3:13:33 AM) Godo_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  486. (3:14:20 AM) Destro: any updates on the ddos attack?
  487. (3:29:03 AM) onlyblood [webchat@] entered the room.
  488. (3:29:17 AM) onlyblood: hello, we are still a few inside game
  489. (3:33:21 AM) Destro: how?
  490. (3:34:14 AM) Destro left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  491. (3:34:35 AM) Tornadium: if you didnt log out you're probably still ok
  492. (3:35:00 AM) onlyblood: for very long
  493. (3:37:15 AM) Tyrshand: Lucky bastard
  494. (3:38:30 AM) onlyblood: well lucky...its sad see this
  495. (3:38:44 AM) godo_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  496. (3:39:25 AM) onlyblood: feel *
  497. (3:40:42 AM) godo_: i so wanna treat my weapons with destruction blood, mmmmhhhh...
  498. (3:41:22 AM) godo_: no i'm not
  499. (3:42:29 AM) Dwaegon: Same, my hammers need some Grobi blood on them.
  500. (3:42:44 AM) onlyblood: ill be happy too meet u xd
  501. (3:46:58 AM) Wara left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  502. (3:47:39 AM) Mordu: need some help here, what are the addons used for ui here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X80LxrXo6Yw And where could i find them?
  503. (3:50:39 AM) Dwaegon: The one I really want is the Debuff/buff one above the heads of players.
  504. (3:50:49 AM) Jojo^^ [~Jojo@Jojo1337.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  505. (3:52:34 AM) Mordu: BuffHead it is
  506. (3:54:00 AM) Mordu: class icons though look nice, and gui
  507. (3:54:02 AM) Tyrshand: yea bad that is correct, thought you meant the icons
  508. (3:54:20 AM) Mordu: so class icons are Enemy?
  509. (3:54:22 AM) ewtwet [webchat@d108-173-149-128.abhsia.telus.net] entered the room.
  510. (3:54:36 AM) Tyrshand: enemy is also the big target arrow you see
  511. (3:54:59 AM) ewtwet: anyone know if they will have the servers up by tommrow?
  512. (3:57:10 AM) ewtwet: dunno
  513. (3:57:23 AM) ewtwet: Maybe one of you guys are admins shit
  514. (3:58:46 AM) Jojo^^: someone is working on it i guess
  515. (3:59:05 AM) Jojo^^: it is weekend, better chance that someone has time
  516. (4:01:50 AM) ewtwet: Hopefully they get it up by tommrow atleast
  517. (4:01:56 AM) ewtwet left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  518. (4:05:47 AM) Mordu: any source on downloading addons?
  519. (4:13:36 AM) Tyrshand: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BySRD_zm5DGyMTVVb2JZQXZVNDg&usp=sharing
  520. (4:14:42 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  521. (4:19:39 AM) ffff left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  522. (4:20:31 AM) Tyrshand: yw
  523. (4:20:36 AM) Dwaegon: Shameless plug, come watch me get owned on Rage of Dark Gods :(
  524. (4:20:43 AM) Dwaegon: :D
  525. (4:20:50 AM) grimfada [webchat@mobile-access-6df085-166.dhcp.inet.fi] entered the room.
  526. (4:22:27 AM) kozh left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  527. (4:22:53 AM) Calidore [webchat@dsl-tkubrasgw1-50dd38-112.dhcp.inet.fi] entered the room.
  528. (4:23:43 AM) Dwaegon left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  529. (4:24:34 AM) grimfada: Hello! Is there any news about the current situation? It seems that 'they' took the best of the whole RoR-package, website and all.
  530. (4:25:53 AM) Calidore left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  531. (4:31:49 AM) wargrimnir left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  532. (4:31:49 AM) Dwaegon [webchat@71-87-248-139.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] entered the room.
  533. (4:39:01 AM) Sparrer78 [webchat@sparrer78.static.corbina.ru] entered the room.
  534. (4:41:29 AM) godo_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  535. (4:43:39 AM) Faze [webchat@] entered the room.
  536. (4:43:57 AM) MiguelSnake [webchat@143.Red-81-35-232.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] entered the room.
  537. (4:44:06 AM) Faze left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  538. (4:44:49 AM) Xero [webchat@] entered the room.
  539. (4:45:24 AM) Tosam [webchat@k9242.upc-k.chello.nl] entered the room.
  540. (4:47:48 AM) Daek [webchat@dsl-tkubrasgw1-50dd38-112.dhcp.inet.fi] entered the room.
  541. (4:52:36 AM) Hate left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  542. (4:53:17 AM) Mordu left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  543. (4:55:18 AM) Hate [webchat@aftr-37-201-229-179.unity-media.net] entered the room.
  544. (4:55:23 AM) Xero left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  545. (4:56:10 AM) Tosam left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  546. (4:56:33 AM) grimfada left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  547. (4:59:32 AM) Fapharder [webchat@ims92-3-88-173-113-14.fbx.proxad.net] entered the room.
  548. (5:02:30 AM) Bogans [webchat@a95-92-138-93.cpe.netcabo.pt] entered the room.
  549. (5:15:23 AM) Sebbeleu: howdy
  550. (5:21:08 AM) Sullemunk [webchat@host-95-199-140-166.mobileonline.telia.com] entered the room.
  551. (5:25:40 AM) Tyrshand left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  552. (5:33:14 AM) Sullemunk left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  553. (5:37:59 AM) Godo_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  554. (5:38:46 AM) Godo_: War page works
  555. (5:42:45 AM) Godo_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  556. (5:46:15 AM) MiguelSnake left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  557. (5:53:55 AM) TheShocker: yup
  558. (5:54:39 AM) Melcene: here too
  559. (5:55:41 AM) Melcene: Fixed!
  560. (6:11:48 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  561. (6:13:38 AM) TheShocker: heya
  562. (6:48:40 AM) Syc [webchat@] entered the room.
  563. (6:58:15 AM) unknown [webchat@HSI-KBW-082-212-038-083.hsi.kabelbw.de] entered the room.
  564. (6:58:47 AM) unknown left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  565. (7:16:12 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  566. (7:17:24 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  567. (7:18:29 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  568. (7:28:08 AM) TheShocker has changed the topic to: Website and Login are down due to DDOS || join the zombie chicken apocalypse tonight http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  569. (7:29:16 AM) Viny: whut? are we being ddosed again?
  570. (7:38:59 AM) Sebbeleu: something missing in the forum link?
  571. (7:50:09 AM) Dwaegon left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  572. (7:53:57 AM) onlyblood left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  573. (7:56:56 AM) Onyx [webchat@162-203-6-47.lightspeed.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
  574. (8:24:58 AM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  575. (8:29:30 AM) Viny: regular saturday stuff
  576. (8:35:23 AM) Viny: streaming today Noiree
  577. (8:35:56 AM) Noiree: wasn't planning to
  578. (8:41:47 AM) firlam [webchat@] entered the room.
  579. (8:42:32 AM) decreatr: critical
  580. (8:51:28 AM) Noiree: it's interesting how many shamans are just capable of g-heal spam while being rooted to one position like a statue
  581. (8:54:38 AM) TheShocker has changed the topic to: Website and Login are down due to DDOS || join the zombie chicken apocalypse tonight http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7091 || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  582. (8:57:22 AM) TheShocker: I don't understand why some people say the game data torrent isn't usable
  583. (8:57:47 AM) TheShocker: I've seeded 2.5TB of that fucker, got 14 people dling now, and upping at 5MB/s
  584. (8:58:20 AM) TheShocker: think they don't have DHT enabled
  585. (8:58:29 AM) Noiree: login worked just 15 mins ago
  586. (8:59:05 AM) Noiree: website is working, too
  587. (9:02:41 AM) Syc left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  588. (9:13:05 AM) Sparrer78 left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  589. (9:14:03 AM) Viny: but i cant even download
  590. (9:14:48 AM) Noiree: put into Q's msg that today's Chickenocalypse
  591. (9:18:41 AM) Tornadium left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  592. (9:39:49 AM) Elratie: good to see who is master and slave
  593. (9:41:37 AM) aerogath [webchat@ip-109-90-216-213.hsi11.unitymediagroup.de] entered the room.
  594. (9:42:19 AM) aerogath: hi THeShocker i've found out which addon let the petbar dissapear on Squiqherder its Heling Grid
  595. (9:52:28 AM) TheShocker: thought so, glad you figured it out though
  596. (9:52:37 AM) TheShocker: healgrid doesn't work properly anyway btw
  597. (9:55:39 AM) Viny: and it's better configured out of the box
  598. (9:58:39 AM) Noiree: healgrid/squared are incredibly fucked up atm
  599. (9:58:48 AM) Noiree: hope the devs manage to fix this soon
  600. (10:02:12 AM) Kulbuto [webchat@85-170-148-115.rev.numericable.fr] entered the room.
  601. (10:05:31 AM) aerogath: hmm is there another good healing addon ?
  602. (10:08:55 AM) Viny: use enemy
  603. (10:10:31 AM) aerogath: o.O it's called enemy ? ok
  604. (10:16:04 AM) decreatr left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  605. (10:23:01 AM) aerogath left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  606. (10:33:50 AM) Chttfkk left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  607. (10:48:33 AM) Viny: ye but its ugly
  608. (10:48:48 AM) Elratie: well you can make it pretty
  609. (10:50:24 AM) Elratie left the room (quit: Quit).
  610. (12:01:12 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  611. (12:01:49 PM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  612. (12:10:51 PM) Daek left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  613. (12:34:56 PM) Onyx left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  614. (1:02:34 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  615. (1:33:45 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: Website and Login are down due to DDOS || join the zombie chicken apocalypse tonight http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7091 || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  616. (1:33:45 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 8:54:36 AM on 10/31/2015
  617. (1:36:32 PM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  618. (1:44:30 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  619. (2:19:26 PM) Hate left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  620. (2:30:43 PM) Sebbeleu: is rats the fastest way to lvl?
  621. (3:14:35 PM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  622. (3:14:41 PM) Jojo^^: yea
  623. (3:18:25 PM) TheShocker: rats or a nice keep defence ;)
  624. (3:18:41 PM) Azarael: hai
  625. (3:18:56 PM) TheShocker: joining the chicken apocalypse later on?
  626. (3:19:37 PM) Azarael: as a GM, I am immune to chicken
  627. (3:19:59 PM) Azarael: but oneshotting everyone with Wrath of Hoeth sounds GRAND
  628. (3:22:52 PM) Elratie left the room (quit: Quit).
  629. (3:26:10 PM) TheShocker: would be funnier if you did become a chicken as a GM but kept all your abilities Azarael, just saying
  630. (3:26:29 PM) Azarael: if it gets changed again
  631. (3:26:33 PM) Azarael: it'll change to reverse bolster
  632. (3:27:04 PM) TheShocker: oh, btw, you did the tier brackets wrong, you're supposed to be able to do orvr in t2 as a level 10 :P
  633. (3:27:18 PM) TheShocker: I'll file a bug report if you want
  634. (3:27:47 PM) TheShocker: you don't get any rps before level 12 now in t2, even though you can get the kill quests in the warcamps
  635. (3:31:10 PM) Noiree: lol I killed a player in T1 as chicken :D
  636. (3:32:22 PM) Noiree: nah more like the power of covenant procs
  637. (3:32:36 PM) Noiree: and chickens got too many hps - original chicken only had 10hp
  638. (3:33:18 PM) ***Azarael goes to edit code in a huff
  639. (3:34:47 PM) TheShocker: there used to be a tome unlock for doing orvr as a chicken
  640. (3:39:20 PM) Noiree: and tactics still proc - dat spirit dmg is ticking
  641. (3:42:29 PM) Fluffmonster [webchat@55d415d5.access.ecotel.net] entered the room.
  642. (3:43:09 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  643. (3:43:55 PM) Fluffmonster: Rank 11 mastery tactic do not work yet (at least mine, rp) , is that intended?
  644. (3:44:03 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  645. (3:45:14 PM) Noiree: hp are too much but armor red also - you had your old armor as chicken on live
  646. (3:47:28 PM) Sebbeleu: do you need a specific level or something to handle rats?
  647. (3:48:46 PM) TheShocker: oh this is so much fun XD
  648. (3:49:01 PM) TheShocker: taking BOs in blighted isles with a huge group of chickens
  649. (3:52:40 PM) Noiree: how the hell can a lvl 26 in the middle of rvr zone kill chickens as non chicken?
  650. (3:53:08 PM) TheShocker: that chosen?
  651. (3:53:22 PM) Noiree: locaso killed players with his engi
  652. (4:01:44 PM) Noiree: almost no interactions - still lags
  653. (4:01:55 PM) TheShocker: I dinged a renown level XD
  654. (4:04:39 PM) Noiree: okay... looks like server took a break
  655. (4:04:48 PM) TheShocker: yeah, everyone disappeared
  656. (4:05:06 PM) TheShocker: hey, if this is only because so many people decided to join it I can live with that ;)
  657. (4:05:12 PM) Krumlok [webchat@] entered the room.
  658. (4:05:13 PM) Noiree: next time you might want to set up rules like no covenants, tactics, buffs etc
  659. (4:05:20 PM) Krumlok: DA DEATHSKULL KLOOCKERS IZ 'ERE
  660. (4:06:20 PM) Krumlok: I kin't do klook wiff da lag
  661. (4:08:25 PM) TheShocker: my wife got weird shit on her screen just now random characters in various textboxes
  662. (4:10:56 PM) Noiree: still trying to figure out how I could die during lag... didn't even see my opponent
  663. (4:12:23 PM) ropuch: How short your dick must be to take advantage of not being turned into chicken in chicken event as 26r engie? ;-)
  664. (4:13:19 PM) Noiree: someone told me that exact same guy got banned during the gold exploit ban wave
  665. (4:13:22 PM) TheShocker: few destro lowbies killing chickens now in front of the blighted isles wc
  666. (4:13:54 PM) Noiree: the lowbies are a huge problem - obviously their capability to read is underdeveloped
  667. (4:13:59 PM) Fluffmonster: just died by the hands of a WE :p
  668. (4:14:35 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: cann't you make everyone a chicken in t1 elves regardless of their level?
  669. (4:15:30 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  670. (4:15:43 PM) TheShocker: Bahirah the WE is killing chickens
  671. (4:19:50 PM) Krumlok: Azarael: Nerf DaShocka
  672. (4:20:30 PM) TheShocker: I saw your name and went straight for you XD
  673. (4:25:39 PM) Viny: TheShocker: can I borrow you for a sec
  674. (4:25:44 PM) TheShocker: weird how suddenly a lot of lowbies want to be in t1 elves isn't it?
  675. (4:26:09 PM) Viny: another time then
  676. (4:32:00 PM) Viny: ugh fun
  677. (4:32:05 PM) Viny: it was terrible
  678. (4:32:13 PM) TheShocker: actually, I'm going to quit, no fun when there's almost 10 destro lowbies killing you
  679. (4:34:07 PM) TheShocker: well, they're pretty much ruining it
  680. (4:36:34 PM) Krumlok: It'z bw's bombing us to death
  681. (4:37:31 PM) TheShocker: I know, told people that in /say too :
  682. (4:38:05 PM) TheShocker: saw a lvl 1 engi there killing destro, so that character was made with the purpose of killing them otherwise he wouldn't be in t1 elves
  683. (4:38:31 PM) TheShocker: it was a shitload of fun though before they came along XD
  684. (4:38:37 PM) Viny: what trackers does the torren have
  685. (4:38:46 PM) TheShocker: none, it's DHT
  686. (4:39:45 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: did you already do that? reset their xp and rp? XD
  687. (4:39:56 PM) TheShocker: Viny: it dynamically gets peer addresses
  688. (4:40:54 PM) Azarael: at least one of them got set to r1rr1
  689. (4:40:58 PM) Azarael: because he relogged after two kicks
  690. (4:41:04 PM) Azarael: I don't forgive terminal stupidity
  691. (4:41:59 PM) TheShocker: don't get why people do things like that
  692. (4:42:20 PM) Azarael: u diddent stop me in code so u cant ban me heahuaha or its not fair D:D:D::D:D:D
  693. (4:44:50 PM) Viny: it says DHT status: disabled
  694. (4:46:11 PM) Fluffmonster: it's the same reason why ppl attacking the servers via ddos
  695. (4:49:26 PM) TheShocker: Viny: DHT isn't on in your torrent client probably
  696. (4:49:59 PM) Viny: I'm using an old verison
  697. (4:51:12 PM) Viny: status is now waiting to annouce
  698. (4:54:39 PM) Viny: its working
  699. (4:54:48 PM) Viny: TheShocker: <3
  700. (4:58:55 PM) Krumlok: The event was great fun
  701. (4:59:06 PM) Krumlok: except for those lowbies who abused the chickens
  702. (4:59:13 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  703. (4:59:46 PM) Noiree: I always thought, chickens didn't drop shit on live... no xp,no inf, no rp, no loot
  704. (5:00:06 PM) TheShocker: think they did give xp and rp, but I'm not sure
  705. (5:00:47 PM) Noiree: only thing I'm sure about: armor stayed, rest of the stats gone, hp = 10
  706. (5:01:13 PM) Noiree: cause sometimes when jumping down you only took 1 falling dmg :D
  707. (5:09:24 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  708. (5:16:22 PM) TheShocker: it is gud
  709. (5:17:57 PM) Noiree: made hot coco with spices, whipped cream and amaretto :D
  710. (5:19:02 PM) TheShocker: man, this is sounding more and more like an episode of sesame street
  711. (5:21:30 PM) Noiree: I wouldn't give that coco to kids, though
  712. (5:24:36 PM) TheShocker: and no filthy little childrens hands will ever touch this delicious pie ;)
  713. (5:30:20 PM) Noiree: nah it's more like handing this coco to kids, I might end up in jail :D too much alcohol
  714. (5:30:26 PM) Niblolkik [webchat@88-106-190-100.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] entered the room.
  715. (5:32:12 PM) Niblolkik left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  716. (5:52:56 PM) Genisaurus [webchat@c-69-250-44-136.hsd1.va.comcast.net] entered the room.
  717. (5:57:06 PM) Krumlok left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  718. (5:58:46 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  719. (6:00:07 PM) TheShocker: a'ight viny, I'll check it in a minute
  720. (6:25:58 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  721. (6:26:56 PM) Bogans left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  722. (6:54:44 PM) TheShocker: saving everyone the trouble of checking if beer is still good; it is!
  723. (7:00:22 PM) Viny: Noiree: will you ever come to my stream or do I have to beg :<
  724. (7:13:43 PM) Secrets: hi Azarael
  725. (7:14:28 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  726. (7:14:45 PM) Secrets: just wanted to say thank you for preserving this game, i've done my own work on preserving everquest for mac and it's great to see other people volunteering to do so
  727. (7:15:46 PM) Secrets: and if you guys ever need any advice for code design, let me know, i don't have much time to dedicate because of work but i'll gladly take a look at performance issues
  728. (7:17:25 PM) Secrets: was talking to someone else in here earlier about replication of position updates, from what i've heard that can be optimized
  729. (7:17:40 PM) Azarael: yeah, at the moment that's causing it to bog
  730. (7:17:47 PM) Azarael: we had a chicken event earlier
  731. (7:17:53 PM) Azarael: but the region ground to a halt
  732. (7:18:09 PM) Azarael: one of the other developers is working on the network aspect of the emu atm
  733. (7:18:28 PM) Secrets: have you guys tried queueing position updates all at once, and then using a separate thread to send network data?
  734. (7:18:43 PM) Secrets: eqemu has sort of the same setup i'm describing
  735. (7:18:51 PM) Azarael: using a separate thread is on the agenda - the dev handling it mentioned that
  736. (7:19:10 PM) Secrets: that will help you guys tremendously
  737. (7:19:20 PM) Secrets: I have two - one for reading, one for writing
  738. (7:19:49 PM) Secrets: packets get put into an outbound queue - inside the packet itself is the opcode/struct
  739. (7:20:12 PM) Secrets: we only pass the data, size, and opcode to an encoder which handles the encryption process in a separate thread
  740. (7:20:16 PM) Secrets: the main game logic is separate
  741. (7:20:42 PM) Secrets: the other thing we did is separated game updates to the main thread after that was done
  742. (7:21:03 PM) Secrets: so all position updates aren't sent 'on client/event request', but instead in chunks every 'tick'
  743. (7:21:15 PM) Noiree: maybe turn off collision until the lag got fixed on dev server?
  744. (7:21:36 PM) Secrets: that way you don't send position updates that aren't needed
  745. (7:21:42 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: yeah, thought the chicken event would be a great stress test for you for that reason, basically only positional updates (some people still had tactics etc on, but not many)
  746. (7:21:58 PM) Azarael: yeah, it does everything wrong atm
  747. (7:22:01 PM) Azarael: packet sending on region thread
  748. (7:22:04 PM) Secrets: oh god
  749. (7:22:15 PM) TheShocker: Noiree: lol, really? XD
  750. (7:22:18 PM) Azarael: player state 2 is sent regardless of whether or not position changed, and without throttling, to all withn range
  751. (7:22:32 PM) Azarael: so yeah
  752. (7:22:34 PM) Secrets: yeah that could use some updates
  753. (7:22:41 PM) Noiree: if you apply the buffs before you turn into a chicken - the buffs stay active
  754. (7:23:05 PM) Secrets: is the public code pretty much the same with position updates?
  755. (7:23:13 PM) Secrets: if so, i'll take a look and rewrite it
  756. (7:23:41 PM) Secrets: great, thanks - we'll see what i can come up with
  757. (7:24:10 PM) Secrets: have 4 days off in a row, super bored
  758. (7:24:43 PM) Noiree: I heard some ppl play during times like these :P
  759. (7:25:45 PM) Secrets: programming is my irl job and hobby sooo yeah
  760. (7:25:45 PM) Azarael: and heh :D
  761. (7:26:27 PM) Secrets: i work doing coding/CSR stuff for a games company, and in my downtime i play/dev sometimes
  762. (7:26:47 PM) Secrets: job takes up a lot of my time though
  763. (7:26:49 PM) Noiree: well... I got to know ppl who start drooling when thinking about certain coding languages...
  764. (7:27:06 PM) Secrets: pretty much me, i love getting a new foreign project to work on
  765. (7:27:28 PM) Secrets: i'm like the crazy cat person of dead/dying mmos, love taking them on and revamping them
  766. (7:28:10 PM) Secrets: the company i work for does the same, so it's a great fit
  767. (7:30:48 PM) TheShocker: Secrets: I know what you mean, I write assembly for seriously old systems that are still running XD
  768. (7:30:51 PM) Noiree: what's the name of your company? gravedigger inc.?
  769. (7:31:19 PM) TheShocker: it's totally different but very similar at the same time XD
  770. (7:31:59 PM) TheShocker: some haskell too
  771. (7:32:48 PM) Secrets: jeez, delphi
  772. (7:33:17 PM) TheShocker: you really don't want to know where they still it
  773. (7:33:52 PM) Secrets: and i thought 2004-era engines were old :P
  774. (7:35:01 PM) Noiree: we still got win xp based pcs in our labs
  775. (7:38:36 PM) TheShocker: I think most ATMs still run xp these days
  776. (7:38:48 PM) TheShocker: like, 90+% of them all over the world
  777. (7:39:41 PM) Jojo^^ left the room (quit: Signed off).
  778. (7:40:27 PM) Noiree: saw the ATM rebooting after I inserted my card... card gone for several days
  779. (7:40:51 PM) TheShocker: yeah, always fun to see one BSOD too XD
  780. (7:41:16 PM) Noiree: it was so much fun... the amount of 'wtf?!'-moments was close to infinity
  781. (7:45:32 PM) Kulbuto left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  782. (7:47:12 PM) TheShocker: you know, cookie dough sounds a lot like bushido
  783. (7:58:46 PM) TheShocker: XD
  784. (7:59:10 PM) TheShocker: I actually do a pretty good Chuck D
  785. (8:03:35 PM) Fapharder left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  786. (8:05:05 PM) Noiree: this chan contains the nerd faction of the server
  787. (8:06:51 PM) Noiree: anyway...off to bed...happy rest of halloween folks
  788. (8:07:21 PM) Noiree left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  789. (8:10:59 PM) TheShocker: gosh, nerds? on IRC? no wai
  790. (8:52:23 PM) Genisaurus left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  791. (9:25:46 PM) Kup left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  792. (9:26:53 PM) firlam left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  793. (9:29:55 PM) TheShocker: Secrets: I swear, I maintain an IRC channel that's been around for 10 years, one of the first comments I got there was 'what, no yahoo chatroom???' XD
  794. (9:31:10 PM) Secrets: rofl
  795. (9:31:29 PM) TheShocker: uhuh
  796. (9:52:27 PM) Viny: Azarael: you are making women excited right now
  797. (9:52:37 PM) Azarael: so I hear :p
  798. (9:52:54 PM) TheShocker: you special like liberace
  799. (9:55:45 PM) Fluffmonster: Azarael: Are all rank 11 mastery tactics not working yet? At least on my rp the absorbproc tactic isn't : )
  800. (9:56:03 PM) Azarael: if I'm not wrong
  801. (9:56:17 PM) Azarael: dwarfs don't have a racial tactic for absorb
  802. (9:56:48 PM) TheShocker: liek, srsly
  803. (9:57:27 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: was I right about the t2 req btw?
  804. (9:58:08 PM) TheShocker: you don't get rp in t2 until rank 12 atm
  805. (9:58:15 PM) Medulla [webchat@x590c4cc3.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  806. (9:58:20 PM) Azarael: it's blocked for bos and keeps, yes
  807. (9:58:21 PM) TheShocker: which is wrong, t2 is rank 10-21
  808. (9:58:51 PM) TheShocker: that sucks tbh, makes me stuck in shitty t2 for 2 more ranks than should be required :(
  809. (9:59:15 PM) Azarael: t1 is best though
  810. (9:59:32 PM) TheShocker: not just BOs etc btw. didn't get rp for kills either
  811. (9:59:38 PM) Fluffmonster: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-YZSqqS4bgo/TCJ2qJehU4I/AAAAAAAAAHQ/VEMWiWyDvyg/s1600/healspec.png
  812. (9:59:41 PM) TheShocker: nah, t1 is a cesspool of idiots
  813. (9:59:53 PM) Fluffmonster: rank 11 in 'Grimnir', thats what I was talkin of : )
  814. (10:00:38 PM) TheShocker: would seriously be better if you /can/ go to t2 at rank 10 and are forced to at 12
  815. (10:00:56 PM) Fluffmonster: I skilled it for testing purposes and the tactic showed up red in the slot and was not working
  816. (10:00:57 PM) Azarael: yeah ancestor's echo is implemented
  817. (10:02:01 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: as much as I bitch btw, I fucking love you <3
  818. (10:02:11 PM) Azarael: ta :p
  819. (10:03:17 PM) TheShocker: everyone of the team that's not on here too, tell them magicthighs says he fucking loves them, no homo (also for the added creep factor)
  820. (10:04:56 PM) Fluffmonster: But I can try it again tomorrow when I login again. I'm pretty 100% sure it did not work.
  821. (10:05:15 PM) Azarael: wouldn't be a patch if I didn't forget something
  822. (10:05:26 PM) TheShocker: goddammit I JUST took a 60 min pot :P
  823. (10:05:41 PM) TheShocker: it's fine mate XD
  824. (10:05:47 PM) Azarael: but yeah, would have been super imbalanced scenarios with minplayers 1 requirement
  825. (10:05:58 PM) TheShocker: didn't cost me a thing, I make them
  826. (10:06:15 PM) TheShocker: glad you patched
  827. (10:07:34 PM) TheShocker: must be the crack cocaine
  828. (10:10:06 PM) TheShocker: did you break something, Azarael?
  829. (10:10:36 PM) Azarael: another flaw
  830. (10:10:49 PM) Azarael: server takes ages to load
  831. (10:10:53 PM) Azarael: because it caches the entire db
  832. (10:11:02 PM) Azarael: yyyup
  833. (10:11:06 PM) Toran [webchat@k9242.upc-k.chello.nl] entered the room.
  834. (10:11:09 PM) Azarael: someone should really get around to doing something about that
  835. (10:11:16 PM) TheShocker: ah yeah, got on now
  836. (10:11:37 PM) TheShocker: there's WAÅAAGGH to be had
  837. (10:13:44 PM) TheShocker: seriously though, just took one of my last blue pots just before the restart -_-
  838. (10:15:56 PM) Fluffmonster left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  839. (10:18:35 PM) Medulla left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  840. (10:25:16 PM) TheShocker: you know, when you enter a sc, and there;s 4 healers in group 1, and none in yours, and you ask the healers to spread out, and they don't respond, fuck them, right>
  841. (10:26:03 PM) Azarael: in any case, now that I can see nothing is catastrophically broken
  842. (10:26:06 PM) Azarael: l8rs
  843. (10:38:44 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  844. (10:41:37 PM) Toran left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  845. (10:48:04 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  846. (11:29:44 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  847. (11:59:02 PM) Melcene left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  848. (11/1/2015 12:48:28 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  849. (12:54:39 AM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  850. (2:17:46 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  851. (2:48:30 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: Website and Login are down due to DDOS || join the zombie chicken apocalypse tonight http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7091 || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  852. (2:48:30 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 8:54:36 AM on 10/31/2015
  853. (3:45:19 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  854. (4:06:04 AM) Jennifer [webchat@cable-188-2-89-25.dynamic.sbb.rs] entered the room.
  855. (4:06:27 AM) Jennifer: ello
  856. (4:09:27 AM) Jennifer left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  857. (4:14:51 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  858. (4:57:43 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: Website and Login are down due to DDOS || join the zombie chicken apocalypse tonight http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7091 || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  859. (4:57:43 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 8:54:36 AM on 10/31/2015
  860. (5:06:53 AM) Elratie_1 [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  861. (5:07:00 AM) ***Elratie_1 slaps Elratie around a bit with a large trout
  862. (5:09:26 AM) Elratie left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  863. (5:14:14 AM) Elratie_1 is now known as Elratie
  864. (5:15:36 AM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  865. (5:20:46 AM) Alcor [webchat@a95-92-138-93.cpe.netcabo.pt] entered the room.
  866. (5:24:36 AM) Kulbuto [webchat@85-170-148-115.rev.numericable.fr] entered the room.
  867. (6:31:51 AM) Fluffmonster [webchat@55d41bdb.access.ecotel.net] entered the room.
  868. (6:32:15 AM) Secrets [~Secrets@c-68-83-231-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  869. (6:32:36 AM) Secrets: Azarael: I just did some research on the codebase tonight
  870. (6:32:59 AM) Secrets: I noticed you guys were using a List for ranges instead of a HybridDictionary or HashSet
  871. (6:33:41 AM) Secrets: It may be faster to use a list in low latency scenarios, but then I found this
  872. (6:33:43 AM) Secrets: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150750/hashset-vs-list-performance
  873. (6:34:49 AM) Secrets: a HashSet stays pretty damn consistent over high numbers of entries - which seems to be what you guys are experiencing with ranges
  874. (6:35:16 AM) Secrets: a HashSet is slower with lower initial entries, but may be worth looking into
  875. (6:41:46 AM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  876. (7:06:14 AM) Azarael left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).
  877. (8:01:51 AM) Fluffmonster left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  878. (9:18:13 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  879. (9:39:43 AM) Stillmatic [webchat@92-244-5-185.customers.ownit.se] entered the room.
  880. (9:45:06 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  881. (10:09:42 AM) Stillmatic left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  882. (10:16:10 AM) Medulla [webchat@x590e4505.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  883. (10:24:09 AM) Syc [webchat@] entered the room.
  884. (10:45:02 AM) aerogath [webchat@ip-109-90-217-250.hsi11.unitymediagroup.de] entered the room.
  885. (10:45:30 AM) aerogath: Heyjo, is Nordenwatch buggy ? order can't flag Fortress the 5th game in a row.
  886. (10:46:43 AM) TheShocker: they're probably holding it wrong
  887. (10:47:12 AM) aerogath: standing at fortress alone and nobody can cap fortress :D
  888. (10:52:52 AM) Elratie: the one who first tap the flag will hold it the entire sc
  889. (11:09:49 AM) Stillmatic [webchat@92-244-5-185.customers.ownit.se] entered the room.
  890. (11:16:31 AM) aerogath left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  891. (11:30:08 AM) Syc left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  892. (11:42:11 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  893. (11:42:56 AM) sinisterror: is there rollback or something coming because that money cheat ?
  894. (11:43:10 AM) Noiree: if so, nobody will say before
  895. (11:43:26 AM) Noiree: and if so, they should wipe ah too otherwise some will hide their items there
  896. (12:02:28 PM) Elratie left the room (quit: Quit).
  897. (12:06:44 PM) Potato [webchat@] entered the room.
  898. (12:07:13 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  899. (12:07:43 PM) sinisterror: i was happy when i logged in first time in 3-4 weeks, killed few guys and got engi weird gloves and some guy gave me 1000g for it
  900. (12:07:56 PM) sinisterror: ´happinnes didnt last long when next day i heard about the cheat
  901. (12:12:44 PM) Noiree: order prizes were completely broken
  902. (12:13:11 PM) Noiree: I was told,someone sold underwork str brooches for 400g - destro prize was at max 40g
  903. (12:16:37 PM) Potato: i always thought order AH was way cheaper than the destro one
  904. (12:16:50 PM) Potato: found purple armor talis for like 10g
  905. (12:17:55 PM) Noiree: on destro you could barely sell lvl 19-23 gear for its suggested prize - on order you can easily add 1-2g to it and still sell it
  906. (12:18:12 PM) Noiree: lots of ppl were abusing the bug
  907. (12:18:33 PM) Noiree: and I think destro has a new gold bug atm
  908. (12:19:09 PM) Noiree: or just order... don't know https://github.com/WarEmu/WarBugs/issues/1762
  909. (12:19:54 PM) Potato: Aaah you could do that in t1 for like a week before the wipe
  910. (12:23:18 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  911. (12:25:19 PM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  912. (12:28:49 PM) Stillmatic left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  913. (12:58:19 PM) GeneralAdmiral [webchat@181-87-93-178.pool.ukrtel.net] entered the room.
  914. (1:08:36 PM) GeneralAdmiral: Hey guys, is it a known issue to have a terrible UI lag when someone joins or leaves WB?
  915. (1:08:46 PM) aerogath [webchat@ip-109-90-217-250.hsi11.unitymediagroup.de] entered the room.
  916. (1:09:22 PM) Viny: in all likelihood it's something with your addons
  917. (1:09:36 PM) GeneralAdmiral: I've already tried without addons
  918. (1:09:52 PM) Viny: delete Interface and user folders
  919. (1:10:03 PM) Viny: or back them up at least
  920. (1:10:13 PM) Viny: delete cache too while you're at it
  921. (1:10:28 PM) MiguelSnake [webchat@143.Red-81-35-232.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] entered the room.
  922. (1:10:50 PM) Viny: just a restart for the lag
  923. (1:11:07 PM) GeneralAdmiral: I just wanted to know if someone else had this problem so I won't dig it for nothing
  924. (1:11:38 PM) Viny: broader audience than IRC to get answers from
  925. (1:12:53 PM) aerogath left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  926. (1:17:43 PM) Urielson [webchat@] entered the room.
  927. (1:28:39 PM) Jojo^^ [~Jojo@Jojo1337.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  928. (1:37:10 PM) chumppi: what's happening
  929. (1:39:33 PM) TheShocker has changed the topic to: server's up || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  930. (1:42:08 PM) Viny: guess not everyone made it backl
  931. (1:51:17 PM) Viny: ooh heh
  932. (1:51:23 PM) Viny: we score 700 easily on primetime
  933. (2:20:07 PM) chumppi: really? never seen it in two weeks I've been here
  934. (2:27:09 PM) Strzyga: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BykHdjSTbDVraWx2UDlGUmRrSnM/view ha! my new lvl 1 char :P
  935. (2:39:58 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  936. (3:11:29 PM) MiguelSnake left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  937. (3:22:38 PM) GeneralAdmiral left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  938. (3:53:22 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  939. (3:53:46 PM) Viny: streams up at http://www.twitch.tv/timber_bdx
  940. (4:03:11 PM) Alcor left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  941. (4:43:39 PM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  942. (4:52:11 PM) Jojo^^ left the room (quit: Signed off).
  943. (4:52:41 PM) Azarael: hi
  944. (5:04:29 PM) Potato left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  945. (5:05:53 PM) TheShocker: it's really foggy here atm, so I went outside with a flashlight and pretended it was a lightsaber
  946. (5:09:06 PM) Medulla left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  947. (5:16:23 PM) Kulbuto left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  948. (5:16:54 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  949. (5:17:15 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  950. (5:42:43 PM) TheShocker: Noiree: are you close to the netherlands or is the fog just all over the place?
  951. (5:43:08 PM) Noiree: I live in northwester germany... and yes... the netherlands are about 30 mins away
  952. (5:43:42 PM) TheShocker: ah, figures then, I'm in the middle of the country
  953. (6:01:03 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  954. (6:07:06 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: EOF from client).
  955. (6:07:09 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  956. (6:56:43 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  957. (7:17:36 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  958. (7:19:43 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: server's up || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  959. (7:19:43 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 1:39:32 PM on 11/1/2015
  960. (7:30:51 PM) Strzyga left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  961. (7:45:27 PM) Noiree left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  962. (10:02:29 PM) Valnak: bolstering to 31 in scens now
  963. (10:08:56 PM) Secrets: finally had a chance to play this game last night
  964. (10:09:03 PM) Secrets: it's amazing how detailed the game is
  965. (10:21:32 PM) Shortarse [webchat@] entered the room.
  966. (10:28:22 PM) Shortarse left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  967. (10:44:29 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  968. (10:52:53 PM) Londo: did you play it when it was live?
  969. (11/2/2015 12:09:11 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  970. (12:42:05 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: server's up || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  971. (12:42:05 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 1:39:32 PM on 11/1/2015
  972. (12:56:42 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  973. (1:07:39 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: server's up || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  974. (1:07:39 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 1:39:32 PM on 11/1/2015
  975. (1:24:02 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  976. (1:39:30 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  977. (2:07:27 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: server's up || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  978. (2:07:27 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 1:39:32 PM on 11/1/2015
  979. (2:23:46 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  980. (2:46:52 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: server's up || http://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  981. (2:46:52 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 1:39:32 PM on 11/1/2015
  982. (4:22:53 AM) Krumlok [webchat@] entered the room.
  983. (4:29:27 AM) Krumlok left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  984. (5:03:27 AM) Secrets left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  985. (5:06:42 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  986. (6:10:58 AM) Potato [webchat@] entered the room.
  987. (6:39:24 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  988. (8:15:19 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  989. (8:16:10 AM) sinisterror: hmm i cant press connect on launcher
  990. (8:16:19 AM) sinisterror: well i can but nothing happens? anye solutions
  991. (8:20:12 AM) Viny: sinisterror: restart the launcher ~3 times
  992. (8:23:40 AM) sinisterror: yeah it worked when i tried like 15 times and first time i tried without using admmininstrator rights it worked
  993. (8:52:39 AM) Rheina [webchat@] entered the room.
  994. (8:54:37 AM) sinisterror: any know addons that cause lag or any addons that i should use for targeting and buffs etc, always used enemy and daocbuff but maybe theres something better
  995. (9:02:30 AM) sinisterror: yeah i think wsct caused somekindof pauses
  996. (9:02:35 AM) sinisterror: not sure if i remember right
  997. (9:04:22 AM) TheShocker: MGRemix too
  998. (9:06:34 AM) Rheina: just uninstalled wh, so bb guys and hf
  999. (9:07:04 AM) Rheina: i won't :P
  1000. (9:07:21 AM) Rheina: apparently my account got also banned cause of that stupid event
  1001. (9:07:39 AM) TheShocker: don't think anyone got banned for that, are you sure?
  1002. (9:08:00 AM) TheShocker: people did get banned for a gold exploit
  1003. (9:08:23 AM) TheShocker: you could buy a mount for 20g that sold for 60g to vendors
  1004. (9:08:45 AM) Rheina: i got banned during the event
  1005. (9:09:13 AM) Rheina: i was running as a chicken when suddently got killed by t1 ppl
  1006. (9:09:28 AM) Rheina: then i saw a GM chat saying no t1 pets allowed
  1007. (9:09:46 AM) Rheina: so since only pets didn't allowed i loged my t1 toon too
  1008. (9:09:55 AM) Potato: anyone using that addon that allows u to place ur morales on action bars?
  1009. (9:10:06 AM) TheShocker: think they ment put away your pets because they'll aggro on the chickens
  1010. (9:10:08 AM) Rheina: and then got banned from forum for like 1 hour but after than my account was still banned for 2 days later
  1011. (9:10:14 AM) TheShocker: and yeah, they could have communicated that better
  1012. (9:10:59 AM) TheShocker: can you post on the forums?
  1013. (9:11:05 AM) TheShocker: or is your account blocked there too?
  1014. (9:11:25 AM) TheShocker: Potato: I know that there is one, not sure what it's called though
  1015. (9:11:50 AM) Rheina: well then, since i know wh takes a lot lot time especialy for rr80 (whenever that will be released), i dont wanna risk all that time for some future stupid ban
  1016. (9:12:11 AM) Rheina: i could log on forums but didn;t try to post
  1017. (9:12:11 AM) TheShocker: Potato: viny uses it in his UI package, you could ask him
  1018. (9:12:43 AM) TheShocker: you could try PMing Azarael, Rheina, and explain that you misunderstood the GM messages
  1019. (9:13:25 AM) TheShocker: that's xyepp or wargrimnir on the forums
  1020. (9:13:30 AM) Rheina: i think its too late now :) Just came here to say bb to some ingame friends if they were here
  1021. (9:13:46 AM) TheShocker: you played on KA, didn't you?
  1022. (9:14:03 AM) Rheina: and norn, my order was on KA and destro on norn
  1023. (9:14:19 AM) TheShocker: I remember your name, had a BW on KA called magicthighs
  1024. (9:15:09 AM) TheShocker: really don't think it's too late to petition the ban, but it's your call
  1025. (9:15:39 AM) TheShocker: seen people post on the forum that tell the exact same story and aren't banned
  1026. (9:16:18 AM) Rheina: well my ban from forums was for 1 hour, but when i tried to log in game even 2 days after, it said account was not active
  1027. (9:17:16 AM) Potato: if u were banned, u wouldnt be able to log in on forums
  1028. (9:17:27 AM) TheShocker: yeah, could be a bug even
  1029. (9:19:04 AM) Viny: TheShocker: am now shocker, whats up
  1030. (9:19:17 AM) Rheina: well its too late now : just uninstalled wh and changed my account mail and pass into random stuff. Maybe i ll try in the future with new account when t4 will get released. Not really in the mood now after that
  1031. (9:19:24 AM) TheShocker: Potato was wondering which addon it is that lets you put morales on your action bars
  1032. (9:19:51 AM) TheShocker: yeah, I understand Rheina, do hope you come back some time
  1033. (9:19:51 AM) Rheina left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1034. (9:20:16 AM) Viny: Potato: HotbarMorale, would you like a link?
  1035. (9:20:48 AM) Viny: yes
  1036. (9:21:25 AM) Viny: luffy you sneaky bastard
  1037. (9:21:58 AM) TheShocker: LOL
  1038. (9:22:15 AM) TheShocker: ahahahahahaha
  1039. (9:22:45 AM) TheShocker: so glad I read the chat when you were streaming yesterday so I know what's going on XD
  1040. (9:23:26 AM) Potato: i realised he was streaming during the end :P
  1041. (9:23:46 AM) TheShocker: XD
  1042. (9:24:17 AM) TheShocker: got to go shopping for dinner, laters
  1043. (9:40:05 AM) sinisterror: wtt 200 order for 100 des gold, or order gold for destro liniments talismants potions etc
  1044. (9:40:12 AM) sinisterror: i dont like + 10 talismans ;(
  1045. (9:40:29 AM) sinisterror: who wants to duel endless duel with dps dok
  1046. (10:06:59 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1047. (10:07:45 AM) Elratie: aloha
  1048. (10:10:08 AM) Elratie: less and less people in the chan
  1049. (10:11:28 AM) TheShocker: yeah, until the next time the server dies, then we'll have 100 people here, and then slowly people leave again once the server's back up
  1050. (10:14:37 AM) TheShocker: I think IRC is too old school for a lot of people
  1051. (10:15:34 AM) TheShocker: yes
  1052. (10:15:44 AM) TheShocker: because their hair is stupid and they need to get off my lawn
  1053. (10:15:50 AM) TheShocker: :D
  1054. (10:16:08 AM) Potato: haha another hater :P
  1055. (10:16:22 AM) TheShocker: hate*
  1056. (10:16:27 AM) TheShocker: that requires too much energy
  1057. (10:16:51 AM) Potato: ask Viny, he can give you some pro tips :P
  1058. (10:17:28 AM) TheShocker: he'll learn to not give a shit
  1059. (10:18:24 AM) Sebbeleu: irc is pretty outdated in all honesty
  1060. (10:18:24 AM) TheShocker: time to make some caponata, laters
  1061. (10:28:54 AM) Sebbeleu: and here i am
  1062. (10:32:53 AM) Potato: Viny ur warboard link doesnt work for me ;(
  1063. (10:34:05 AM) Viny: shit maybe dropbox needs some permissions settings
  1064. (10:34:36 AM) Potato: it doesnt load up
  1065. (10:35:09 AM) Potato: ah it works if i log in on my dropbox acc
  1066. (10:43:38 AM) TheShocker: irc isn't outdated, if it were outdated there'd be something new with the same functionality only better
  1067. (10:43:47 AM) TheShocker: and that just doesn't exist
  1068. (10:44:32 AM) Viny[laptop] [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1069. (10:46:19 AM) TheShocker: http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/8ea3e9e8a02d384cd4ac61739db07c74/202902368/google-app-translation-test-2015-11-02-01.jpg heh
  1070. (11:07:52 AM) TheShocker: anyone else get dcd?
  1071. (11:12:31 AM) Niblolkik [webchat@88-106-190-100.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] entered the room.
  1072. (11:15:13 AM) Niblolkik left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1073. (11:19:15 AM) Medulla [webchat@x4db05416.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  1074. (11:29:46 AM) Viny[laptop]: eh? have I missed an orgy or something?
  1075. (11:30:08 AM) Wara [webchat@188-167-32-85.dynamic.chello.sk] entered the room.
  1076. (11:31:25 AM) Potato: you're too old for orgies
  1077. (11:48:21 AM) Elratie: for orgies you are never too old
  1078. (11:51:53 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1079. (12:18:46 PM) Viny[laptop] left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1080. (12:20:45 PM) Potato left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1081. (12:22:26 PM) Jojo^^ [~Jojo@Jojo1337.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1082. (12:45:06 PM) TheShocker: anyone know what the shortcut key is to bring up the groups window in scenarios?
  1083. (12:46:52 PM) Elratie: left key from 1
  1084. (12:47:29 PM) TheShocker: ah, thanks, couldn't figure it out last night, and kept forgetting to ask here
  1085. (1:01:24 PM) Viny: can't seem to be able to get in to the game
  1086. (1:05:12 PM) Viny: TheShocker: can you get in ok?
  1087. (1:08:29 PM) TheShocker: I got in, but the lag is insane again
  1088. (1:08:52 PM) TheShocker: huge order blob attacking SL keep
  1089. (1:09:13 PM) TheShocker: great, another pot wasted, that's the 4th today :|
  1090. (1:09:52 PM) Minimeow [webchat@x5f726e86.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  1091. (1:10:31 PM) TheShocker: got in again and was dcd after a few seconds, giving up for now
  1092. (1:11:15 PM) Viny: yeah I noticed
  1093. (1:11:59 PM) Viny: aaaaaand im dced
  1094. (1:12:19 PM) Fluffmonster [webchat@55d4116f.access.ecotel.net] entered the room.
  1095. (1:15:26 PM) Someone [webchat@dynamic-78-8-46-17.ssp.dialog.net.pl] entered the room.
  1096. (1:18:52 PM) sullemunk [webchat@90-230-181-53-no72.tbcn.telia.com] entered the room.
  1097. (1:24:52 PM) ***Someone is worried that something is happening somewhere...
  1098. (1:26:29 PM) Fluffmonster: D : don't make me afraid of something!
  1099. (1:27:55 PM) Jennifer [webchat@cable-188-2-89-25.dynamic.sbb.rs] entered the room.
  1100. (1:28:12 PM) ***Someone welcomes you
  1101. (1:28:14 PM) Yxskaft [webchat@c-bb44e155.05-6-6762673.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] entered the room.
  1102. (1:28:14 PM) blastoise_ [webchat@5356FC0B.cm-6-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] entered the room.
  1103. (1:28:49 PM) Viny: I like how just earlier we were talking about how old IRC is
  1104. (1:28:53 PM) Doktator [webchat@kbl-mdb5200.zeelandnet.nl] entered the room.
  1105. (1:29:00 PM) Viny: and now that shit hit the fan in the server room somewhere
  1106. (1:29:18 PM) Jennifer: i am playin atm
  1107. (1:29:34 PM) Viny: any lag?
  1108. (1:29:42 PM) Jennifer: for me
  1109. (1:31:14 PM) sullemunk: massive disconnects
  1110. (1:31:42 PM) Jennifer left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1111. (1:31:52 PM) Doktator left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1112. (1:31:54 PM) ***Someone might have even say we're being DDoS'd again, or something :(
  1113. (1:32:27 PM) Viny: last time it was weekend primetime
  1114. (1:32:41 PM) Viny: now its like monday evening
  1115. (1:32:48 PM) Yxskaft: it's monday, it's the most evil time for sure
  1116. (1:33:04 PM) Yxskaft: you get home from work, just want to chill with WAR, but no
  1117. (1:33:29 PM) Viny: pop looked very low all day from what I've seen
  1118. (1:33:47 PM) Viny: yeah
  1119. (1:34:16 PM) sullemunk: even the realm information tracker is dead atm
  1120. (1:34:21 PM) Someone: it's the punishment for all these stupid tank-bonkers on scenarios...
  1121. (1:34:46 PM) Viny: w/e I only have like 300 other games I can play
  1122. (1:57:45 PM) Yxskaft left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1123. (1:59:21 PM) Fluffmonster: I love the smell of disconnects in the morning (evening).!
  1124. (2:13:33 PM) Someone: you have a horrible taste in smells :/
  1125. (2:18:05 PM) Zednar [webchat@c-67-183-208-132.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  1126. (2:18:08 PM) Kermos [webchat@p54B7744A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1127. (2:19:50 PM) Zednar left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1128. (2:24:55 PM) Carrot [webchat@] entered the room.
  1129. (2:25:56 PM) Carrot: goddamit :P
  1130. (2:26:11 PM) TheShocker: you will always be Potato from now on
  1131. (2:27:08 PM) Carrot: but mum..i wanna be a carrot :(
  1132. (2:31:44 PM) TheShocker: can you be a mirepoix instead?
  1133. (2:32:03 PM) Wara left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1134. (2:33:04 PM) Carrot: judging by the name, it must be something french, so no :P
  1135. (2:33:27 PM) TheShocker: you racist against the french? :O
  1136. (2:35:46 PM) Carrot: i was forced to learn french, cant help it :(
  1137. (2:38:14 PM) Someone: Praize Tzeentch!!! My Chosen has been chosen!
  1138. (2:38:16 PM) Someone: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BykHdjSTbDVrSXFoSzllZHhBWTA/view?usp=sharing
  1139. (2:38:24 PM) Someone: not sure if I'm happy about that mutation tho'
  1140. (2:40:01 PM) Carrot: this is wrong on so many lvls
  1141. (2:41:57 PM) Fluffmonster: wtf :')
  1142. (2:46:08 PM) Fluffmonster: I can throw this in: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151102/73mrxli5.jpg (a bit older though)
  1143. (2:46:43 PM) Someone: Tzeentch is too strong in this one...
  1144. (2:47:19 PM) Someone: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BykHdjSTbDVrTHZJU1hTZ3F5RHc/view?usp=sharing my WE before mustation with my Chosen :/
  1145. (2:52:17 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1146. (2:52:45 PM) Carrot: http://i.imgur.com/NsycCcB.jpg good ol' t1 :')
  1147. (2:53:16 PM) BenzZ [webchat@] entered the room.
  1148. (2:54:48 PM) BenzZ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1149. (2:57:38 PM) Carrot: tu es francais? :O
  1150. (2:57:48 PM) Torax [webchat@k9242.upc-k.chello.nl] entered the room.
  1151. (2:59:08 PM) Niblolkik [webchat@88-106-190-100.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] entered the room.
  1152. (3:00:25 PM) Vallan [webchat@] entered the room.
  1153. (3:00:48 PM) TheShocker: un tres petit peut
  1154. (3:00:57 PM) Torax left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1155. (3:01:47 PM) Kolkuth [webchat@85-170-148-115.rev.numericable.fr] entered the room.
  1156. (3:02:35 PM) Carrot: was in the NL twice this year
  1157. (3:02:52 PM) ihasrabies [webchat@178-116-4-167.access.telenet.be] entered the room.
  1158. (3:05:49 PM) TheShocker: where'd you go? and that's one of the first times I've heard someone praise dutch food btw ;)
  1159. (3:06:02 PM) TheShocker: not saying there's not great dutch food, raw herring for instance is amazing
  1160. (3:08:22 PM) ihasrabies: the only dutch dish i know is 'broodje kroket'
  1161. (3:09:21 PM) TheShocker: yeah, those can be pretty good too, although the quality of kroketten has really gone down
  1162. (3:10:16 PM) Carrot: omg it was so tasty
  1163. (3:11:10 PM) TheShocker: yeah those are awesome
  1164. (3:11:22 PM) TheShocker: I have to bring those to my family in the US whenever I go there
  1165. (3:11:31 PM) Carrot: bitterballen as well :')
  1166. (3:12:02 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1167. (3:13:07 PM) TheShocker: yeah, those are the same as kroketten
  1168. (3:13:13 PM) TheShocker: you should try speculaas some time too
  1169. (3:13:25 PM) TheShocker: they're basically biscuits with what yanks call pumpkin spices
  1170. (3:14:25 PM) TheShocker: they're great
  1171. (3:14:37 PM) Carrot: got a friend living in Rotterdam so basically i tried almost everything :P
  1172. (3:14:52 PM) TheShocker: ever had endives mash with bacon bits?
  1173. (3:15:37 PM) Carrot: sweet memories
  1174. (3:15:37 PM) TheShocker: amazingly good isn't it? XD
  1175. (3:16:45 PM) Carrot: everybody was talking about dutch weed but i was so obsessed with the food :P
  1176. (3:35:37 PM) Vallan left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1177. (3:42:20 PM) blastoise_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1178. (3:49:08 PM) TheShocker: yeah, shitloads
  1179. (3:49:19 PM) TheShocker: thanks goes to your zerg at CoT
  1180. (3:50:44 PM) TheShocker: the keep in ellyrion
  1181. (3:51:27 PM) TheShocker: it's fine, got 2 ranks and 3 renown ranks off the bozos
  1182. (3:51:36 PM) TheShocker: in about 10 minutes
  1183. (3:54:20 PM) Merz [webchat@ip72-193-104-101.lv.lv.cox.net] entered the room.
  1184. (3:54:42 PM) Merz: DC's everywhere i look
  1185. (3:54:58 PM) Niblolkik: cant get charactor
  1186. (3:58:48 PM) Niblolkik left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1187. (4:12:13 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1188. (4:17:16 PM) TheShocker: don't bother trying to get in, you get dcd every 5 minutes anyway
  1189. (4:18:15 PM) dike [webchat@] entered the room.
  1190. (4:19:38 PM) ravz [webchat@host109-147-123-140.range109-147.btcentralplus.com] entered the room.
  1191. (4:21:03 PM) ravz left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1192. (4:23:44 PM) liryc [webchat@] entered the room.
  1193. (4:43:22 PM) Jojo^^ left the room (quit: Signed off).
  1194. (4:56:44 PM) liryc left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1195. (5:01:40 PM) Carrot left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1196. (5:05:08 PM) Nurwar [webchat@AMontsouris-655-1-53-188.w90-44.abo.wanadoo.fr] entered the room.
  1197. (5:07:12 PM) Nurwar left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1198. (5:11:37 PM) Merz: login server is down D:
  1199. (5:12:29 PM) TheShocker: try closing and opening the launcher a few times, it'll probably show as online again
  1200. (5:12:47 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1201. (5:22:53 PM) Kolkuth left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1202. (5:32:15 PM) asdasd [webchat@223.Red-83-41-230.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] entered the room.
  1203. (5:32:59 PM) asdasd: launched dodnt work
  1204. (5:36:25 PM) asdasd: please help me
  1205. (5:36:31 PM) ***asdasd slaps Merz around a bit with a large fishbot
  1206. (5:37:49 PM) asdasd: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  1207. (5:38:00 PM) asdasd: IM BEING MURDERED
  1208. (5:41:17 PM) TheShocker: yeah, more people are having problems, no idea what's going on
  1209. (5:44:40 PM) TheShocker has changed the topic to: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  1210. (5:47:41 PM) Zednar [webchat@c-67-183-208-132.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  1211. (5:48:14 PM) Zednar left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1212. (5:51:21 PM) TommyB [webchat@68-184-116-252.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] entered the room.
  1213. (5:51:48 PM) TommyB: strange that some people can log while others cant
  1214. (5:52:43 PM) TheShocker: earlier on I had problems loggin in too, closing and reopening the launcher a few times fixed it
  1215. (5:52:59 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1216. (5:53:00 PM) TheShocker: it's probably related to the DDoS, protection dropping legitimate traffic
  1217. (5:53:56 PM) TheShocker: not sure, give it a go
  1218. (6:03:43 PM) Nom [webchat@124-170-176-4.dyn.iinet.net.au] entered the room.
  1219. (6:07:46 PM) ihasrabies left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1220. (6:08:08 PM) Fluffmonster left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1221. (6:08:42 PM) TommyB: nope, been trying on and off for an hour
  1222. (6:08:53 PM) TheShocker: it's definitely aliens if you ask me
  1223. (6:10:26 PM) Nom: has anyone been able to get on in the last hour ?
  1224. (6:11:35 PM) TheShocker: no idea, haven't tried, been watching tv
  1225. (6:32:33 PM) zEDNAR [webchat@c-67-183-208-132.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  1226. (6:33:04 PM) zEDNAR left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1227. (6:40:25 PM) Merz left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1228. (6:42:42 PM) TommyB left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1229. (6:49:46 PM) asdasd: just had to restart a couple times
  1230. (7:04:24 PM) TheShocker: lag doesn't seem so bad atm
  1231. (7:06:35 PM) sullemunk left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1232. (7:10:15 PM) Zednar [webchat@c-67-183-208-132.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] entered the room.
  1233. (7:11:48 PM) Kermos left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1234. (7:12:55 PM) Zednar left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1235. (7:42:40 PM) Nom left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1236. (7:44:04 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1237. (8:08:41 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1238. (8:15:58 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  1239. (8:55:07 PM) daela left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1240. (9:06:50 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1241. (9:20:18 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1242. (9:31:15 PM) Medulla left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1243. (9:33:48 PM) asdasd left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1244. (9:35:35 PM) Minimeow left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1245. (10:16:51 PM) Viny[laptop] [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1246. (10:23:36 PM) daela [~daela@172-15-218-187.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
  1247. (10:32:51 PM) Viny[laptop] left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1248. (10:34:44 PM) Someone left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1249. (10:45:41 PM) dike left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1250. (11:59:20 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  1251. (11/3/2015 12:25:31 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  1252. (1:10:06 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1253. (1:15:04 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  1254. (1:30:45 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  1255. (2:38:11 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  1256. (2:38:11 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  1257. (3:42:42 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1258. (3:42:54 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-159-230.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  1259. (4:24:09 AM) Londo left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1260. (5:01:18 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  1261. (6:56:51 AM) Cucumber [webchat@] entered the room.
  1262. (7:01:46 AM) Cucumber left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1263. (7:04:16 AM) TheShocker: ugh, there's some fucking retarded people playing this game
  1264. (7:12:21 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1265. (7:13:56 AM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1266. (7:33:48 AM) TheShocker: someone opens a wb, tells people to join, then seemingly kicks random people (think they might not have been rank 26, but he kicked almost all of the healers too), has all the healers that remain in the same group, and refuses to listen to anyone
  1267. (7:44:39 AM) Viny: solution: open your own wb and manage it properly
  1268. (8:00:44 AM) Tissue [webchat@] entered the room.
  1269. (8:13:52 AM) TheShocker: I'm not running no pug wb
  1270. (8:56:35 AM) Viny: I thought of it
  1271. (8:56:45 AM) Viny: I even got a ts server running for it
  1272. (9:20:27 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1273. (9:33:46 AM) Viny: hey Elratie
  1274. (9:54:06 AM) Elratie: seems most player wait for T3
  1275. (10:07:59 AM) Viny: I still have 5rr to murder before I get my 3d tactic slot
  1276. (10:08:17 AM) Viny: tried farming a bit today but these fucking rp warbands are a fucking nightmare
  1277. (10:58:56 AM) Tissue: suzu got banned? :(
  1278. (10:59:29 AM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1279. (11:01:51 AM) TheShocker: apparently, Tissue
  1280. (11:02:15 AM) TheShocker: Viny: please send this to luffy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZJXWkWeS2k
  1281. (11:02:36 AM) TheShocker: oh wait, Tissue, that's for you :P
  1282. (11:04:02 AM) TheShocker: :P
  1283. (11:06:35 AM) Tissue: you confuse me with someone else, im Tissue :P
  1284. (11:06:53 AM) TheShocker: tu sei la patata. se ti parlo la tua voce, mi risponde stranamente con accento straniero
  1285. (11:07:40 AM) Tissue: my god, how many languages do u speak :P
  1286. (11:08:14 AM) TheShocker: I speak 2 well and about 6 really badly
  1287. (11:09:33 AM) TheShocker: although, I did know what trockenproviant meant earlier on XD
  1288. (11:09:43 AM) TheShocker: which is not a common word XD
  1289. (11:09:57 AM) TheShocker: Suzu = asuzu, or azuzu, not sure, a sorc
  1290. (11:10:22 AM) TheShocker: oh hey Azarael, didn't notice you joining
  1291. (11:10:45 AM) Elratie: ah k never saw ingame
  1292. (11:11:10 AM) Azarael: hi
  1293. (11:11:54 AM) TheShocker: he's from the US though, so not the same timezone
  1294. (11:17:39 AM) Elratie: Hi Aza
  1295. (11:19:37 AM) Elratie: so what did 'he/she/it' do? burnt some witches? cheated his wife? exploited some gold from items? killed player with one shot? traveled between tima and space?
  1296. (11:19:44 AM) TheShocker: loads of spam on the forums suddenly
  1297. (11:20:07 AM) Viny: it's just this one idiot trolling his two threads
  1298. (11:20:24 AM) Viny: although I do have to admit I haven't seen suzu in a while
  1299. (11:20:35 AM) Viny: would be shit if he got banned, he ran a tight crew
  1300. (11:20:57 AM) Elratie: yeah just looking on page to look if there is a news, the people are just gotten shit and sickening to the brain
  1301. (11:21:29 AM) Elratie: good old T1 times :)
  1302. (11:21:42 AM) TheShocker: running a tight crew is not an excuse if you're exploiting though
  1303. (11:21:47 AM) Viny: suzu is taking a break and he just got free publicity for his UI and stream
  1304. (11:22:59 AM) Viny: I don't imagine Azarael would confirm or deny, there's a reason they keep ban lists private
  1305. (11:23:40 AM) Viny: ban wave post on the front page is Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:19
  1306. (11:23:55 AM) Viny: suzus profile says Last visited:Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:12 pm
  1307. (11:24:21 AM) Viny: it's called deduction
  1308. (11:24:22 AM) Elratie: the questions was more for tissue since he brought it up with suzu
  1309. (11:24:38 AM) Viny: I think he just meant the forums
  1310. (11:24:46 AM) TheShocker: tissue's real name is potato
  1311. (11:25:45 AM) TheShocker: Azarael: last week when I had a few beers I made a witch elf called Dicksucking, is that allowed?
  1312. (11:25:52 AM) TheShocker: he last name was supposed to be Ducklips
  1313. (11:26:19 AM) Tissue: http://i.imgur.com/t1tb9EQ.jpg?1
  1314. (11:28:39 AM) Tissue: potato-chan :3
  1315. (11:29:47 AM) Azarael: considered asking Suzu directly?
  1316. (11:30:15 AM) TheShocker: try his twitch
  1317. (11:30:17 AM) Viny: and if he is banned then asking on forums wouldn't be conclusive
  1318. (11:31:19 AM) Viny: I'm afraid to ask :<
  1319. (11:31:35 AM) Tissue: hahahaha
  1320. (11:32:41 AM) TheShocker: think I'm going to switch my engi to grenadier instead of rifleman
  1321. (11:32:56 AM) TheShocker: at least while leveling, getting so much renown from tagging people with aoe XD
  1322. (11:33:16 AM) TheShocker: they're fun
  1323. (11:34:46 AM) Tissue: i have a low lvl one, so boring >.<
  1324. (11:35:54 AM) TheShocker: nah, they debuff their own damage type (like BWs can with the ignite tactic), they're pretty good if you know what you're doing
  1325. (11:36:20 AM) TheShocker: only they don't need a tactic for it, they have an aoe grenade that does it for them
  1326. (11:36:36 AM) Viny: I wish puddle on shammy lowered all resists
  1327. (11:36:43 AM) Viny: would be so nice for double sorc premades
  1328. (11:36:49 AM) TheShocker: that + armor debuffs is hilarious in t1, you can see the tanks melt before your eyes
  1329. (11:37:12 AM) Tissue: still one of the most boring classes :P
  1330. (11:37:14 AM) TheShocker: chosen have a spirit debuff
  1331. (11:37:32 AM) TheShocker: an aura that does it, great for sorc bombing
  1332. (11:38:57 AM) Tissue: screw chosen, get a BO to punt ppl out of the aoe :')
  1333. (11:41:37 AM) TheShocker: Exile
  1334. (11:41:49 AM) Viny: path of exile is an awesome game
  1335. (11:41:55 AM) TheShocker: best punt in the game
  1336. (11:42:11 AM) Viny: I such at it badly but my god do I love playing it
  1337. (11:42:36 AM) Elratie: Shocker try Pricksucking
  1338. (11:44:52 AM) TheShocker: http://www.returnofreckoning.com/armory.php?character_id=176906&character_name=Dicksucking too late
  1339. (11:45:33 AM) TheShocker: 'you were killed by dicksucking', that's got to hurt, no?
  1340. (11:45:45 AM) Viny: aaaaaaaand that's enough internet for today
  1341. (11:46:14 AM) Tissue: HAHAHAHAHAH
  1342. (11:55:40 AM) TheShocker: Azarael: any idea what caused the massive lag and disconnects yesterday btw?
  1343. (11:56:13 AM) TheShocker: coincided with a huge destro blob attacking CoT
  1344. (12:00:27 PM) Viny: ow max spotted on the forums
  1345. (12:01:05 PM) Tissue: there are no longer brackets on t2 scs?
  1346. (12:02:20 PM) Azarael: t2 bolster is 26
  1347. (12:02:27 PM) Azarael: because of the current level caps
  1348. (12:02:59 PM) TheShocker: ahh, is the lvl 31 bolster only in the t3 sc that you added?
  1349. (12:04:32 PM) Azarael: you should get 31 bolster in all scenarios if you're in the t3 bracket
  1350. (12:18:15 PM) TheShocker: think that would just make people with high end tallies and gear even more OP
  1351. (12:25:37 PM) Londo [webchat@] entered the room.
  1352. (12:27:19 PM) Fluffmonster [webchat@55d403da.access.ecotel.net] entered the room.
  1353. (12:30:38 PM) chaser_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  1354. (12:31:08 PM) Elratie: hi
  1355. (12:31:37 PM) chaser_: Where ti pick up the quest for killing 150 enemy players on the Order side?
  1356. (12:36:20 PM) Viny: order or destro
  1357. (12:37:02 PM) chaser_: Im on a bloody iphone at the moment so ill try to answer the q again in a while one a cpu so i can idke for the answer. Peace good ppl
  1358. (12:37:12 PM) chaser_: Viny
  1359. (12:37:19 PM) chaser_: Order side
  1360. (12:37:48 PM) chaser_: Peace
  1361. (12:39:48 PM) chaser_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1362. (12:43:39 PM) Elratie: Trollcountry Warcamp west exit
  1363. (12:48:30 PM) chaser_ [webchat@h75n9-m-rg-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com] entered the room.
  1364. (12:49:12 PM) chaser_: here again
  1365. (12:55:29 PM) Elratie: wb
  1366. (12:55:46 PM) Elratie: <Elratie> Trollcountry Warcamp west exit/ your quest
  1367. (12:57:28 PM) chaser_: didn't finish the question before u answered :)
  1368. (1:01:30 PM) Viny: the lag is real
  1369. (1:08:41 PM) chaser_: is it still like yesterday when u got DC'ed after 12 secs?
  1370. (1:10:07 PM) Viny: just lag
  1371. (1:18:23 PM) chaser_: yeah, it is way better then last night
  1372. (1:19:49 PM) TheShocker: I thought it was hilarious, destro showed up with a ginormous blob at CoT which had maybe 10-15 people in it max and got wrecked XD
  1373. (1:19:59 PM) TheShocker: got 2 levels and 3 rr out of it
  1374. (1:25:30 PM) Viny: I was getting reat fps at the keep earlier
  1375. (1:29:12 PM) TheShocker: just falafel
  1376. (1:29:52 PM) chaser_: where u from Shocker?
  1377. (1:31:58 PM) TheShocker: nah, I'm dutch
  1378. (1:37:32 PM) Elratie left the room (quit: Quit).
  1379. (1:38:53 PM) TheShocker: ....no?
  1380. (1:39:23 PM) TheShocker: oh goddammit
  1381. (1:40:08 PM) Viny: I've been thinking about doing gear giveaways on stream
  1382. (1:40:29 PM) Viny: but idk how much I'll be streaming these days so w/e
  1383. (1:44:04 PM) Tissue: WTB server restart, paying well
  1384. (1:47:43 PM) TheShocker: restart won't fix anything as long as people keep zerging
  1385. (1:48:47 PM) Zanilos [webchat@97e7c48a.skybroadband.com] entered the room.
  1386. (1:49:12 PM) Strzyga [webchat@] entered the room.
  1387. (1:49:19 PM) Strzyga: :(
  1388. (1:53:20 PM) Merz [webchat@ip72-193-104-101.lv.lv.cox.net] entered the room.
  1389. (1:57:55 PM) Strzyga: is there a list of confirmed/working renown abilities available somewhere, on forum maybe?
  1390. (2:04:19 PM) Viny: Strzyga: here you go http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6355&hilit=renown+abilities#p69956
  1391. (2:06:29 PM) Strzyga: deft defender and reflexes <3
  1392. (2:18:47 PM) Tissue: is it still laggy? anyone on?
  1393. (2:21:40 PM) Tissue: sad panda :(
  1394. (2:39:47 PM) Tissue: seems less laggy to me
  1395. (2:40:16 PM) Nurwar [webchat@AMontsouris-655-1-53-188.w90-44.abo.wanadoo.fr] entered the room.
  1396. (2:43:54 PM) Nurwar left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1397. (2:52:06 PM) Strzyga: bad jokes don't go unnoticed by server
  1398. (2:52:08 PM) Minimeow [webchat@x5f734d1a.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  1399. (2:52:31 PM) Strzyga: I said on /advice 'WTB lag resistance amulets' and almost instantly crashed
  1400. (2:53:16 PM) Tissue: sign from God
  1401. (2:53:25 PM) Merz: praise the raven gods
  1402. (2:53:26 PM) Medulla [webchat@x590d9883.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  1403. (2:53:27 PM) Strzyga: I guess I'll just shut up from now on :/
  1404. (2:55:27 PM) Merz: i cant connect ;-; is it still restarting?
  1405. (2:55:32 PM) Strzyga: at least I'll stop woith bad puns about the lag, server hamster god noticed me :(
  1406. (2:57:12 PM) Merz: i cant connect ;-;
  1407. (2:57:45 PM) Strzyga: happens during server reboots y'know
  1408. (2:58:03 PM) Viny: d
  1409. (2:59:42 PM) Merz: inb4 skips t3 and goes straight to t4
  1410. (3:01:07 PM) Macavity` [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1411. (3:03:08 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1412. (3:11:57 PM) Kolkuth [webchat@85-170-148-115.rev.numericable.fr] entered the room.
  1413. (4:43:55 PM) TheShocker: found a great guild btw, Viny :)
  1414. (4:47:19 PM) Viny: if you have a 6 man going now would be the time to queue :)
  1415. (5:03:45 PM) TheShocker: just logged off, we were roaming with a pretty random setup, had a lot of fun though
  1416. (5:04:26 PM) TheShocker: rp, wp, sl, sw, my bw and one more I forgot
  1417. (5:04:36 PM) TheShocker: went really well though :D
  1418. (5:13:05 PM) Merz left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1419. (5:14:43 PM) TheShocker: good to find a group of people who know not to follow a 'retreat', and how to roam around a bit
  1420. (5:14:54 PM) TheShocker: think we pissed off epo/eepo's group though XD
  1421. (5:15:01 PM) TheShocker: got accused of running a bombing group
  1422. (5:15:36 PM) TheShocker: we did outnumber them, tbh
  1423. (5:15:55 PM) TheShocker: should ask them for a 6v6 whenever I level my kotbs
  1424. (5:16:13 PM) TheShocker: we could use an IB too, guess I'll level one of those too :P
  1425. (5:16:52 PM) Viny: come mod on the channel if you're not playing :)
  1426. (5:17:13 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  1427. (5:26:28 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  1428. (5:26:28 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  1429. (5:50:32 PM) Kolkuth left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1430. (6:03:29 PM) Fluffmonster left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1431. (6:04:53 PM) TheShocker: was fun to watch again, viny
  1432. (6:05:12 PM) Viny: ye it got better towards the end
  1433. (6:05:24 PM) Viny: shitloads of buffering at the start tho, no clue why
  1434. (6:05:52 PM) TheShocker: was the game really choppy for you too at some points?
  1435. (6:06:50 PM) Viny: stutters
  1436. (6:11:43 PM) TheShocker: anyone got a gfx card recommendation? time to upgrade again
  1437. (6:12:45 PM) Tissue: its that time of the year? :P
  1438. (6:13:01 PM) Viny: dx 12 looks very tasty
  1439. (6:13:07 PM) Viny: I got fucked over with this nvidia lock
  1440. (6:13:22 PM) TheShocker: nvidia does dx12 too though
  1441. (6:13:59 PM) Viny: it will be destroyed in benchmarks
  1442. (6:13:59 PM) TheShocker: tbh I had horrible experiences with amd cards
  1443. (6:19:16 PM) Zanilos left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1444. (6:28:02 PM) Viny: well I'm off TheShocker, thanks for stopping by on the channel
  1445. (6:29:24 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1446. (6:29:29 PM) TheShocker: think I'll call it a night too, tired as hell
  1447. (6:30:22 PM) chaser_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1448. (6:35:40 PM) Strzyga left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1449. (7:41:51 PM) Londo left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1450. (8:49:25 PM) Medulla left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1451. (8:49:41 PM) Genisaurus [webchat@c-69-250-44-136.hsd1.va.comcast.net] entered the room.
  1452. (8:50:00 PM) Genisaurus left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1453. (9:03:16 PM) Londo [webchat@] entered the room.
  1454. (9:15:15 PM) TheShocker: POTATO!
  1455. (9:17:05 PM) Tissue left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1456. (10:27:57 PM) Macavity` left the room (quit: Signed off).
  1457. (11:17:07 PM) Minimeow left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1458. (11/4/2015 2:02:50 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  1459. (3:12:39 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  1460. (3:12:39 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  1461. (3:34:39 AM) Strzyga [webchat@dynamic-78-8-46-17.ssp.dialog.net.pl] entered the room.
  1462. (4:57:38 AM) Strzyga left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1463. (7:09:11 AM) Teddybear [webchat@] entered the room.
  1464. (7:29:10 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1465. (7:43:02 AM) Azarael [~Azarael@cpc65021-brad20-2-0-cust146.17-1.cable.virginm.net] entered the room.
  1466. (7:43:02 AM) Azarael left the room (quit: Registered).
  1467. (7:43:02 AM) Azarael [~Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1468. (7:46:42 AM) TheShocker: Viny: you disgust me, grouping up with sekundus
  1469. (7:47:06 AM) Azarael: diligent in his quest of ganking random order with a 6man
  1470. (7:47:30 AM) TheShocker: runs away as soon as the going gets tough
  1471. (7:48:41 AM) TheShocker: no lowbie low enough to gank
  1472. (7:48:54 AM) Azarael: He truly understands the spirit of WAR
  1473. (7:49:16 AM) Azarael: and if those lowbies will insult him by existing in his presence
  1474. (7:51:11 AM) Viny: give me a break
  1475. (7:51:19 AM) Viny: m just trying to score some renown :<
  1476. (7:51:23 AM) TheShocker: NO BREAKS
  1477. (7:51:29 AM) Viny: fucking get your own squad then
  1478. (7:51:52 AM) TheShocker: yeah, so much renown in killing single level 15 order :P
  1479. (7:52:02 AM) Viny: maybe you are 15
  1480. (7:52:08 AM) Viny: get the fo out of rvr lake then? :D
  1481. (7:52:28 AM) TheShocker: blame Azarael for raising the level cap in t2 :P
  1482. (7:53:03 AM) TheShocker: what are you supposed to do before level 26? PVE? kill champ rats? lol
  1483. (7:53:15 AM) Azarael: do I hear the sound of falling tears?
  1484. (7:53:28 AM) TheShocker: nah, that's vomit falling on the ground
  1485. (7:53:34 AM) Viny: az wth happened to anywhere traine
  1486. (7:53:41 AM) Viny: was it disabled or did something break
  1487. (7:54:26 AM) Azarael: AT should work for specializing
  1488. (7:54:36 AM) Viny: but why? :<
  1489. (7:54:50 AM) Azarael: off to the keep with ya :D
  1490. (7:55:40 AM) TheShocker: that didn't work on live either
  1491. (7:57:07 AM) TheShocker: got accused of running a bombing group by Epo's team yesterday XD
  1492. (7:57:10 AM) Viny: and I'm in dps gear atm, dpsing like a boss
  1493. (7:57:23 AM) Viny: don't tell anyone or they'll kick me out of the guild
  1494. (7:57:26 AM) TheShocker: we were running without any tanks, one person was level 20, and I was the only BW
  1495. (7:58:42 AM) Viny: how many people do you have in BV right now?
  1496. (8:00:04 AM) TheShocker: there was virtually nobody there when I left
  1497. (8:00:16 AM) TheShocker: think I had 400% AAO when you were roaming
  1498. (8:02:14 AM) TheShocker: there's just nothing to do, destro keeps traveling in a huge server crushing blob
  1499. (8:05:58 AM) Viny: yeah we had a strong group at stk earlier
  1500. (8:06:38 AM) Viny: website says only 4% pop advantage but it's different for our bracket probably
  1501. (8:09:04 AM) Teddybear left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1502. (8:09:14 AM) TheShocker: Azarael: there are a couple dozen altars of the raven floating in the air at the docks in altdorf XD
  1503. (8:09:30 AM) Azarael: how rageworthy
  1504. (8:11:04 AM) TheShocker: nah, even less rageworthy than someone calling latency ping
  1505. (8:12:53 AM) Azarael: but it's such a common usage, especially in a gaming context
  1506. (8:13:05 AM) Azarael: (UT2004, for example, displays it as PING: x in the scoreboard)
  1507. (8:13:14 AM) Azarael: you know how language evolves
  1508. (8:13:23 AM) TheShocker: heh, actually agree with you on that
  1509. (8:13:25 AM) Azarael: usages which are strictly wrong can adopt the correct meaning through sheer usage
  1510. (8:13:33 AM) TheShocker: but I'm old, so I get to be annoyed by it XD
  1511. (8:13:40 AM) Viny: TheShocker: do you remember some guy in irc asked about lag spikes while in warband
  1512. (8:13:47 AM) TheShocker: nah
  1513. (8:13:55 AM) TheShocker: please don't bother Azarael XD
  1514. (8:14:14 AM) TheShocker: or the last one that did it anyway
  1515. (8:14:31 AM) Viny: I'm having that now by the looks of it :/
  1516. (8:14:50 AM) TheShocker: are you in a warband zerging or is there actual opposition?
  1517. (8:15:18 AM) Viny: because, you know, very fun to do that apparently
  1518. (8:16:50 AM) TheShocker: also, Azarael, UT2004 is still an awesome game
  1519. (8:17:00 AM) TheShocker: actual still play it regularly
  1520. (8:17:15 AM) Viny: we just wiped
  1521. (8:17:23 AM) Viny: he streams sometimes
  1522. (8:17:31 AM) TheShocker: well that explains your lag
  1523. (8:17:49 AM) TheShocker: and shame, could have used the shitload of xp/rp defending
  1524. (8:20:59 AM) Azarael: mostly when I play UT2004 now it's on the mod servers we run
  1525. (8:23:06 AM) TheShocker: I play with a very specific set of mods usually
  1526. (8:23:12 AM) TheShocker: forget the names, hold on, I'll check
  1527. (8:24:35 AM) TheShocker: and a translocator mutator that makes it act like in original ut
  1528. (8:25:17 AM) TheShocker: basically just high damage but not instagib level
  1529. (8:25:36 AM) TheShocker: and some really cool guns, biogel assault rifle with scope etc
  1530. (8:25:45 AM) TheShocker: ok now I need to play some ut2004 :P
  1531. (8:26:33 AM) TheShocker: used to host a server with friends, a long long time ago, using elitemachines
  1532. (8:27:01 AM) Azarael: our servers are for assault/race, ballistic weapons, invasion (bw again) and some miscellaneous mods like chaosut
  1533. (8:27:01 AM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1534. (8:27:11 AM) Azarael: I mostly played Assault in the game's heyday, with some TAM
  1535. (8:27:23 AM) Azarael: hard to get games of AS these days tho
  1536. (8:27:26 AM) Azarael: so I mostly play ballistic weapons
  1537. (8:34:31 AM) TheShocker: I really liked onslaught too
  1538. (8:35:29 AM) Azarael: yup
  1539. (8:35:52 AM) TheShocker: especially with ridiculously powerful weapons, and on that desert map with the ruins
  1540. (8:36:10 AM) TheShocker: seriously high pace, match decided in 10 seconds sometimes
  1541. (8:47:21 AM) TheShocker: Azarael: you guys know that when you get killed, log off, then log on again later you're alive in the spot where you died, right?
  1542. (8:50:45 AM) TheShocker: ah ok, keep seeing that abused by the same people checking if keeps are still defended
  1543. (8:54:34 AM) Viny: turned out suzu was banned after all
  1544. (8:54:40 AM) Viny: I talked to a guy from fc yesterday
  1545. (8:56:13 AM) Azarael: thought I'd dropped enough hints
  1546. (8:57:34 AM) Viny: I didn't want to believe :<
  1547. (8:58:05 AM) Viny: it sucks big time
  1548. (9:00:35 AM) Viny: I wonder how many order players were banned of those 70
  1549. (9:02:05 AM) TheShocker: none*
  1550. (9:02:17 AM) TheShocker: Azarael is order-biased, remember?
  1551. (9:02:40 AM) Azarael: but the GM corps handles bans
  1552. (9:02:48 AM) Azarael: so I guess that old chestnut won't work here ^_^
  1553. (9:02:53 AM) TheShocker: oh there you go again with your facts -_-
  1554. (9:03:05 AM) Azarael: of the players whose account names I recognised from the forum
  1555. (9:03:13 AM) Azarael: there were an equal number on order and destruction who were banned.
  1556. (9:04:16 AM) Viny: ow is the new sp episode out today?
  1557. (9:08:00 AM) TheShocker: I remember when they were still funny
  1558. (9:08:50 AM) Viny: they've been running out of steam lately
  1559. (9:09:02 AM) Viny: now they've just been around for too long
  1560. (9:19:31 AM) Sebbeleu: they even parody simpsons for running too long, lol
  1561. (9:21:22 AM) TheShocker: sekundus running away from an equal number of lowbies again, w00t, skill XD
  1562. (9:23:24 AM) TheShocker: choppa was killing newly created characters in the starting zone -_-
  1563. (9:23:31 AM) TheShocker: bet it's the same person who did that a few days back
  1564. (9:23:52 AM) TheShocker: name was cutechoppa in this case, Azarael, if you care ;)
  1565. (9:24:15 AM) TheShocker: haven't seen it personally, just saw people complain in /ad
  1566. (9:24:46 AM) Azarael: well, kills on Order at the starting zone will show in the rvr ticker as from Grimmenhagen
  1567. (9:24:58 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1568. (9:25:13 AM) TheShocker: thanks for taking a look, really appreciate it :)
  1569. (9:26:33 AM) TheShocker: hey Elratie :)
  1570. (9:26:49 AM) Elratie: look at what? ^^
  1571. (9:28:02 AM) TheShocker: oh there was a choppa at the starting zone killing new players
  1572. (9:28:10 AM) TheShocker: or is, he's still there apparently
  1573. (9:28:40 AM) TheShocker: back in the day when there were free trial t1 twinks it was a serious problem sometimes
  1574. (9:31:29 AM) TheShocker: omg the advanced renown trainer addon is awesome
  1575. (9:31:47 AM) TheShocker: Azarael: any way to incorporate addons into the game for you btw? was wondering about that
  1576. (9:33:11 AM) Viny: what does it do TheShocker
  1577. (9:36:53 AM) TheShocker: hold on, I'll take a screenshot
  1578. (9:37:09 AM) TheShocker: Azarael: I mean incorporate an addon in the game itself, is that at all possible?
  1579. (9:37:45 AM) Azarael: I don't understand the point of the question
  1580. (9:41:14 AM) TheShocker: maybe it was a stupid one XD
  1581. (9:45:05 AM) Viny: what determines how much renown you get on keep take
  1582. (9:50:00 AM) Emptyglass [webchat@] entered the room.
  1583. (9:51:36 AM) TheShocker: I'll take that screenshot in a bit Viny, got to get to a keep first
  1584. (9:54:58 AM) TheShocker: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3281245/Gorram_004.jpg
  1585. (9:55:03 AM) TheShocker: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3281245/Gorram_005.jpg
  1586. (9:55:06 AM) TheShocker: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3281245/Gorram_006.jpg
  1587. (9:55:08 AM) TheShocker: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3281245/Gorram_007.jpg
  1588. (9:55:24 AM) TheShocker: it is indeed
  1589. (9:55:53 AM) Viny: what was it called again
  1590. (10:07:48 AM) Elratie: <@TheShocker> omg the advanced renown trainer addon is awesome
  1591. (10:08:20 AM) TheShocker: that's why I asked Azarael if maybe that could be made the default, but yeah ,everyone can just install the addon really
  1592. (10:09:42 AM) TheShocker: oh now I see XD
  1593. (11:09:42 AM) Viny: how come postern at spites is still broekn
  1594. (11:18:58 AM) TheShocker: BV and ellyrion keeps too Viny
  1595. (11:19:31 AM) Viny: someone in advice said CoT works fine
  1596. (11:24:27 AM) Emptyglass: order AH is so damn expensive
  1597. (11:24:34 AM) Emptyglass: it brings a tear to my eye :')
  1598. (11:36:47 AM) Elratie: potions are still under 2g or did the price rise?
  1599. (11:37:10 AM) TheShocker: no idea, I make my own luckily
  1600. (11:37:36 AM) Emptyglass: 10g for a stack of useless willp pots :')
  1601. (11:38:15 AM) Emptyglass: im too lazy to make my own :(
  1602. (11:55:19 AM) Viny: my god
  1603. (11:55:24 AM) Viny: where have you been all my life
  1604. (12:03:00 PM) Elratie: lol i pushed down the pot price to 2g down a few weeks back
  1605. (12:11:20 PM) Emptyglass: guys where is the name registrar on order? :(
  1606. (12:11:52 PM) Azarael: there are a pair of gates in the north section of the main square you come into, after leaving the flight master. go through them and turn right, heading up the stairs.
  1607. (12:16:00 PM) Emptyglass: aaaah ty=D
  1608. (12:35:18 PM) Elratie: http://www.worldoffishing.net/ awesome this is what we needed!
  1609. (12:38:25 PM) TheShocker: 'travel around the worlds' yeah, all the worlds
  1610. (12:51:42 PM) Viny: chillest place i've ever went fishing in sweden
  1611. (12:52:07 PM) TheShocker: lake?
  1612. (12:52:56 PM) Viny: better yet
  1613. (12:53:18 PM) Viny: http://imgur.com/BVOKME3
  1614. (12:53:54 PM) TheShocker: your country looks photoshopped
  1615. (1:22:10 PM) Azarael` [Azarael@cpc65021-brad20-2-0-cust146.17-1.cable.virginm.net] entered the room.
  1616. (1:22:18 PM) Azarael` left the room (quit: Quit).
  1617. (1:25:47 PM) TheShocker: oh god help us they're multiplying
  1618. (1:26:12 PM) Viny[laptop] [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1619. (1:29:09 PM) Viny[laptop] left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1620. (1:32:18 PM) Elratie: pls kill the others first
  1621. (1:33:18 PM) TheShocker: DON'T KILL ME I HAVE CATS
  1622. (1:42:22 PM) Viny: I was trying to get a photo off my phone
  1623. (1:42:39 PM) Viny: bluetooth refused
  1624. (1:46:08 PM) TheShocker: wifi is a lot quicker and easier
  1625. (1:46:58 PM) Elratie: the Computer say´s No
  1626. (2:02:42 PM) Elratie: are there destro premades in sc´s?
  1627. (2:07:45 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1628. (2:10:01 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1629. (2:20:20 PM) TheShocker: tend to run into the same ones over and over again
  1630. (2:36:00 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1631. (2:50:29 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1632. (3:10:39 PM) Viny: we are lagging to shit again
  1633. (3:15:21 PM) Viny: Azarael: pls :<
  1634. (3:16:35 PM) Azarael: yeah I'm gonna restart it in a minute
  1635. (3:20:31 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: Y RESPEC SO MUCH GOLDS? :(
  1636. (3:22:25 PM) Azarael: enjoy paying gold
  1637. (3:22:37 PM) Azarael: perhaps we'll change respec to be a % of your wealth
  1638. (3:22:47 PM) Azarael: a nice flat 50% tax
  1639. (3:22:52 PM) Azarael: that'll even the economy out very nicely
  1640. (3:24:57 PM) TheShocker: I'd actually be paying less if I had to pay 50% of my gold :P
  1641. (3:25:23 PM) Azarael: need some street beggar npcs
  1642. (3:25:27 PM) Azarael: which hound you if you have stupid amounts of money
  1643. (3:25:35 PM) Azarael: every day
  1644. (3:25:40 PM) Azarael: they'll pickpocket you for x% of your total wealth
  1645. (3:25:56 PM) TheShocker: let WHs and WEs be able to do that
  1646. (3:26:08 PM) TheShocker: imagine the tears
  1647. (3:26:15 PM) TheShocker: no, wait, let WLs be able to do it
  1648. (3:26:27 PM) TheShocker: when they pounce you lose half your gold
  1649. (3:27:02 PM) Azarael: who was it that told me that destro were looking out for me on my destro toons
  1650. (3:27:08 PM) Azarael: the first one
  1651. (3:27:14 PM) Azarael: so that they could pounce me
  1652. (3:27:35 PM) Azarael: they can't have known who I was playing, but I agree that pounce is great :D
  1653. (3:28:05 PM) TheShocker: can't wait until maras get terrible embrace and destro defends it
  1654. (3:28:24 PM) TheShocker: ok ok, engies get magnet pull, magus get rift
  1655. (3:28:28 PM) Azarael: and the best thing?
  1656. (3:28:36 PM) TheShocker: yup
  1657. (3:28:44 PM) Niblolkik [webchat@88-106-190-100.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] entered the room.
  1659. (3:29:15 PM) TheShocker: we might be 26 forever
  1660. (3:29:27 PM) TheShocker: except for level not life
  1661. (3:29:40 PM) Azarael: so I can use the melee heal on wp/dok
  1662. (3:29:44 PM) Azarael: for that short time
  1663. (3:29:47 PM) Azarael: that they work as advertised
  1664. (3:30:10 PM) TheShocker: I'll pretend that concussion grenade doesn't suck right now, how about that? :P
  1665. (3:31:18 PM) TheShocker: really the lamest lvl 20 ability I remember
  1666. (3:31:58 PM) Viny: t3 confirmed?
  1667. (3:33:13 PM) Niblolkik: my weapon on blackorc vanished
  1668. (3:33:54 PM) TheShocker: you were probably holding it wrong
  1669. (3:34:00 PM) TheShocker: try relogging, Niblolkik
  1670. (3:34:12 PM) TheShocker: if that doesn't work it'll probably be in your bags after the next reset
  1671. (3:36:10 PM) Niblolkik: was a basic level 2 thing anyhoo
  1672. (3:43:00 PM) TheShocker: aw, not a huge deal then?
  1673. (3:44:42 PM) Niblolkik: but it still vanished
  1674. (3:46:59 PM) TheShocker: had that happen with my staff and boots on my BW
  1675. (3:47:09 PM) TheShocker: I was trying to do t2 orvr when I realised ;)
  1676. (4:31:45 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: what's the plan btw with t3, once it gets releaseed. lvl 31 cap, keep renown cap as is?
  1677. (4:37:02 PM) Niblolkik left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1678. (4:39:28 PM) TheShocker: fairy nuff
  1679. (4:47:15 PM) Azarael: like an old friend
  1680. (5:09:49 PM) Viny: this ping pong at madreds is so idiotic
  1681. (5:09:56 PM) Viny: it's like they're not even trying
  1682. (5:17:57 PM) TheShocker: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HC89KRV7l9M nice shot
  1683. (5:18:09 PM) TheShocker: it's driving me insane
  1684. (5:28:49 PM) Azarael: makes me laff
  1685. (5:28:57 PM) Azarael: I stand on the tower at mandred's
  1686. (5:29:02 PM) Azarael: watching the sheep go back and forth, baaing
  1687. (5:30:35 PM) Valnak: like the keep itself isn't even very op, it's the fact that order multiplies by 10 every time destro goes to siege it for some reason
  1688. (5:31:23 PM) TheShocker: plus you guys rarely guard postern :P
  1689. (5:32:26 PM) TheShocker: seen that more the last few days, nazgul hanging around there
  1690. (5:34:29 PM) Valnak: they seem quite large nowadays
  1691. (5:35:32 PM) TheShocker: got some good players too
  1692. (5:37:11 PM) Viny: I mean you either have to have proper morales or like a tanwall at the door
  1693. (5:37:29 PM) Viny: TheShocker: tell order to queue premades
  1694. (5:38:32 PM) TheShocker: guarding postern isn't that hard, you just have to stick with it
  1695. (5:38:58 PM) TheShocker: people coming from the wc have 0 morales up, and the ones in the keep can't do all that much unless they jump down
  1696. (5:39:07 PM) TheShocker: all you have to do is not be horny for arpees ;)
  1697. (5:39:20 PM) TheShocker: sometimes it sucks, sometimes you have great fights
  1698. (5:40:39 PM) TheShocker: wish more posterns worked, would make it easy to get into the keep in ellyrion for instance XD
  1699. (5:40:56 PM) Viny: you are easy game for the 1023435534 order that's already in the kee
  1700. (5:41:21 PM) TheShocker: nah, not really, because most of them are idiots horny for arpees busy hitting tanks ;)
  1701. (5:51:34 PM) Viny: TheShocker: what's the difference between apathy and ignorance?
  1702. (5:54:01 PM) TheShocker: apathy means you don't care, ignorance that you don't know
  1703. (5:56:14 PM) Viny: the correct answer is: I don't know and I don't care
  1704. (5:56:56 PM) TheShocker: no, you should have asked it the other way around for that to work :P
  1705. (6:04:59 PM) Viny: what is love
  1706. (6:27:10 PM) Viny: temple?
  1707. (6:27:23 PM) Viny: we had like two million healers
  1708. (6:27:28 PM) Azarael: T_T
  1709. (6:27:32 PM) Viny: I wish I was healing whole SC solo
  1710. (6:27:53 PM) Azarael: was on the verge of slotting FO for the first time in desperation
  1711. (6:28:12 PM) Viny: I'm 5.5% to 39
  1712. (6:28:53 PM) Viny: which I intend to do
  1713. (6:29:00 PM) Azarael: (went without saying :^) )
  1714. (6:29:41 PM) Viny: I'm starting to feel like kripparian of warhammer
  1715. (6:30:03 PM) Viny: all I need is to start drinking juice from bottle on stream
  1716. (6:32:03 PM) Azarael: get yourself down to the shop
  1717. (6:33:26 PM) TheShocker: it's dark outside, and Viny lives in the arctic, he'd be frozen solid the moment he steps out the front door
  1718. (6:33:39 PM) Viny: reality :/
  1719. (6:35:01 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  1720. (6:36:41 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  1721. (6:36:41 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  1722. (6:36:49 PM) Viny: it gets dark so early here these days
  1723. (6:36:57 PM) Viny: I have to go out for runs like mid day
  1724. (6:37:24 PM) TheShocker: little less so than where you are, but still
  1725. (6:37:39 PM) Viny: sweden is a fucky place for weather
  1726. (6:37:42 PM) TheShocker: so glad I'm going to california and hawaii in january
  1727. (6:37:55 PM) Viny: storms, blizzards, heavy rain
  1728. (6:38:02 PM) Viny: here its like meh
  1729. (6:38:06 PM) Viny: then it clears
  1730. (6:38:14 PM) Viny: then its sunny
  1731. (6:38:21 PM) TheShocker: close to the sea I bet?
  1732. (6:38:31 PM) TheShocker: same here
  1733. (6:44:50 PM) Viny: I don't notice any
  1734. (6:50:49 PM) Viny: after installing 3 fucking media centers from samsung
  1735. (6:50:59 PM) Viny: and trying to set up bluetooth
  1736. (6:51:18 PM) Viny: I murdered my payment plant on the phone and pushed the picture through facebook
  1737. (6:53:32 PM) Viny: http://imgur.com/syZvPRj
  1738. (6:53:38 PM) Viny: this is the best night from last summer
  1739. (6:55:26 PM) Emptyglass left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1740. (6:57:11 PM) TheShocker: ferry?
  1741. (6:57:34 PM) Viny: stockholm tallin
  1742. (6:57:48 PM) Viny: if you luck out and not have too many drunk russians on board
  1743. (6:58:16 PM) Viny: thats from the highest part of the boat
  1744. (7:01:13 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  1745. (7:01:42 PM) TheShocker: nah, logged out about 2 hours ago, got bored
  1746. (7:01:57 PM) Viny: ah kk
  1747. (7:02:43 PM) TheShocker: don't think I'll log in again tonight, probably tomorrow afternoon again
  1748. (7:03:20 PM) TheShocker: want to change my engie to a total troll build
  1749. (7:03:35 PM) TheShocker: 25% more reach for grenades and 50% larger area
  1750. (7:03:52 PM) TheShocker: just to leech points during keep defences :P
  1751. (7:07:01 PM) Viny: well we are getting slow pops so nvm then
  1752. (7:07:58 PM) TheShocker: playing your dok atm? how much more do you need?
  1753. (7:09:13 PM) Viny: 7% in to lvl 39
  1754. (7:10:01 PM) Viny: pop is ultra low
  1755. (7:17:55 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1756. (7:47:49 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1757. (7:52:15 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1758. (8:22:44 PM) Onyx_ [webchat@162-203-6-47.lightspeed.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
  1759. (8:31:42 PM) Onyx_: TheShocker: get on and T1 order =P We getting zerged
  1760. (10:19:42 PM) Onyx_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1761. (11/5/2015 4:40:30 AM) Londo left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1762. (4:43:24 AM) JuicyLucy [webchat@] entered the room.
  1763. (5:21:51 AM) Symbelmyne [webchat@] entered the room.
  1764. (5:23:02 AM) Symbelmyne_ [webchat@] entered the room.
  1765. (5:24:51 AM) Symbelmyne left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1766. (5:25:02 AM) Symbelmyne_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1767. (5:55:15 AM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1768. (6:59:54 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-170-163.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  1769. (7:08:31 AM) JuicyLucy left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1770. (8:46:23 AM) TheShocker: oops
  1771. (9:21:01 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1772. (9:22:15 AM) TheShocker: hey
  1773. (9:36:22 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1774. (10:08:12 AM) Macavity` [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1775. (10:08:47 AM) TheShocker: our country reeks of trees
  1776. (10:08:52 AM) TheShocker: our yaks are really large
  1777. (10:08:59 AM) TheShocker: and they smell like rotting beef carcasses
  1778. (10:11:23 AM) Macavity left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1779. (10:13:48 AM) Macavity` left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1780. (10:19:19 AM) TheShocker: the royal canadian kilted yaksmen anthem
  1781. (10:19:21 AM) TheShocker: https://vimeo.com/38184318
  1782. (11:12:52 AM) TheShocker: yes
  1783. (11:24:01 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1784. (11:24:57 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-170-163.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  1785. (11:26:27 AM) Elratie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKa-wFE12DA
  1786. (11:29:26 AM) Elratie: should pin a note on my monitor 'look once in a while over your Music Library' ^^ found some nice pieces again
  1787. (11:36:35 AM) TheShocker: do you know the music of the original quake game?
  1788. (11:36:58 AM) TheShocker: was made by nine inch nails, think you'd like that too, or some of it anyway. a lot is very atmospheric
  1789. (11:39:03 AM) sinisterror: does anyone else keep crashing every 3 min
  1790. (11:39:12 AM) sinisterror: and why the fuck is dwarf chapter 1 rally master so hard to find
  1791. (11:39:58 AM) TheShocker: that entire place is a fucking maze
  1792. (11:40:15 AM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1793. (11:40:20 AM) TheShocker: ekrund's a great zone, but the starting point could have been done better
  1794. (11:40:44 AM) TheShocker: hey Noiree
  1795. (11:42:16 AM) sinisterror: srsly im close to crying :D
  1796. (11:42:29 AM) sinisterror: ive tried to find rally master in dwarf ch 1
  1797. (11:42:57 AM) Elratie: xD
  1798. (11:43:00 AM) TheShocker: when I was leveling my slayer I thought I'd jump down on that little plateau outside
  1799. (11:43:09 AM) Elratie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMIT82JxIik
  1800. (11:43:11 AM) TheShocker: didn't realise there are level 12-13 mobs there -_-
  1801. (11:44:19 AM) Elratie: not ingame so cant tell with the dc´s
  1802. (11:44:28 AM) TheShocker: me neither btw, forgot to mention that
  1803. (11:47:01 AM) sinisterror: there cant be rally master in dwarf ch 1 atm
  1804. (11:47:12 AM) sinisterror: i mean ive searched every fucking corner
  1805. (11:47:21 AM) sinisterror: is it removed for some reason
  1806. (11:48:31 AM) TheShocker: his name's rordin ironmantle
  1807. (11:49:17 AM) Grywwy [webchat@ipb21b0e57.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] entered the room.
  1808. (11:49:19 AM) TheShocker: on the other side of the bridge
  1809. (11:49:29 AM) TheShocker: ah yeah, you need to cross the bridge to get to him
  1810. (11:54:26 AM) Sebbeleu left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
  1811. (11:54:29 AM) TheShocker: they really need to get /target to work :
  1812. (11:54:53 AM) Grywwy left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  1813. (11:59:19 AM) sinisterror: can u give coordinates :D
  1814. (11:59:30 AM) sinisterror: i made rp and booked him to ekrund
  1815. (11:59:34 AM) sinisterror: and no rally masters around
  1816. (11:59:42 AM) sinisterror: but it still booked me to ekrund
  1817. (11:59:44 AM) TheShocker: hmmm, was going to suggest doing that
  1818. (12:00:08 PM) sinisterror: i want my dwarf axe for wl;(
  1819. (12:00:41 PM) TheShocker: Coordinates 32800, 34900
  1820. (12:00:55 PM) TheShocker: according to http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Rordin_Ironmane
  1821. (12:07:10 PM) Sebbeleu [~sebbeleu@vps.xaz.se] entered the room.
  1822. (12:10:21 PM) sinisterror: i was trying inside the huge dwarf building
  1823. (12:10:39 PM) TheShocker: nah, it's outside, just across the bridge iirc
  1824. (12:10:51 PM) TheShocker: just before the breached wall where greenskins are trying to get in
  1825. (12:12:01 PM) Elratie left the room (quit: Quit).
  1826. (12:21:22 PM) Unhealthycarrot [webchat@] entered the room.
  1827. (12:23:03 PM) Noiree: greeting, lethal veggie
  1828. (12:29:17 PM) TheShocker: or should I say, γεια πατάτας
  1829. (12:29:50 PM) Unhealthycarrot: hahahaha you know all my secrets :(
  1830. (12:43:59 PM) TheShocker: I see people's hostnames when they join ;)
  1831. (12:52:31 PM) TheShocker: nah, I just use a real irc client
  1832. (12:56:43 PM) TheShocker: irssi
  1833. (12:57:06 PM) TheShocker: it's a commandline one
  1834. (12:57:15 PM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1835. (12:57:24 PM) TheShocker: shhh, there he is
  1836. (12:57:35 PM) Noiree: had gfIRC for a while - was nice... super over drive scripted mIRC modified for german-freakz network
  1837. (12:57:49 PM) Noiree: pox poxpoxpoxpox
  1838. (12:58:01 PM) TheShocker: just one pox? wow... stingy
  1839. (12:58:07 PM) Noiree: ey, chef - how' the server hanging?
  1840. (12:58:15 PM) Azarael: if it's anything like yesterday
  1841. (12:58:22 PM) Azarael: or possibly multiple
  1842. (12:59:39 PM) TheShocker: does the pope shit in the woods?
  1843. (12:59:46 PM) Viny: did wonders yesterday
  1844. (1:00:09 PM) Azarael: pretending to be someone else
  1845. (1:00:16 PM) Azarael: trying to appeal a ban for using the gold exploit
  1846. (1:00:50 PM) Azarael: think over the last two weeks I've played more destro than order
  1847. (1:01:06 PM) Noiree: you stay away from MY faction!
  1848. (1:01:13 PM) Azarael: muh faction
  1849. (1:01:19 PM) Azarael: muh neglect!
  1850. (1:01:31 PM) Azarael: I'll be on your faction and you'll LIKE it
  1851. (1:01:44 PM) Noiree: thou shalt be order biased unendedly! or smth.
  1852. (1:02:39 PM) Noiree: what was your weapon of choice on the dark side of bugs?
  1853. (1:02:52 PM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  1854. (1:03:14 PM) TheShocker: I bet
  1855. (1:03:25 PM) TheShocker: damn right
  1856. (1:03:36 PM) Noiree: real orcs have curves!
  1857. (1:06:10 PM) TheShocker: ...no?
  1858. (1:06:27 PM) TheShocker: ah, nope
  1859. (1:06:49 PM) TheShocker: going to have dinner in a few minutes, I'll log on later
  1860. (1:08:14 PM) Noiree: let's throw in some stereotypes... you'll have frikandel and cheese?
  1861. (1:09:53 PM) TheShocker: made a stir fry with black rice, cabbage, scallions, broccoli, garlic, fish sauce, soy sauce and shrimp
  1862. (1:10:42 PM) Noiree: fish sauce and soy sauce? isn't that a bit... salty? :D
  1863. (1:10:58 PM) TheShocker: nah, it's a low sodium soy sauce, tamari
  1864. (1:11:13 PM) TheShocker: 1 tbsp of fish sauce, 2 soy sauce
  1865. (1:11:30 PM) TheShocker: oh, forgot to mention the mushrooms
  1866. (1:11:57 PM) TheShocker: and toasted cashews
  1867. (1:13:33 PM) TheShocker: I did have raw herring for lunch, Noiree
  1868. (1:14:06 PM) Noiree: cashews are evil - way too tasty for all those carbs :(
  1869. (1:14:31 PM) Viny: Azarael: is there maybe some way to tweak the matchmaker
  1870. (1:14:40 PM) Viny: so that we don't have 4 healers per party in pubs
  1871. (1:16:25 PM) Noiree: blizzard didn't manage to have a real match maker working properly with tons of paid coders how are the ror devs supposed to get one going, esspecially with the small pool of players?
  1872. (1:17:21 PM) TheShocker: downside of better match making is longer wait times, Viny
  1873. (1:17:43 PM) Viny: talking about wait times
  1874. (1:17:44 PM) Noiree: Q as grp though personally I like pugging
  1875. (1:17:44 PM) Azarael: always queue in a balanced group
  1876. (1:17:54 PM) Viny: while you are being raped 0 500
  1877. (1:17:59 PM) Viny: or you can wait for an even game
  1878. (1:18:35 PM) Viny: I don't see why we can't have the cake and eat it too
  1879. (1:18:46 PM) Noiree: also I love the usual 'omg we got 6 healers, how can I die?!' rant when the unguarded choppa/dmg chosen jumps into the two premades...
  1880. (1:19:22 PM) Unhealthycarrot: y u letting us die Noiree
  1881. (1:19:31 PM) Azarael: poor execution - everyone knows the best course of action is to, at the start of the game, say 'if I die, I quit' then afk at the start after dying
  1882. (1:19:51 PM) Viny: for a pvp centric game I think this is something worth taking the time to get right
  1883. (1:20:53 PM) Noiree: as to quote myself '(19:16:27)<Noiree>blizzard didn't manage to have a real match maker working properly with tons of paid coders how are the ror devs supposed to get one going, esspecially with the small pool of players?'
  1884. (1:21:43 PM) Viny: idk what thefuck you are talking about
  1885. (1:22:19 PM) Viny: bloodline champions had 12 people on staff and they got it right
  1886. (1:22:34 PM) Viny: heartstones match maker is fine
  1887. (1:22:52 PM) Viny: what the fuck are you talking about?
  1888. (1:23:08 PM) Noiree: blizzard introduced a system for q'ing up into BGs - you could mark yourself as dps/tank/heal and one should expect a proper match making coming out of this - hell no... same shit, different way
  1889. (1:23:24 PM) Azarael: blc tried to do matchmaking based around classes?
  1890. (1:23:27 PM) Noiree: you're talking 1 vs 1 not MMO lvl
  1891. (1:23:38 PM) Azarael: if I'm not misremembering, in smm you selected your bloodline after you were matched based on ranking
  1892. (1:24:45 PM) Noiree: RR =|= skill lvl... wow has at least an arena ranking - RR in war is just farming
  1893. (1:26:03 PM) Viny: in what way does this prevent us from having at least balanced parties in scs
  1894. (1:26:37 PM) Noiree: player base is not large enough
  1895. (1:26:46 PM) Noiree: you'll have incredibly long waiting times
  1896. (1:27:13 PM) Noiree: especially during non prime times which will piss off americans etc.
  1897. (1:27:42 PM) Viny: that's not how best effort works
  1898. (1:27:49 PM) Viny: if you have a pool of people who queued
  1899. (1:28:16 PM) Viny: you make an effort to pick the most balanced composition
  1900. (1:28:22 PM) Noiree: personally: I'd like to an optional button for premades to chose whether or not they would fight 1 vs 2... for some grps, this would increase the fun factor by a lot
  1901. (1:28:40 PM) Viny: and then have special cases for premades
  1902. (1:36:40 PM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  1903. (1:42:57 PM) TheShocker: http://9gag.com/gag/a4L8dqm
  1904. (1:43:04 PM) TheShocker: damn that was a good stir fry
  1905. (1:47:22 PM) Unhealthycarrot: server crashed or is it my potatopc?
  1906. (1:53:23 PM) Noiree: your gf, TheShocker? :D
  1907. (1:54:15 PM) Noiree: dat ass!
  1908. (1:54:27 PM) TheShocker: just found it online
  1909. (1:55:30 PM) Londo [webchat@] entered the room.
  1910. (1:56:47 PM) Noiree: geeeeez my sense of time is so fucked up, feel like it's 3 hrs later
  1911. (1:58:22 PM) TheShocker: it's the time change plus winter is coming :(
  1912. (1:59:10 PM) TheShocker: no it's coming sooner than that
  1913. (2:00:14 PM) Noiree: I swear,winter is coming in april 2016 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944947/episodes?season=6&ref_=tt_eps_sn_6 :D
  1914. (2:07:06 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1915. (2:47:52 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1916. (2:49:03 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  1917. (2:49:24 PM) Viny: dinged rr40 and bluescreened immediately
  1918. (4:00:45 PM) Noiree left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  1919. (4:31:49 PM) Viny: Azarael: no restart inc? stk is a lagfest right now :<
  1920. (4:37:16 PM) TheShocker: won't really help as long as people keep zerging :P
  1921. (4:37:37 PM) TheShocker: (saying that as someone that followed a zerg earlier on btw :P)
  1922. (4:37:56 PM) TheShocker: 2 levels on my slayer, that's enough for today
  1923. (4:38:35 PM) TheShocker: ooh, grats :)
  1924. (4:38:52 PM) Viny: had the biggest 'wtf do I do know' feeling ever :<
  1925. (4:39:07 PM) TheShocker: level an alt
  1926. (4:39:16 PM) TheShocker: a WP, for something COMPLETELY different
  1927. (4:39:45 PM) TheShocker: man, had a st. bernardus abt 12 earlier on, now a rochefort 10
  1928. (4:41:52 PM) Viny: im not an authority on beers
  1929. (4:50:10 PM) Viny: omfg
  1930. (4:50:19 PM) Viny: I'm running at 60fps at spites right now
  1931. (5:46:04 PM) TheShocker: Viny: check twitch right now for people playing RoR XD
  1932. (5:46:23 PM) TheShocker: there's a slayer that's just... I don't know what to say. freenown?
  1933. (5:47:43 PM) Azarael` [Azarael@cpc65021-brad20-2-0-cust146.17-1.cable.virginm.net] entered the room.
  1934. (5:48:22 PM) Viny: oh gawd
  1935. (5:48:32 PM) Viny: what next? let the bodies hit the floor
  1936. (5:50:24 PM) Unhealthycarrot left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  1937. (5:51:03 PM) Viny: maybe I should log my BO and teabag him
  1938. (5:51:12 PM) TheShocker: should've seen him in nordenwatch before
  1939. (5:51:33 PM) TheShocker: trying to solo cap points and solo 3 destro marked 'dangerous' as a level 3 or whatever the fuck he was XD
  1940. (5:51:45 PM) Viny: well
  1941. (5:51:56 PM) Viny: at least he doesn't have 4 action bars like some peopl
  1942. (5:52:23 PM) Azarael left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
  1943. (5:53:25 PM) Viny: maybe hes not so bad after all
  1944. (5:53:36 PM) TheShocker: notice how all his abilities are bound to mouse buttons btw? XD
  1945. (5:53:50 PM) TheShocker: oh his music's fine, really
  1946. (5:54:07 PM) TheShocker: you mean potato
  1947. (5:54:25 PM) Viny: next time she comes act natural
  1948. (5:54:35 PM) Viny: she doesn't know how IP addresses work, it's so adorable
  1949. (5:54:52 PM) TheShocker: she's cool though, really, else I wouldn't call her potato ;)
  1950. (5:55:18 PM) TheShocker: I wanted to make a character called potato, but that and potatoe are taken already :(((((
  1951. (5:55:50 PM) Viny: I had so many cool names on my first accound
  1952. (5:56:52 PM) Viny: how is your destro chars coming along anywa
  1953. (5:57:20 PM) TheShocker: need to get my chosen out of t1
  1954. (5:57:41 PM) TheShocker: the WE is fun, but... meh, mdps is kinda shitty in the current meta
  1955. (5:58:06 PM) TheShocker: all mdps except slayer, WL and mara are kinda shitty in the current meta
  1956. (5:58:23 PM) TheShocker: choppas are ok too
  1957. (5:59:00 PM) TheShocker: and WL are only ok because of gimmick abilities
  1958. (6:23:23 PM) Viny: no
  1959. (6:23:37 PM) Valnak: odd
  1960. (6:33:14 PM) Viny: that slayer was russian apparently
  1961. (6:35:06 PM) TheShocker: well, at least he wasn't driving
  1962. (6:39:14 PM) TheShocker: I'm dutch, we're all very good at taht
  1963. (6:44:33 PM) TheShocker: lately I've been saying 'how do y'alls make them funny letters' whenever I see russian in /ad XD
  1964. (6:44:50 PM) TheShocker: someone else picked up and calls them chinese now XD
  1965. (6:45:47 PM) TheShocker: hrm, I've had 4 beers, should I watch tv, go to sleep, or play some more warhammer, Viny? ;D
  1966. (6:46:22 PM) Viny: I'm not sure where the 4 beers fit in in the decision making :D
  1967. (6:46:37 PM) TheShocker: opening number 5 in a second
  1968. (6:46:43 PM) TheShocker: aw :(
  1969. (6:46:54 PM) TheShocker: yeah, it's just zerging or nothing atm :
  1970. (6:47:15 PM) Viny: well mom was fun while it lasted
  1971. (6:47:57 PM) TheShocker: I logged off after people were being idiots at STK
  1972. (6:48:28 PM) TheShocker: told them, just all go into the lords room, spam aoe and group heals, but no
  1973. (6:48:39 PM) TheShocker: got a shitload of renown, xp and inf though :P
  1974. (6:49:22 PM) TheShocker: think I'll level my slayer to 26 before I touch my engie again
  1975. (6:50:31 PM) TheShocker: got 5 inf rewards in emp and elves in about an hour today on him, was nice
  1976. (6:56:08 PM) Viny: you can't expect too much
  1977. (6:58:03 PM) TheShocker: they put up a good fight
  1978. (6:58:44 PM) TheShocker: well, not stupid, afraid to die because they're lowbies with shitty gear
  1979. (6:58:52 PM) TheShocker: rightfully afraid, in other words
  1980. (6:59:05 PM) TheShocker: heh
  1981. (6:59:29 PM) TheShocker: see them blowing their M1 constantly on stupid stuff instead of saving up for m2/3
  1982. (6:59:49 PM) TheShocker: that's why I told them to all group up in the lords room
  1983. (7:00:13 PM) Viny: if you are in a group
  1984. (7:00:27 PM) Viny: then m2-3 is useless
  1985. (7:00:37 PM) TheShocker: most of them at STK were in a group
  1986. (7:00:40 PM) Viny: comapred to like m1 heal that can score you some extra rr
  1987. (7:00:42 PM) TheShocker: there were 2 full wbs there afaik
  1988. (7:01:29 PM) TheShocker: nah, 50% cast time reduction just when destro charges in is pretty great ;)
  1989. (7:02:45 PM) Viny: but that sort of thing has to be timed over voip usually
  1990. (7:02:59 PM) Viny: you cant do that from /ad or /wb
  1991. (7:03:14 PM) TheShocker: it's doable, but yeah, not easy XD
  1992. (7:03:35 PM) TheShocker: but people need to be situationally aware
  1993. (7:03:40 PM) TheShocker: and there lies the problem ;)
  1994. (7:04:26 PM) TheShocker: still amazes me how people can't see a flanking attack coming a mile away
  1995. (7:04:44 PM) TheShocker: I mean, there are even dots on your bloody map at the moment XD
  1996. (7:04:58 PM) Viny: flanking in warhammer is not really that amazing
  1997. (7:05:34 PM) Viny: yesterday evening when I was farming rr on my dok at stk
  1998. (7:05:55 PM) Viny: nazgul did at totally amazing flank on order zerg that stormed the keep
  1999. (7:06:04 PM) Viny: and then they wiped at the first floor
  2000. (7:06:16 PM) TheShocker: yeah they're pretty good
  2001. (7:06:38 PM) TheShocker: they did a seriously failed charge today or yesterday at shadowlands keep though XD
  2002. (7:06:44 PM) TheShocker: jumped down and just melted
  2003. (7:07:05 PM) Viny: morale coordination is everything
  2004. (7:08:06 PM) TheShocker: that's the problem I see to often, people wasting immunities
  2005. (7:08:18 PM) Viny: or people who punt people out of melee trains
  2006. (7:08:18 PM) TheShocker: stupid 3 second stagger from engie mines, etc
  2007. (7:08:49 PM) TheShocker: or stagger and then attack that same target -_-
  2008. (7:08:52 PM) Azarael`: I still cannot fathom the decision-making process behind punting people out of melee trains
  2009. (7:09:17 PM) Azarael left the room (quit: Registered).
  2010. (7:09:17 PM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2011. (7:09:59 PM) Viny: I think it goes something like this
  2012. (7:10:00 PM) TheShocker: I have to admit that during keep defences, when I'm one of a handful of order defending, I sometimes put someone that's channeling, like a sorc XD
  2013. (7:10:08 PM) Viny: click click
  2014. (7:10:40 PM) TheShocker: or punt a WE trying to gank people down the slope at BV keep, that's always fun
  2015. (7:10:57 PM) Azarael: I mostly mean when some tank
  2016. (7:11:05 PM) Azarael: runs into a group of his allies attacking a single target
  2017. (7:11:11 PM) Azarael: 'What this really needs is my Repel'
  2018. (7:11:34 PM) Azarael: I need to add code to detect this
  2019. (7:11:40 PM) Azarael: and broadcast an informative message to the numbskulls that do it
  2020. (7:12:56 PM) TheShocker: DOOOO EEEEEEEEET!
  2021. (7:13:45 PM) TheShocker: tbh, even in t4 with reasonably skilled people this was a problem, don't give immunity to a group when you have a tank with bloody aoe stagger
  2022. (7:14:10 PM) TheShocker: using skilled in a very generous way here, as in, people who SHOULD know better
  2023. (7:14:41 PM) TheShocker: what I actually really like about RoR is that it allows people to play more different classes easily, without having to pay multiple subs
  2024. (7:14:51 PM) TheShocker: should teach them a thing or two about who does what best
  2025. (7:18:09 PM) TheShocker: think one of the things that leads to people wasting puns is other people wasting them, it's more of an 'OMG HE'S NOT IMMUNE TO PUNTS LET'S GO!' thing XD
  2026. (7:20:16 PM) TheShocker: Viny: about that renown trainer addon I showed you, that's sorta what it used to look like until EA 'improveds' the interface in patch 1.4.0 or 1.4.2 or so
  2027. (7:20:37 PM) Viny: I noticed it resets after speccing
  2028. (7:20:41 PM) TheShocker: tell me you understand how the fuck anyone could think the current interface is better? XD
  2029. (7:20:52 PM) TheShocker: yeah, same as the normal interface, think that's a server bug
  2030. (7:20:54 PM) Valnak: Viny: i think i was in that one
  2031. (7:21:17 PM) Viny: I had 4 suicidal melees in my party
  2032. (7:22:03 PM) TheShocker: suicide melee is fun Viny ;)
  2033. (7:22:19 PM) Viny: only if you have a pocket healer
  2034. (7:22:40 PM) Viny: because if you don't its only fun for a very short period of time :D
  2035. (7:23:40 PM) Viny: you guys will hate me for it
  2036. (7:23:48 PM) Viny: but I made a small adjustment to my hotkeys
  2037. (7:24:01 PM) Viny: I have a quest pot on alt E now
  2038. (7:24:25 PM) Viny: it's fucking amazing :D
  2039. (7:24:46 PM) TheShocker: quest pot? you mean the heal pots for 150 kills?
  2040. (7:25:28 PM) Viny: s
  2041. (7:25:40 PM) TheShocker: you can make much better pots than those
  2042. (7:25:52 PM) Viny: but these are free essentially
  2043. (7:25:59 PM) Viny: and they have their own cooldown
  2044. (7:26:06 PM) TheShocker: ah, that's true
  2045. (7:26:18 PM) Viny: btw when will pot CD show up on the action bars Azarael
  2046. (7:26:21 PM) TheShocker: shame they don't show on Potion Bar
  2047. (7:26:33 PM) Viny: ok
  2048. (7:26:43 PM) TheShocker: do they share a cooldown with the renown pots btw?
  2049. (7:27:00 PM) TheShocker: hmmm, I'll check that tomoro
  2050. (7:27:01 PM) Azarael: nal said one of the bytes in the item packet represented cd group for pots
  2051. (7:27:12 PM) Azarael: I only did the ability side of those
  2052. (7:27:51 PM) TheShocker: ah, wonder if you put in a bullshit value there or the value for renown pots
  2053. (7:28:14 PM) TheShocker: bullshit value might work XD
  2054. (7:28:22 PM) Azarael: I know how the cd is displayed, at least, I believe I'm right
  2055. (7:28:31 PM) Azarael: have to resend the item with the cd set
  2056. (7:28:40 PM) Azarael: it's just not being handled right
  2057. (7:28:46 PM) Azarael: more important things to do and all
  2058. (7:28:59 PM) TheShocker: PEOPLE ARE DYING IN RVR AZARAEL
  2059. (7:29:07 PM) Azarael: oh shit
  2060. (7:29:18 PM) Azarael: well
  2061. (7:29:22 PM) Azarael: the fewer position updates
  2062. (7:29:29 PM) Azarael: let 'em rot
  2063. (7:30:11 PM) TheShocker: still enjoying the hell out of playing again, lag and bugs and whatever don't matter that much
  2064. (7:30:35 PM) Azarael: not since two days ago
  2065. (7:30:35 PM) Viny: it feels like there's less lag on keep takes
  2066. (7:30:38 PM) TheShocker: earlier today we went from shadowlands to ellyrion and collided with a destro wb right under the gates
  2067. (7:30:44 PM) Viny: placebo maybe
  2068. (7:31:04 PM) Viny: that gate is so shit at keeping people out
  2069. (7:31:16 PM) Viny: and it doesn't do shit
  2070. (7:31:36 PM) Viny: I so wish that elf scenario was in
  2071. (7:31:48 PM) Viny: probably a pain to code tho it had a weird score mechanic
  2072. (7:31:59 PM) TheShocker: serpents spine is what I want
  2073. (7:32:07 PM) Viny: azrael pls :<
  2074. (7:32:15 PM) Azarael: which elf scenario are you on about
  2075. (7:32:17 PM) TheShocker: it's like nordenwatch but better
  2076. (7:32:53 PM) Azarael: mostly what holds back scenarios is a) me being busy with something higher priority and b) lack of packetlogs for the scenario
  2077. (7:32:53 PM) Azarael: I'd have put battle for praag up if I knew how the HUD timers work
  2078. (7:32:56 PM) Azarael: really? people actually WANT Khaine's Embrace?
  2079. (7:33:00 PM) TheShocker: wut?
  2080. (7:33:11 PM) TheShocker: nooooooo
  2081. (7:33:25 PM) Azarael: serp's -_-
  2082. (7:33:30 PM) Azarael: I still can't forget launcher
  2083. (7:33:32 PM) Azarael: launch*
  2084. (7:33:35 PM) Azarael: and how overplayed that crap was
  2085. (7:33:43 PM) Azarael: well you're in luck; phoenix gate has a packetlog
  2086. (7:33:58 PM) Azarael: however I was intending to do Stonetroll Crossing first
  2087. (7:34:10 PM) Viny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQwpQHHe8z0
  2088. (7:34:12 PM) TheShocker: do you have one for serpent's spine too?
  2089. (7:34:12 PM) Azarael: just nostalgia you see - when I started playing, that scenario WAS t2
  2090. (7:34:21 PM) Azarael: serpent's passage has a log too, yes
  2091. (7:34:41 PM) Viny: also there was another scenario in t2 with a mountain in the middle
  2092. (7:34:44 PM) TheShocker: glad to know that that's possible in the future too then
  2093. (7:34:49 PM) Azarael: mostly the issue with not having a log is with the ones which have doors or new mechanics
  2094. (7:35:02 PM) Azarael: but I also use them to get the right scenario object ID to link them with the interface without guessing
  2095. (7:35:16 PM) TheShocker: what was that completely shit sc with basically plateaus with railings on the side?
  2096. (7:35:34 PM) TheShocker: the one where all the fucking BGs on the server queued for it because lol punt bai
  2097. (7:35:56 PM) Azarael: remind me to level my BG for it
  2098. (7:35:57 PM) TheShocker: only played that one like 3 times on my BW ever I think, no LoS, fucking punts, it was HELL
  2099. (7:36:04 PM) TheShocker: fuck you Azarael ;)
  2100. (7:36:11 PM) Azarael: we need to develop the weaker scenarios first
  2101. (7:36:15 PM) Azarael: to build a new appreciation for them
  2102. (7:36:25 PM) Azarael: to this end, you'll be playing dragon's bane for weeks
  2103. (7:36:38 PM) TheShocker: oh btw Azarael, when you talk in /ad and some asshole says 'HE SPEAKS! WE'RE NOT WORTHY! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!', that's me XD
  2104. (7:36:50 PM) Azarael: better than what I usually get
  2105. (7:36:56 PM) Azarael: had some guy pm me
  2106. (7:36:59 PM) Azarael: to draw attention to a thread he made
  2107. (7:37:06 PM) Azarael: about tradeability of bq / lady weapons for appearance
  2108. (7:37:22 PM) TheShocker: meh, I can reach you here some time, or PM on the forum if I'm desperate I guess, not fucking with your gameplay
  2109. (7:37:25 PM) Azarael: I was polite, but I was thinking 'you know I read every thread, and I chose not to respond - are you really choosing to pm me about this in game?'
  2110. (7:37:50 PM) TheShocker: read that thread, it was stupid
  2111. (7:38:01 PM) Azarael: I know I'm not obliged to consider the requests
  2112. (7:38:04 PM) Azarael: even though I shouldn't
  2113. (7:38:09 PM) Azarael: I just can't stop myself from thinking about it
  2114. (7:38:09 PM) TheShocker: same with the 'GIEF SC WEAPONS FOR FREE PLX' thread
  2115. (7:38:16 PM) Azarael: I can shift the blame on that one
  2116. (7:38:20 PM) Azarael: prices were decided by the GM Corps
  2117. (7:38:42 PM) Azarael: but equally, since I changed it to 2/1
  2118. (7:38:46 PM) Azarael: I don't see any reason to complain
  2119. (7:38:53 PM) Azarael: and that's from someone who doesn't even have any of the weapons yet
  2120. (7:38:54 PM) TheShocker: yeah that was an awesome change
  2121. (7:39:05 PM) TheShocker: I have the t1 ones on my engie
  2122. (7:39:46 PM) TheShocker: took me about 3 hours total -_-
  2123. (7:39:46 PM) TheShocker: t2 ones take longer though
  2124. (7:39:47 PM) Azarael: now there's a word which needs more exercise
  2125. (7:40:08 PM) Azarael: the thinking was we'd need to add a grind so that people had something to do
  2126. (7:40:14 PM) Azarael: cause people love that grind
  2127. (7:40:15 PM) TheShocker: speaking of excercise, I need to walk to the fridge for another beer, brb
  2128. (7:40:40 PM) TheShocker: back
  2129. (7:40:56 PM) TheShocker: the fridge is 10 feet away ;)
  2130. (7:41:15 PM) TheShocker: can't make everyone happy no matter what you do Azarael, so don't even try is all I can say :
  2131. (7:41:42 PM) Azarael: people are our best friends as long as we're doing exactly what they want
  2132. (7:41:45 PM) TheShocker: make the most annoying ones unhappy maybe?
  2133. (7:41:49 PM) Azarael: and to be fair in a project like this, that's quite often
  2134. (7:41:53 PM) Azarael: but when it isn't something people want :D
  2135. (7:42:31 PM) Azarael: new pounce thread
  2136. (7:42:35 PM) TheShocker: YAY!
  2137. (7:42:40 PM) TheShocker: imma go troll brb lawl
  2138. (7:43:17 PM) TheShocker: heh, I laughed my ass off about the thread about merchants being higher level suddenly
  2139. (7:43:37 PM) TheShocker: suddenly all this bitching about BW AOE and how can you even get to the lords room and halp and whatever
  2140. (7:43:53 PM) TheShocker: then it turned out that the merchants were only higher level in destro keeps
  2141. (7:44:08 PM) Azarael: INTERESTING
  2142. (7:44:45 PM) TheShocker: ah, you didn't hear about that? apparently it's true, haven't had a problem with it because I don't go up there until after the lord's dead usually XD
  2143. (7:46:42 PM) TheShocker: would be nice for leveling scavenging actually
  2144. (7:47:11 PM) Valnak: ninja patches seem to come in every now and then
  2145. (7:47:17 PM) Valnak: like the bolster to 31 in scenarios
  2146. (7:47:44 PM) TheShocker: I'm going to open a new topic about pounce, a petition to extend the range to 100ft
  2147. (7:48:20 PM) TheShocker: I'll wait until this one dies down first
  2148. (7:48:20 PM) Valnak: i think magus need to be nerfed too
  2149. (7:49:02 PM) TheShocker: those grenades, with their aoe
  2150. (7:49:14 PM) TheShocker: ticks for like 30/sec sometimes
  2151. (7:49:19 PM) Valnak: i was in a scenario where an engie got like 13dbs
  2152. (7:49:33 PM) TheShocker: probably a grenade build, not kidding
  2153. (7:49:44 PM) Valnak: he was doing something that would double tick on my chosen for 2x 500s
  2154. (7:50:12 PM) TheShocker: engies have a corp resist debuff grenade, and almost all their damage is corp
  2155. (7:50:36 PM) TheShocker: it's actually really nice with armor levels the way they are now
  2156. (7:51:06 PM) TheShocker: what's your chosen called, Valnak?
  2157. (7:52:15 PM) Valnak: so what causes this bug
  2158. (7:52:18 PM) Valnak: http://puu.sh/laVj2/8cb784b31e.jpg
  2159. (7:52:19 PM) TheShocker: do you mostly do scs? don't recall you killing me in orvr ;)
  2160. (7:52:31 PM) Valnak: look at my target's buffs/debuffs
  2161. (7:52:52 PM) Valnak: some orvr with my guild
  2162. (7:52:57 PM) TheShocker: I see that on mobs almost all the time, Valnak
  2163. (7:53:11 PM) TheShocker: I see AAO buffs on mobs in pve etc
  2164. (7:53:12 PM) Valnak: ok i was wondering if it was an addon
  2165. (7:53:21 PM) Valnak: i had a massive scenario party bug for a while
  2166. (7:53:24 PM) TheShocker: nah, think it's just the server being odd
  2167. (7:53:26 PM) Valnak: where i couldn't join parties
  2168. (7:53:52 PM) TheShocker: yeah, had that too, keep clicking join and leave over and over, that helped for me
  2169. (7:53:53 PM) Azarael: valnak: should happen if the server for whatever reason doesn't send the end packet for a the buff/debuff to you
  2170. (7:54:01 PM) Azarael: which it should always do, but eh...
  2171. (7:54:18 PM) TheShocker: not saying it's aliens, but....
  2172. (7:55:05 PM) Valnak: so get an addon to manage buffs/debuffs?
  2173. (7:56:39 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: your explanation about negative toughness suddenly explains something to me, how I didn't die in a keep defence one time when there was horrible lag
  2174. (7:57:02 PM) TheShocker: think I took a screenshot that showed me having negative thousands of toughness and other stats
  2175. (7:57:17 PM) Azarael: That shouldn't happen. Ever. But clearly it does, so I'd better figure out why sometime soon.
  2176. (7:57:34 PM) Azarael: Buffs should be guaranteed to both begin and end, which takes care of both ends of stat modification.
  2177. (7:57:41 PM) TheShocker: hmmm, is there a tool we can use to make packet dumps like we did for live?
  2178. (7:57:48 PM) Azarael: Yeah. The same packet logger that was used on live.
  2179. (7:58:34 PM) TheShocker: cool, I'll run it when I expect huge numbers of people during a keep defence, might help you out
  2180. (7:59:24 PM) TheShocker: think I still have it somewhere, but is there a link somewhere on the forums otherwise?
  2181. (8:05:10 PM) TheShocker: http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7419 people like this drive me insane XD
  2182. (8:05:40 PM) TheShocker: just how exactly do you get that bad at filing bug reports?
  2183. (8:05:52 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: don't answer that, I bet you see more than I do these days XD
  2184. (8:08:28 PM) TheShocker: I try not to file them for trivial shit :P
  2185. (8:20:05 PM) TheShocker: you know how people sometimes say 'it takes two to fight'?
  2186. (8:20:18 PM) TheShocker: I always want to punch those people in the face
  2187. (8:20:21 PM) Azarael: the Nac Mac Feegle would disagree
  2188. (8:20:28 PM) TheShocker: just to see how they respond
  2189. (8:20:36 PM) TheShocker: hah, pratchett fan, nice :D
  2190. (8:20:56 PM) TheShocker: and yes, they most definitely would XD
  2191. (8:21:19 PM) TheShocker: it's a seriously stupid saying though -_-
  2192. (8:21:34 PM) TheShocker: had a teacher tell me that once when someone pushed be through a fucking window
  2193. (8:25:08 PM) TheShocker: funny btw that the person who said it in the tv show I'm watching had a scottish accent XD
  2194. (8:26:07 PM) Azarael: well, almost anything a teacher will say about fighting is wrong
  2195. (8:31:14 PM) TheShocker: that youtube video of the chicken apocalypse was awesome btw
  2196. (8:31:23 PM) TheShocker: the one linked on the twitter account
  2197. (8:31:42 PM) TheShocker: think I'm in it a few times, recognise a few charges XD
  2198. (8:34:53 PM) TheShocker: Azarael: would it be possible to do something like that in a t3 zone at this moment? port people there or something?
  2199. (8:35:18 PM) TheShocker: or to lotd or whatever, off the normal map
  2200. (8:35:29 PM) TheShocker: hmmm
  2201. (8:37:43 PM) Viny: my christ what are you still doing awake
  2202. (8:38:03 PM) TheShocker: drinking beer and watching clone wars
  2203. (8:38:32 PM) Viny: trying to send luffy to sleep
  2204. (8:38:54 PM) Viny: that
  2205. (8:39:18 PM) TheShocker: tell her she needs her beauty sleep
  2206. (8:39:38 PM) Viny: coming from me it would just sound sarcastic :
  2207. (8:39:55 PM) TheShocker: ok, tell her I'll try to get her stroopwafels if she goes to bed then
  2208. (8:41:01 PM) Viny: Azarael: can we close the suzu ui thread maybe
  2209. (8:41:09 PM) Viny: 's getting out of hand in there
  2210. (8:42:16 PM) TheShocker: what, you mean he doesn't have hand cancer? :P
  2211. (8:44:29 PM) Viny: ffs
  2212. (8:44:53 PM) Azarael: Reminds me. Got to get back to brawndo
  2213. (8:45:09 PM) TheShocker: that asherdoom person with his fake virus warnings is annoying
  2214. (8:45:22 PM) Viny: what's with brawndo? he's ex critical acclaim
  2215. (8:45:37 PM) Viny: its a cess pool that thread
  2216. (8:46:18 PM) Azarael: he was messaging me re mitigating the ban on suzu and the other two
  2217. (8:47:05 PM) Viny: can't we just take the gold and the items
  2218. (8:47:39 PM) Viny: was he even doing it or just banned by association
  2219. (8:48:13 PM) TheShocker: point of an alpha is that people report bugs and exploits though :
  2220. (8:48:31 PM) Azarael: and yeah
  2221. (8:48:36 PM) Azarael: there's all too much of this shit
  2222. (8:48:40 PM) Azarael: people think it's like live all over again
  2223. (8:48:46 PM) Azarael: hide all the good 'sploits, we can have an advantage
  2224. (8:48:53 PM) Viny: how did he not know he'd get cought
  2225. (8:49:05 PM) Azarael: we suck hard at actually detecting exploiters
  2226. (8:49:13 PM) Azarael: it's useful to maintain such a perception
  2227. (8:49:45 PM) Viny: I think he's just an idiot that one time
  2228. (8:49:53 PM) Azarael: he didn't even do it on destro
  2229. (8:49:59 PM) Azarael: which was part of brawndo's argument
  2230. (8:50:09 PM) TheShocker: allow me to lol then
  2231. (8:51:05 PM) Azarael: all stand equal before the banhammer
  2232. (8:51:16 PM) Viny: competitive scene dried up a little but he's an idiot for doing it
  2233. (8:51:18 PM) Azarael: if some scalps must be taken to remind people of this then it's sad, but also self-inflicted
  2234. (8:51:30 PM) Azarael: nothing actually prevents them from making accounts and starting again
  2235. (8:52:01 PM) Viny: not easy to do mentally, especially after 26/40
  2236. (8:52:03 PM) TheShocker: that's kind of the point imo
  2237. (8:52:16 PM) TheShocker: nah, it really is easy
  2238. (8:52:25 PM) TheShocker: especially if you know people
  2239. (8:52:27 PM) Viny: he dug himself in to a hole with twitch
  2240. (8:52:33 PM) TheShocker: you can get to lvl 26 in a day
  2241. (8:52:42 PM) Azarael: public banlist when
  2242. (8:53:11 PM) Viny: 't go public
  2243. (8:53:22 PM) Azarael: I'm actually for a public BL
  2244. (8:53:27 PM) Azarael: don't buy any of the arguments against
  2245. (8:53:49 PM) Viny: just delete characters entirely
  2246. (8:54:06 PM) Viny: they might as well keep theirs
  2247. (8:54:11 PM) Azarael: indeed
  2248. (8:54:23 PM) TheShocker: good point, viny
  2249. (8:54:39 PM) Viny: that way you can keep banlist private
  2250. (8:54:43 PM) TheShocker: wipe account mail too though
  2251. (8:54:44 PM) Viny: people just make same char and start over
  2252. (8:54:52 PM) Viny: if you cheat
  2253. (8:55:03 PM) Azarael: (noone will ever spot the change in renown rank)
  2254. (8:55:03 PM) Viny: and they don't have to make alts and explain people what happened
  2255. (8:55:07 PM) TheShocker: actually, don't even need to ban
  2256. (8:55:17 PM) TheShocker: just make them rank 1 rr 1 and delete all items
  2257. (8:55:30 PM) TheShocker: and buy back, mail, bank
  2258. (8:55:39 PM) TheShocker: and trade skills
  2259. (8:55:50 PM) Viny: how do you handle impact of exploits
  2260. (8:55:55 PM) Viny: people can hide money pretty well
  2261. (8:56:04 PM) Azarael: and whenever a wipe is proposed to deal with it
  2262. (8:56:10 PM) Viny: unless the server logs the ever loving shit out everything how d oyou know what happened to the money
  2263. (8:56:11 PM) Azarael: people scream about the Apocalypse
  2264. (8:57:00 PM) Viny: wipe hits a lot of honest players
  2265. (8:57:06 PM) Viny: beta or no beta they get fucked over
  2266. (8:57:19 PM) TheShocker: can you get a trail of transactions, Azarael, or does that branch out too much too fast?
  2267. (8:57:32 PM) Azarael: don't think we take backups
  2268. (8:57:36 PM) Azarael: not frequently
  2269. (8:57:37 PM) TheShocker: rollbacks require so much resources
  2270. (8:57:43 PM) Viny: yeah ikno :<
  2271. (8:57:57 PM) Viny: for a small project like this not an option usually
  2272. (8:58:32 PM) TheShocker: I honestly think it shouldn't even be a priority
  2273. (8:58:55 PM) TheShocker: you're wasting resources on cheaters, basically
  2274. (8:59:01 PM) TheShocker: with the odd person who loses an item
  2275. (8:59:14 PM) TheShocker: which gets restored automatically 99% of the time
  2276. (8:59:27 PM) Azarael: that should stop next patch anyway
  2277. (8:59:37 PM) Azarael: server will finally load characters / items / mails on demand instead of automatically
  2278. (8:59:56 PM) TheShocker: haven't had that problem in a while tbh, but I've seen reports on the forum recently
  2279. (9:00:03 PM) Azarael: should also mean not having to wait 6 years for the worldserver to reboot
  2280. (9:00:39 PM) TheShocker: I actually laughed my ass off when I found out I was in orvr without boots or a staff on my BW once XD
  2281. (9:00:52 PM) TheShocker: luckily I was at a keep during defence
  2282. (9:02:43 PM) Azarael: I hear that
  2283. (9:03:12 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2284. (9:04:40 PM) TheShocker: I should do that thing too with the sleeping
  2285. (9:04:56 PM) Azarael: Indeed. So should I.
  2286. (9:05:10 PM) Azarael: nn o/
  2287. (9:05:17 PM) ***TheShocker goes do the bed thing
  2288. (9:17:29 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  2289. (9:47:29 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  2290. (9:48:11 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  2291. (9:48:11 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  2292. (10:47:54 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  2293. (11:54:53 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  2294. (11:54:53 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  2295. (11/6/2015 12:57:33 AM) ZonderSchaduw [webchat@apn-95-41-179-140.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl] entered the room.
  2296. (12:58:05 AM) ZonderSchaduw left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2297. (1:48:32 AM) Reine_Noir [webchat@ppp-94-68-247-178.home.otenet.gr] entered the room.
  2298. (1:50:25 AM) Reine_Noir: Anyone else having trouble logging in or staying logged in?
  2299. (2:02:25 AM) Reine_Noir: we're getting ddosed again!
  2300. (2:33:24 AM) Reine_Noir left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2301. (3:54:44 AM) blastoise [webchat@] entered the room.
  2302. (3:55:03 AM) blastoise left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2303. (6:30:08 AM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2304. (6:37:05 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-207-2.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  2305. (6:56:56 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  2306. (7:01:33 AM) TheShocker: hey
  2307. (7:47:47 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  2308. (8:04:13 AM) Elratie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM15y9yu7AU lol
  2309. (8:20:39 AM) TheShocker: leveling my chosen in t1, he's lvl 3 still. order had just taken shrine, some destro were coming up the ramp, so I rode around and just capped the flag without even getting off my horse XD
  2310. (8:22:42 AM) Viny: I'm disappointed he's not 26 yet
  2311. (8:24:01 AM) blastoise [webchat@] entered the room.
  2312. (8:24:16 AM) blastoise left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2313. (8:24:55 AM) niblolkik [webchat@88-106-190-100.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] entered the room.
  2314. (8:25:08 AM) niblolkik: level 11 12str ring vanished from inventory u_u
  2315. (8:27:31 AM) TheShocker: hard to level in t1 atm, viny
  2316. (8:28:38 AM) Elratie: can´t be harder than it was with just t1 ^^
  2317. (8:29:07 AM) Viny: maybe I should roll a lobie and help you out shocker
  2318. (8:31:28 AM) TheShocker: there's plenty of people playing now actually, but the only wb there is bugged, so I have to solo, as a lvl 4 tank -_-
  2319. (8:32:26 AM) TheShocker: aura spread failure, hwat's that?
  2320. (8:32:42 AM) TheShocker: happened when I tried to join a bugged wb I think, huh
  2321. (8:34:52 AM) Viny: make me either lag to shit or crash
  2322. (8:35:23 AM) Elratie: the bug happens if you want to join a full wb
  2323. (8:36:14 AM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2324. (8:36:23 AM) TheShocker: annoying with the bug where wbs don't show as full -_-
  2326. (8:40:32 AM) TheShocker: just got an item called bloody aspis
  2327. (8:40:39 AM) TheShocker: that's not nice to people with autism :(
  2328. (8:56:24 AM) TheShocker: nope :(
  2329. (8:56:40 AM) TheShocker: wasted so many pots because of dcs
  2330. (9:16:05 AM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2331. (9:16:09 AM) TheShocker: one thing this game does really wrong is not give class defining abilities to some people before level 10
  2332. (9:29:32 AM) Azarael [Azarael@Azarael.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2333. (9:36:04 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-207-2.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  2334. (10:09:44 AM) TheShocker: I have a brilliant idea, Azarael
  2335. (10:10:04 AM) TheShocker: you know how people keep asking for a way to turn xp off so they can stay in tier X because they like it so much better there?
  2336. (10:10:37 AM) TheShocker: you should allow that, but it makes them level 2, 12, 22, or 32 depending on which tier they're in
  2337. (10:10:56 AM) TheShocker: and then they can stay in that tier forever and have all the fun in the world :O
  2338. (10:18:50 AM) TheShocker: I will assume you are simply stunned into silence by the absolute brilliance of my plan
  2339. (10:24:51 AM) TheShocker: it's ok, I understand, not every day you're confronted with sheer genius
  2340. (10:25:10 AM) TheShocker: sorry, just tired of people asking for xp lock :P
  2341. (10:53:07 AM) niblolkik left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2342. (11:05:36 AM) Rottenpotato [webchat@] entered the room.
  2343. (11:06:23 AM) TheShocker: hey :)
  2344. (11:06:44 AM) TheShocker: was playing my chosen earlier and someone said potato but it wasn't you :(
  2345. (11:09:21 AM) Rottenpotato: thought u only play order :O
  2346. (11:10:14 AM) TheShocker: he's only level 4 or 5 atm
  2347. (11:10:30 AM) TheShocker: you knew I made a WE too
  2348. (11:10:51 AM) Rottenpotato: still not banned? :P
  2349. (11:11:02 AM) Azarael: was getting around to it
  2350. (11:11:19 AM) TheShocker: Y U HAET DICKSUCKING? :(
  2351. (11:11:20 AM) Azarael: your new name shall be ToSBreach200
  2352. (11:11:24 AM) Azarael: I hope you will be proud of it
  2353. (11:11:46 AM) Rottenpotato: RIP Dicksucking
  2354. (11:11:57 AM) TheShocker: do you do that btw, rename characters? seen some InvalidNames walking around
  2355. (11:12:13 AM) Azarael: invalidname# means they were using cyrillic in their name before the restrictions on it
  2356. (11:12:22 AM) Azarael: tosbreach# means they named their char something explicit or offensive
  2357. (11:12:36 AM) TheShocker: thought it was either that or server communication problems
  2358. (11:12:46 AM) TheShocker: dicksucking is neither of those
  2359. (11:13:04 AM) TheShocker: YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THE LAST OF THIS
  2360. (11:13:15 AM) TheShocker: you have, actually XD
  2361. (11:13:20 AM) Azarael: I've not heard the last of so very many things that this doesn't trouble me :D
  2362. (11:13:34 AM) Rottenpotato: you missing all the fun Aza :(
  2363. (11:13:44 AM) Genisaurus [webchat@50-207-204-190-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] entered the room.
  2364. (11:13:48 AM) TheShocker: shame I never got to give her the last name Ducklips :(
  2365. (11:13:59 AM) TheShocker: you in STK, Rottenpotato?
  2366. (11:14:10 AM) TheShocker: Elratie: INORITE?
  2367. (11:14:33 AM) Elratie: no idea what you mean with this :D
  2368. (11:15:09 AM) TheShocker: it's idiot speak for 'I know, right?'
  2369. (11:15:43 AM) Rottenpotato: no im not on btw
  2370. (11:15:48 AM) Rottenpotato: why whats up?
  2371. (11:15:57 AM) TheShocker: huge order zerg attacking it
  2372. (11:16:07 AM) TheShocker: watching a twitch stream atm
  2373. (11:16:27 AM) TheShocker: he's playing arthurconandok
  2374. (11:16:55 AM) Rottenpotato: when i saw the name i loled :P
  2375. (11:17:00 AM) TheShocker: uhuh XD
  2376. (11:17:11 AM) TheShocker: I don't think many people get the name though
  2377. (11:17:45 AM) Rottenpotato: yeh that makes it even better :D
  2378. (11:17:52 AM) TheShocker: door's down! lagfest time!
  2379. (11:18:17 AM) TheShocker: my WH on live was called McCarthy
  2380. (11:18:22 AM) TheShocker: very few people got that XD
  2381. (11:18:36 AM) Threxx [webchat@HSI-KBW-109-192-014-148.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] entered the room.
  2382. (11:18:50 AM) Genisaurus: That's pretty brilliant
  2383. (11:19:12 AM) Rottenpotato: were u on KN?
  2384. (11:19:27 AM) TheShocker: I macroed 'are you or have you ever been a member of the communist party' on one ability sometimes
  2385. (11:19:32 AM) ***Elratie slaps Threxx around a bit with a large trout
  2386. (11:19:49 AM) TheShocker: well, norn in the end I guess
  2387. (11:20:16 AM) Rottenpotato: someone's mad on the stream :P
  2388. (11:20:24 AM) TheShocker: uhuh XD
  2389. (11:20:44 AM) TheShocker: back in a bit, got to pick up my wife and then cook dinner
  2390. (11:20:57 AM) TheShocker: with refried beans
  2391. (11:25:29 AM) Genisaurus left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2392. (11:28:00 AM) Rottenpotato: good luck :3
  2393. (11:48:12 AM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  2394. (11:55:56 AM) Rottenpotato left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2395. (12:22:39 PM) Elratie_afk is now known as Elratie
  2396. (12:48:27 PM) Viny_ [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  2397. (12:52:15 PM) Viny_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2398. (1:21:48 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  2399. (1:46:15 PM) Elratie: hi
  2400. (1:56:32 PM) Rottenpotato [webchat@] entered the room.
  2401. (1:57:55 PM) ***Threxx slaps Elratie around a bit with a large fishbot
  2402. (2:45:27 PM) Jojo^^ [~Jojo@Jojo1337.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2403. (3:02:05 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  2404. (3:16:20 PM) Rottenpotato left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2405. (3:37:38 PM) Noiree: welcome message says I'm not allowed to be a dick, but I got no dick so this is the only way to getting close to having one... HOW can you keep me away from my dreams, TheShocker?
  2406. (3:38:15 PM) Viny: just wow
  2407. (3:49:00 PM) zz__ [webchat@x4db11476.dyn.telefonica.de] entered the room.
  2408. (3:51:14 PM) zz__ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2409. (4:16:12 PM) TheShocker: Noiree: it says that if you are being a dick you should do it well too, so don't worry ;)
  2410. (4:20:01 PM) Elratie: seems the game got more bugged than evea
  2411. (4:20:04 PM) Viny: TheShocker: streams up if you wana mod a little
  2412. (4:50:17 PM) Jojo^^ left the room (quit: Signed off).
  2413. (5:26:14 PM) Noiree left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  2414. (6:03:32 PM) Valnak: did everyone at mandreds just dc
  2415. (6:16:37 PM) Threxx left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2416. (6:22:03 PM) TheShocker: I swear I get a small lag spike every couple of seconds when I'm in nordenwatch
  2417. (6:22:19 PM) TheShocker: so weird
  2418. (6:35:57 PM) Viny: laters TheShocker thanks for hanging out with us
  2419. (6:36:16 PM) TheShocker: and sorry, I know I'm a seriously shitty healer XD
  2420. (6:37:03 PM) TheShocker: I'm better at tanking and dps, somehow I just lose track of my surroundings when I heal XD
  2421. (6:40:03 PM) TheShocker: awww
  2422. (6:43:26 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2423. (6:52:48 PM) TommyB [webchat@68-184-116-252.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] entered the room.
  2424. (6:53:27 PM) TommyB: or just meh
  2425. (6:53:49 PM) TheShocker: no idea, logged off half an hour ago myself
  2426. (6:54:42 PM) Valnak: aww i was trying to level my int seeds
  2427. (6:54:51 PM) TheShocker: :(
  2428. (6:55:05 PM) Nkhiar [webchat@dynamic-78-8-40-160.ssp.dialog.net.pl] entered the room.
  2429. (6:55:05 PM) TheShocker: which side do you play on? I can send you some if you're order
  2430. (6:55:15 PM) TheShocker: sorry mate :(
  2431. (6:55:25 PM) Valnak: just a minor annoyance, thanks though
  2432. (6:55:27 PM) TheShocker: fucking hate it when I lose my only upgrades :|
  2433. (6:55:46 PM) TheShocker: could ask in /ad if you can just borrow some from someone
  2434. (6:55:57 PM) TheShocker: done that myself successfully :D
  2435. (6:56:06 PM) Nkhiar: Hate is good. (BG here :P)
  2436. (6:56:21 PM) Valnak: blue vial, 200 modifiers
  2437. (6:56:25 PM) TheShocker: I know Nkhiar, I was the chosen that called you arrogant earlier on today XD
  2438. (6:56:39 PM) TheShocker: yeah, extender multi and goldweed
  2439. (6:56:58 PM) Nkhiar: ah! it was you... you inferior dog :P Nice to see you ;)
  2440. (6:57:03 PM) TheShocker: I never bother with higher vials myself
  2441. (6:57:14 PM) TheShocker: was leveling my destro alt, got bored on order
  2442. (6:57:32 PM) TheShocker: the vials are too expensive imo :
  2443. (6:57:35 PM) Valnak: toughness is from butchering right?
  2444. (6:57:38 PM) TheShocker: yup
  2445. (6:57:40 PM) Valnak: yeah they are quite expensive
  2446. (6:57:53 PM) TheShocker: at least I think it's spiders
  2447. (6:58:01 PM) Valnak: i'll level a mara or something
  2448. (6:58:06 PM) Valnak: chosen is quite bad at aoe farming at this level it seems
  2449. (6:58:15 PM) TheShocker: yeah they are :
  2450. (6:58:39 PM) TheShocker: they're pretty good at aoe farming
  2451. (6:58:47 PM) Valnak: i noticed but i love the melee in this game
  2452. (6:59:04 PM) TheShocker: they're a bit easier to not die too, mdps ;)
  2453. (6:59:25 PM) Valnak: i was gonna go with 4 characters eventually chosen/ mara or choppa / sorc or sh / zealot or shaman
  2454. (6:59:27 PM) Sparrer78 [webchat@sparrer78.static.corbina.ru] entered the room.
  2455. (6:59:40 PM) Nkhiar: Do we have a maintenance reset now?
  2456. (6:59:44 PM) TheShocker: and not sure what my main is
  2457. (6:59:56 PM) Valnak: i'm not 40 on my chosen yet so i'm sticking with that for right now
  2458. (7:00:12 PM) Valnak: guess i'll go play call of warhammer a bit
  2459. (7:00:13 PM) TheShocker: Nkhiar: not sure, not ingame atm, but more people asked that
  2460. (7:00:26 PM) Valnak: http://www.returnofreckoning.com/index.php
  2461. (7:00:31 PM) Valnak: i think it's down
  2462. (7:00:39 PM) Nkhiar: ah
  2463. (7:00:45 PM) Valnak: oh it's back up sorta
  2464. (7:00:56 PM) Valnak: 9
  2465. (7:01:10 PM) TheShocker: I blame zergers :P
  2466. (7:01:13 PM) Sparrer78: Been wondering, is there any reason to actually go for rr40? Are we going to see conq and invader sets available in T3 level range?
  2467. (7:01:25 PM) Valnak: sparrer: 1 extra mastery point, more stats from rr
  2468. (7:01:34 PM) TheShocker: doubt it, bet we'll see t3 open first, Sparrer78
  2469. (7:01:55 PM) TheShocker: and yeah, the renown abilities plus mastery point are really nice to have
  2470. (7:02:14 PM) TheShocker: speaking of renown, everyone should use the advanced renown trainer addon
  2471. (7:02:42 PM) TheShocker: yeah, looking them up now
  2472. (7:02:42 PM) Valnak: i need a buff addon too, the default keeps breaking for me
  2473. (7:02:55 PM) TheShocker: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3281245/Gorram_004.jpg
  2474. (7:03:00 PM) TheShocker: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3281245/Gorram_005.jpg
  2475. (7:03:03 PM) TheShocker: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3281245/Gorram_006.jpg
  2476. (7:03:05 PM) TheShocker: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3281245/Gorram_007.jpg
  2477. (7:03:10 PM) Valnak: https://puu.sh/laVj2/8cb784b31e.jpg
  2478. (7:03:17 PM) Valnak: my targets always look like this
  2479. (7:03:17 PM) TheShocker: makes it look like before patch 1.4.2 again
  2480. (7:03:22 PM) TheShocker: or was that 1.4.0
  2481. (7:03:40 PM) Valnak: oh crap i forgot it looked like that
  2482. (7:03:43 PM) Sparrer78: Been using it but it appears the points reset after relog. Maybe they don't reset but it's not shown on char or ability tab or anywhere else
  2483. (7:03:49 PM) Valnak: yeah i have buffhead but it's not quite what i'm asking for
  2484. (7:03:51 PM) TheShocker: Sparrer78: does that no matter what :
  2485. (7:04:01 PM) TheShocker: I just respec every time I get more points
  2486. (7:04:11 PM) TheShocker: good thing it's free for renown abilities
  2487. (7:04:32 PM) TheShocker: that scrolldown list is just such a horrible interface for it
  2488. (7:04:50 PM) TheShocker: oh you mean your enemy target Valnak?
  2489. (7:05:06 PM) TheShocker: it's a problem with the server, Azarael explained that to me here yesterday
  2490. (7:05:19 PM) TheShocker: somehow the server doesn't send the packets that tell you buffs have run out
  2491. (7:05:34 PM) TheShocker: he didn't have a clue why yet, but I bet they're looking into it
  2492. (7:05:47 PM) Valnak: like the game knows the buffs aren't there
  2493. (7:05:53 PM) TheShocker: so nothing you can do about it in the mean time
  2494. (7:06:04 PM) TheShocker: I see it on mobs too even
  2495. (7:06:12 PM) Valnak: gotcha
  2496. (7:06:23 PM) TheShocker: they have like aao, pot buffs, etc, all with 0 sec
  2497. (7:06:31 PM) Valnak: also, ever seen a dueler in a scenario?
  2498. (7:06:41 PM) Valnak: someone who was dueling then accepted a scenario before ending the duel
  2499. (7:06:51 PM) TheShocker: you mean they look like an enemy mob?
  2500. (7:06:58 PM) TheShocker: seen that in TC warcamp even
  2501. (7:07:06 PM) TheShocker: the shitty thing is you can't kill them XD
  2502. (7:07:07 PM) Valnak: you can tab to them, target them but you can't attack them
  2503. (7:07:10 PM) Valnak: don't know if you can heal them though
  2504. (7:07:28 PM) TheShocker: if I wasn't complete shit as a healer I'd try it XD
  2505. (7:07:59 PM) TheShocker: I want to level my chosen, but earlier today it was slim pickings :(
  2506. (7:08:06 PM) TheShocker: they just look so awesome XD
  2507. (7:08:30 PM) Valnak: i didn't notice the nerf to quake for a while
  2508. (7:08:41 PM) Valnak: can't complain since quake is still op
  2509. (7:08:59 PM) TheShocker: what was the nerf again? only started playing him a week or two, three back
  2510. (7:09:04 PM) TheShocker: also, what does quake do again? XD
  2511. (7:09:11 PM) Valnak: cone stagger
  2512. (7:09:23 PM) TheShocker: yeah, still plenty tbh
  2513. (7:09:25 PM) Valnak: kotbs and chosen have it, kotbs' is much much cooler
  2514. (7:09:36 PM) TheShocker: kotbs have such awesome animations
  2515. (7:09:45 PM) Valnak: i played one on live, was great times
  2516. (7:10:09 PM) TheShocker: I have one that's level 15 now I think, sword and board, loads of fun already
  2517. (7:10:27 PM) Valnak: shatter confidence, dirty tricks, the str aura giving +10% crit
  2518. (7:10:32 PM) TheShocker: been having fun with a total troll build grenadier engi lately XD
  2519. (7:10:38 PM) TheShocker: so much fun at keep defenses
  2520. (7:10:39 PM) Valnak: but the damage portion of kotbs
  2521. (7:10:44 PM) Valnak: so annoying to try to do damage
  2522. (7:10:53 PM) Valnak: chosen has much nicer damage stuff
  2523. (7:11:00 PM) TheShocker: yeah, not even trying that tbh, just being support
  2524. (7:11:17 PM) TheShocker: chosen has better synergy, spirit damage
  2525. (7:11:41 PM) Valnak: but you're going very high up a tree for damage when you still suck at it
  2526. (7:12:31 PM) Valnak: OYG is much better than the chosen equiv, but chosen get a much better aoe heal debuff since chosen is incoming, kotbs is outgoing
  2527. (7:12:42 PM) TheShocker: crit on parry is nice from kotbs
  2528. (7:13:15 PM) TommyB left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2529. (7:13:28 PM) TheShocker: sometimes an outgoing heal debuff is so much better
  2530. (7:13:39 PM) Valnak: you're right, but you'd be negating guard at that point
  2531. (7:14:04 PM) TheShocker: I like the BW incoming heal debuff one that does damage to the healer
  2532. (7:14:15 PM) Valnak: i think chosen actually get that
  2533. (7:14:21 PM) Valnak: or a modified version
  2534. (7:14:31 PM) TheShocker: BWs get it earlier I think
  2535. (7:14:36 PM) TheShocker: not sure tbh
  2536. (7:14:54 PM) Valnak: chosen's is actually on the 2nd ability they get, but they need to tactic it for the healer damage
  2537. (7:15:20 PM) TheShocker: immolation, 5 point ability
  2538. (7:15:28 PM) TheShocker: well, 6, you need to spend the point on it
  2539. (7:15:54 PM) TheShocker: so annoyed I can't have that AND withering heat and the ignition tactic at level 26 :(
  2540. (7:16:18 PM) Valnak: withering is so nice
  2541. (7:16:21 PM) Valnak: :)
  2542. (7:16:25 PM) TheShocker: http://waronlinebuilder.org/#career=bw;0;9;0;;5:7:9:;;;0:0:0:0:
  2543. (7:16:42 PM) TheShocker: been playing alts too much
  2544. (7:17:09 PM) TheShocker: finally found a guild that does small group roaming, been playing him more the last week
  2545. (7:17:23 PM) TheShocker: bw solo or in pugs sucks balls
  2546. (7:17:28 PM) TheShocker: the kings own
  2547. (7:17:52 PM) TheShocker: they only started a few weeks back on the server, all old players though
  2548. (7:18:34 PM) Valnak: very active?
  2549. (7:18:52 PM) TheShocker: yeah, got a group almost every day
  2550. (7:18:59 PM) TheShocker: and helping people power level
  2551. (7:19:22 PM) TheShocker: personally I want my rr to always be higher than my level XD
  2552. (7:19:45 PM) Valnak: i figure it's a lot easier to level once you're capped than vice versa
  2553. (7:19:58 PM) TheShocker: and you're less useless imo
  2554. (7:20:05 PM) Valnak: at least you'll have all your abilities
  2555. (7:20:16 PM) TheShocker: lvl 26 with no renown points to spend is still weak XD
  2556. (7:20:29 PM) Valnak: level renown once level capped*
  2557. (7:21:04 PM) TheShocker: when I leave t1 my rr is usually in the 20s already on my toons XD
  2558. (7:21:29 PM) TheShocker: it can be, it can be hell too :|
  2559. (7:21:37 PM) TheShocker: people camping warcamp exits sucks
  2560. (7:21:39 PM) Valnak: i couldn't remember how to look for open groups for a week
  2561. (7:21:48 PM) TheShocker: plus people not leaving even though they're lvl 12+
  2562. (7:21:59 PM) TheShocker: 12
  2563. (7:22:18 PM) TheShocker: think they may have changed it today, someone said that in the party I was in earlier
  2564. (7:22:44 PM) TheShocker: yeah, they changed it to 15 on live because they made the stupid mistake to let people play for free in t1 XD
  2565. (7:22:50 PM) TheShocker: so many twinks back then, so op
  2566. (7:23:11 PM) TheShocker: back then you had white armor with 2 tally slots
  2567. (7:23:20 PM) TheShocker: yup
  2568. (7:23:34 PM) TheShocker: had a chosen twink back then that had toughness capped
  2569. (7:23:43 PM) Valnak: every hit?
  2570. (7:23:45 PM) TheShocker: could walk around in a warband of order without going down
  2571. (7:23:57 PM) Valnak: it's hilarious, if you put a shield on as a tank
  2572. (7:24:04 PM) TheShocker: I KNOW XD
  2573. (7:24:20 PM) TheShocker: people still have misconception from live
  2574. (7:24:31 PM) Valnak: it works for me since a lot of shield tanks really do brick
  2575. (7:24:38 PM) TheShocker: like 'SWs and engies and maguses suck'
  2576. (7:24:49 PM) Valnak: a magus was dueling in ic the other day
  2577. (7:25:07 PM) Valnak: sw was pretty op near the end in live
  2578. (7:25:15 PM) Valnak: unshakeable focus + festerbomb
  2579. (7:25:34 PM) TheShocker: plus that other +100% damage buff
  2580. (7:25:41 PM) TheShocker: nagaryths revenge or something?
  2581. (7:25:50 PM) Valnak: couldn't tell you, i didn't play one
  2582. (7:26:02 PM) Valnak: they seem to have a nice kit even at this level
  2583. (7:26:13 PM) TheShocker: right now I play too many classes, and I'm actually thinking of making a WH XD
  2584. (7:26:24 PM) TheShocker: yeah, 2k isn't all that weird atm
  2585. (7:26:42 PM) Valnak: then again it seems like everything can hit for 1.5k
  2586. (7:26:49 PM) Valnak: that black orc dude's pic was awesome
  2587. (7:26:59 PM) TheShocker: got a BW, SW, engie, slayer, kotbs, IB, AM, chosen and WE right now
  2588. (7:27:22 PM) TheShocker: BOs with a 2H and glass cannon build were ridiculous on live too
  2589. (7:27:45 PM) TheShocker: was watching an old video of one a few days back
  2590. (7:27:58 PM) Valnak: parvun inspired me to make a BO on live
  2591. (7:28:04 PM) Valnak: worked better than i expected
  2592. (7:28:20 PM) TheShocker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wwu76p0qA8 that one
  2593. (7:28:26 PM) Valnak: yep
  2594. (7:28:36 PM) Valnak: and lucky
  2595. (7:28:45 PM) Valnak: he had the +6% crit chest from altdorf siege
  2596. (7:29:02 PM) Valnak: at this specific video
  2597. (7:29:07 PM) Valnak: the 'wot armor' and m1 stacked
  2598. (7:29:21 PM) Valnak: then again he has like 5
  2599. (7:29:32 PM) Valnak: the last few i think he has rr100 gear
  2600. (7:29:40 PM) TheShocker: such a shame the video quality of old vids is so shitty, would love to be able to see things better
  2601. (7:30:02 PM) TheShocker: was watching a video of a 2H IB roaming a while back too
  2602. (7:30:34 PM) TheShocker: just like AM/shammies now with the right build
  2603. (7:30:46 PM) Valnak: bad
  2604. (7:32:06 PM) TheShocker: can't keep track of how often I tell people 'don't follow that shammie, he'll fuck you up' XD
  2605. (7:32:28 PM) TheShocker: about as often as I tell them 'don't follow sekundus, he'll fuck you up' XD
  2606. (7:32:42 PM) TheShocker: respect the shammies a lot more because they do it solo, though
  2607. (7:32:56 PM) Valnak: some good players, some semi-retarded
  2608. (7:33:20 PM) Valnak: one guy joins scenarios as a dps dok, demands guards and pocket healers from pugs
  2609. (7:33:47 PM) TheShocker: I see that a lot with BWs in t1
  2610. (7:34:12 PM) TheShocker: just keep that combustion at 100 and demand heals and guard XD
  2611. (7:35:39 PM) TheShocker: thing is, sekundus isn't a bad player, seen him melt a zerg with a good 6 man group, but most of the time I see him ganking lowbies, which is just so unrewarding imo
  2612. (7:36:07 PM) Valnak: i didn't mean to imply otherwise if i did
  2613. (7:36:24 PM) TheShocker: wasn't suggesting he's bad btw
  2614. (7:36:31 PM) TheShocker: I've seen better sorcerers though
  2615. (7:37:14 PM) TheShocker: on live when I was leveling my BW there was this one sorc, can't remember their name, they were always just 1 or 2 levels above me, had such great battles with that one :)
  2616. (7:37:37 PM) Valnak: i will never understand
  2617. (7:37:46 PM) Valnak: why euros like this game so much more than people from NA
  2618. (7:37:49 PM) TheShocker: remember there was a set of 3 jewelry pieces, each had a different huge amount of resist?
  2619. (7:38:03 PM) Valnak: from lairs or something?
  2620. (7:38:16 PM) Valnak: oh right
  2621. (7:38:22 PM) Valnak: i think it was like 4 of them or more
  2622. (7:38:23 PM) TheShocker: or maybe it was from achievements?
  2623. (7:38:26 PM) TheShocker: could be, yeah
  2624. (7:38:33 PM) Valnak: something small
  2625. (7:38:38 PM) TheShocker: I /always/ had the spirit resit one in my bags XD
  2626. (7:38:45 PM) TheShocker: just in case I ran into that one sorc XD
  2627. (7:39:02 PM) TheShocker: think it was tome unlocks, now that I think about it
  2628. (7:39:12 PM) Valnak: http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Strife
  2629. (7:39:22 PM) Valnak: http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Torment_%28item%29
  2630. (7:39:23 PM) TheShocker: really hope they implement tome unlock gear
  2631. (7:39:31 PM) TheShocker: yeah, those are the ones :D
  2632. (7:40:27 PM) TheShocker: like the time piece on order, not sure destro had that one
  2633. (7:40:37 PM) Valnak: that gave armor
  2634. (7:40:44 PM) Valnak: that also was a cure-all
  2635. (7:40:46 PM) TheShocker: yeah, remember that one too
  2636. (7:40:58 PM) Valnak: there was also the corpse chest pocket thing
  2637. (7:41:00 PM) TheShocker: that one was seriously nice for scs
  2638. (7:41:05 PM) Valnak: that made you immune to something for a very short time
  2639. (7:41:31 PM) TheShocker: remember the halloween even items? like the gobbo mask?
  2640. (7:42:06 PM) TheShocker: can't believe I actually miss some of those pve items
  2641. (7:42:12 PM) Valnak: i remember farming like 3k snotlings on a warrior priest
  2642. (7:42:16 PM) Valnak: and got 2 battle brew backpacks
  2643. (7:42:21 PM) Valnak: sold one for 2k gold kept the other like 2 years
  2644. (7:42:50 PM) Valnak: http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Kossar's_Helm
  2645. (7:42:54 PM) TheShocker: remember farming undead for the tome unlock to get damage reduction for lotd lairs and tovl
  2646. (7:43:28 PM) TheShocker: hah, nice, remember that one XD
  2647. (7:44:46 PM) Valnak: no game has even come close to the tome yet :(
  2648. (7:47:08 PM) TheShocker: fact that the tier sets have tome unlocks makes me happy, means that they've at least implemented the functionality already :)
  2649. (7:49:16 PM) TheShocker: one thing I REALLY want is the serpent's spine sc
  2650. (7:59:45 PM) TheShocker: someone stole my WHs name :(
  2651. (8:00:04 PM) TheShocker: a lvl 1 IB called mccarthy. <rage>
  2652. (8:22:45 PM) Sparrer78 left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2653. (8:40:57 PM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  2654. (8:47:36 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2655. (9:15:28 PM) TheShocker: YES BUT ALSO SLIGHTLY DRUNK
  2656. (9:32:58 PM) TheShocker: heh, made a WH, joined a wb for orvr while waiting for queues to pop, saw a lvl 11 WH need on a shoulder item he didn't need, whispered to him if I could have it. he gave me a shitload of gear, like 10 items. guy dcs, and while he's gone I get this lvl 11 blue belt. he comes back, I gave him the belt, he almost wouldn't take it XD
  2657. (9:34:24 PM) Nkhiar: I've participated in two Tier2 locks today and didn't got a single medal for either :(
  2658. (9:35:11 PM) Valnak: i never have
  2659. (9:35:43 PM) Nkhiar: how else are we supposed to buy T2 items for oRvR medals w/o medals? :P
  2660. (9:36:44 PM) Nkhiar: it happened to me on T1 one day. i was like 'cool I went through 5 locks, I should have enough medals for... wait what? not a single one :/ ' no idea why it sometimes happens :(
  2661. (9:38:17 PM) TheShocker: you don't get medals for the locks there :(
  2662. (9:38:39 PM) TheShocker: had it on t1 too on my engi, didn't get medals for 3 out of 5 locks while in t1 :|
  2663. (9:39:05 PM) TheShocker: kept relogging hoping it'd fix it, but nope :|
  2664. (9:39:29 PM) TheShocker: Nkhiar: t2 items were added back again just last week I think
  2665. (9:39:50 PM) TheShocker: they removed them all after an exploit allowed people on destro to basically buy an unlimited amount
  2666. (9:40:10 PM) TheShocker: that was a few months back, only added them again recently
  2667. (9:40:27 PM) TheShocker: REALLY wish we'd get medals for locks in t2 though
  2668. (9:40:33 PM) Nkhiar: so nobody has such item on them but they exist at vendors?
  2669. (9:40:44 PM) TheShocker: nah, they were even removed from the vendors
  2670. (9:40:54 PM) TheShocker: and all existing items were wiped in the database
  2671. (9:41:02 PM) TheShocker: so nobody had them anymore afaik
  2672. (9:41:46 PM) Nkhiar: I am confused now. I'm talking about Obliterator's set at the moment
  2673. (9:41:59 PM) TheShocker: the t2 set
  2674. (9:42:05 PM) Nkhiar: looking at it at vendor now :/
  2675. (9:42:16 PM) TheShocker: yeah, they exist again now
  2676. (9:42:26 PM) TheShocker: like I said, put back in last week, or two weeks ago
  2677. (9:42:53 PM) Nkhiar: hmmm, I guess I'll focus on scenarios in such case
  2678. (9:43:13 PM) TheShocker: you can get better green gear from vendors in IC mate
  2679. (9:43:26 PM) TheShocker: well, not sc weapons, those are still really good
  2680. (9:43:46 PM) TheShocker: forget what it's called, in IC, bottom of the map, there are renown gear vendors
  2681. (9:44:06 PM) Nkhiar: like in Altdorf in War Quarters probbaly
  2682. (9:44:09 PM) TheShocker: they basically have the best armor except for the epic weird pieces
  2683. (9:44:32 PM) TheShocker: for BW for instance they have a staff with 90 int
  2684. (9:44:32 PM) Nkhiar: I guess I'll have to go there after a bit of leveling, yes.
  2685. (9:44:40 PM) TheShocker: yeah, you should check it
  2686. (9:44:54 PM) TheShocker: they have renown requirements, but they're a cheap option for getting great stuff
  2687. (9:46:44 PM) TheShocker: that's actually something I really like, you can get awesome gear for a few silver atm
  2688. (9:47:12 PM) TheShocker: literally nothing costs even 1 gold
  2689. (9:47:52 PM) TheShocker: think it's 70-something silver for the most expensive stuff
  2690. (9:48:27 PM) Nkhiar: ..not that getting gold is a problem, while farming for talisman ingredients
  2691. (9:48:39 PM) TheShocker: or doing the kill quests
  2692. (9:49:21 PM) TheShocker: or selling those stupid white drops, they seriously add up XD
  2693. (9:54:32 PM) TheShocker: I do the kill quest thing in all warcamps while queueing often, when you get out, requeue, travel to all wcs to collect, usually you manage to collect all 6 before a pop
  2694. (9:55:44 PM) TheShocker: was in a murderball sc before, think it was morkain, and I collect the thingie, and then I don't get healed by the AM that's standing right next to me
  2695. (9:56:12 PM) TheShocker: so I die, and the bloody AM picks it up, and when I said it's nice if the carrier gets healed he says it's nice if you defend the carrier
  2696. (9:56:29 PM) TheShocker: I asked why? you're not healing me, why should I protect you?
  2697. (9:56:39 PM) TheShocker: answer: because I was carrying the item
  2698. (9:57:45 PM) Nkhiar: I can't seem to find anywhere npc selling t2 scenario (medalions) stuff :/
  2699. (9:58:32 PM) Nkhiar: I went to southern part, there are some npc's with renown armor and weapon, including orvr sets
  2700. (9:58:41 PM) Nkhiar: but none of them has medalion items
  2701. (9:58:50 PM) TheShocker: is the name of the npc, I think
  2702. (9:59:34 PM) TheShocker: yeah, http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4867&f=2
  2703. (10:00:49 PM) Nkhiar: yeah, but he's not there :D not with all other vendors. Bugger went for a lunch break or is hidden in some obvious place
  2704. (10:01:35 PM) TheShocker: haven't been there in RoR so far, so I don't really know, just info I got from a destro player recently :
  2705. (10:04:56 PM) Nkhiar: on main plaza, standing in the open
  2706. (10:05:05 PM) Nkhiar: not in the south war quarter :P
  2707. (10:05:42 PM) TheShocker: glad you found him :)
  2708. (10:06:59 PM) Nkhiar: need lvl 20, but these items from him look kick ass....
  2709. (10:07:26 PM) TheShocker: not kidding, those weapons are some of the best you can get
  2710. (10:08:28 PM) Nkhiar: http://www.arsenalofwar.com/items/Destruction/Titan's%20Glaive%20of%20Brutality
  2711. (10:09:19 PM) TheShocker: how I miss those
  2712. (10:09:49 PM) TheShocker: what was that instance in chaos wastes? bastion stairs?
  2713. (10:10:14 PM) TheShocker: that one had a wing where you could get some of the best weapons before the city siege ones
  2714. (10:10:35 PM) TheShocker: still pissed off they changed it so 2H weapons couldn't have two of the same tallies :|
  2715. (10:10:49 PM) TheShocker: should petition the devs to revert that stupid limitation
  2716. (10:11:28 PM) TheShocker: I should go to bed, it's 4AM here :P
  2717. (10:11:51 PM) Nkhiar: nn
  2718. (11/7/2015 12:06:32 AM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  2719. (12:07:57 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  2720. (1:46:27 AM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: login server may be down, not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  2721. (1:46:27 AM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 5:44:40 PM on 11/2/2015
  2722. (6:07:01 AM) Nkhiar: Soundtrack for my scenarios as BG :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPGKlb8hklQ&feature=youtu.be&t=1500
  2723. (6:12:05 AM) TheShocker: not sure you're allowed to play slayer as a BG
  2724. (6:12:24 AM) TheShocker: that album's a classic though
  2725. (6:12:56 AM) TheShocker: seen them live a few times :D
  2726. (6:18:08 AM) TheShocker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNMEbaQtMR8 this whole album's great too
  2727. (6:21:04 AM) Nkhiar: wait what? what do you mean 'not sure if I'm allowed to play Slayer as BG' :D
  2728. (6:21:15 AM) TheShocker: it's for Slayers of course
  2729. (6:21:51 AM) Nkhiar: lol. they'd wish
  2730. (6:23:12 AM) TheShocker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuO3wwLuF0w I play this sometimes when I play by BW
  2731. (6:24:58 AM) TheShocker: big black was such a great band, but they didn't make it easy to google them
  2732. (6:33:34 AM) TheShocker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYsBvZRXF7A more gud stuff
  2733. (6:39:15 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  2734. (6:39:50 AM) TheShocker: now I have listen to Ministry for a few hours
  2735. (6:41:13 AM) TheShocker: heya
  2736. (7:22:12 AM) Londo: added few screenshots of Karak Eight Peaks (Greenskin capital city) http://www.returnofreckoning.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3405&start=50
  2737. (7:51:41 AM) Macavity [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2738. (8:04:39 AM) TheShocker: I remember seeing pictures of it on the old warhammer forums, cool Londo
  2739. (8:09:08 AM) Londo left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2740. (8:29:18 AM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-207-2.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  2741. (9:22:53 AM) Elratie left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  2742. (9:36:23 AM) Viny [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  2743. (9:54:50 AM) Nkhiar left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2744. (10:38:52 AM) Elratie [~Ele@p54A9C339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  2745. (10:41:30 AM) TheShocker: lol, outdamaged a level 7 BW in an sc as a level 6 WH with starter gear and one green sword XD
  2746. (10:41:37 AM) Potato__ [webchat@] entered the room.
  2747. (10:42:15 AM) Potato__: Afternoon =D
  2748. (10:43:10 AM) Valnak: so
  2749. (10:43:17 AM) Valnak: what resist should i be focusing on?
  2750. (10:43:26 AM) Valnak: corp is some bw/engi
  2751. (10:43:29 AM) Valnak: elemental is mostly bw?
  2752. (10:43:47 AM) TheShocker: and yeah, engi is corp
  2753. (10:43:56 AM) TheShocker: all in all, corp's a good one to invest in
  2754. (10:44:05 AM) Valnak: just making sure, these rings i want to use don't have spirit
  2755. (10:44:12 AM) Valnak: which leaves me uncapped on spirit with my aura
  2756. (10:44:32 AM) Valnak: bring on the SM rapetrain
  2757. (10:44:43 AM) TheShocker: yeah, all those SMs playing ;)
  2758. (10:44:53 AM) Valnak: well every sc last night i played had 2
  2759. (10:45:08 AM) Valnak: one was shield and we never hit him, he died through guard
  2760. (10:45:19 AM) TheShocker: I see them almost every time I level a character in t1 too, actually
  2761. (10:45:32 AM) Valnak: i tried to play a BO since i did on live
  2762. (10:45:42 AM) Valnak: even the tiny amount of lag i have on this just makes it frustrating
  2763. (10:46:02 AM) Potato__: why would someone even roll a BO =p
  2764. (10:46:12 AM) Valnak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wwu76p0qA8
  2765. (10:46:23 AM) Valnak: i think they are legit the best tanky tank this tier
  2766. (10:46:31 AM) Valnak: +50% block
  2767. (10:46:56 AM) Potato__: Shocker stop roleplaying :P
  2768. (10:47:11 AM) TheShocker: I have all this gear on my WH and I'm not high enough level to wear it :(
  2769. (10:48:07 AM) TheShocker: 6
  2770. (10:48:36 AM) TheShocker: so much fun running into sorcerers
  2771. (10:48:53 AM) TheShocker: they get scared and run away, which is the stupidest thing you can do with a backstabber coming at you XD
  2772. (10:49:03 AM) TheShocker: :D
  2773. (10:49:14 AM) TheShocker: I do it to choppas and maras too
  2774. (10:50:32 AM) Valnak: i will guard you
  2775. (10:50:44 AM) Potato__: with ur BO? =p
  2776. (10:51:47 AM) Potato__: can never say no to a pocket chosen :3
  2777. (10:53:16 AM) TheShocker: the point of WHs is for sorces to hate them ;)
  2778. (10:53:47 AM) Potato__: bully x2 :( come destrooooo
  2779. (11:08:30 AM) TheShocker: yeah I should level up dicksucking
  2780. (11:08:37 AM) TheShocker: wait, that sounded really wrong XD
  2781. (11:08:45 AM) TheShocker: my WE called dicksucking
  2782. (11:47:33 AM) Elratie: yeah right your WE.. :D
  2783. (12:16:42 PM) TheShocker: this goldilocks person is driving me nuts in /ad :|
  2784. (12:18:24 PM) Viny left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2785. (12:29:19 PM) TheShocker: like a hyperactive teenage girl
  2786. (12:31:05 PM) TheShocker: didn't know you had a WP :)
  2787. (12:53:17 PM) Noiree [~noiree@p5B345DA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] entered the room.
  2788. (1:01:23 PM) TheShocker: heya Noiree
  2789. (1:02:11 PM) TheShocker: good, played some t1 scs earlier, got both my weapons on my WH now :)
  2790. (1:02:17 PM) TheShocker: can't /use/ them, but I have them XD
  2791. (1:02:26 PM) TheShocker: 3 more levels I think -_-
  2792. (1:03:42 PM) Noiree: ya was planning to play my tiny AM later on, too
  2793. (1:03:57 PM) Noiree: back to the bloody damn roooots
  2794. (1:04:30 PM) TheShocker: yeah, WH was my original main too :)
  2795. (1:04:43 PM) TheShocker: forgot how much fun they are
  2796. (1:05:29 PM) Noiree: they're pretty stylish, too though the cup looks a bit strange
  2797. (1:08:38 PM) TheShocker: AMs have really cool tier and dungeon sets
  2798. (1:08:44 PM) TheShocker: earlier than WHs get them imo
  2799. (1:09:10 PM) TheShocker: WH started looking cool only from invader onward imo
  2800. (1:09:30 PM) Potato__: i wanna punch him
  2801. (1:09:33 PM) TheShocker: I dunno -_-
  2802. (1:09:41 PM) TheShocker: punch him in the penus
  2803. (1:10:04 PM) TheShocker: where else ya gonna punch, right?
  2804. (1:10:19 PM) Noiree: just a sad excuse to touch that guy'spenis
  2805. (1:10:42 PM) Potato__: now u know Noiree :(
  2806. (1:13:06 PM) TheShocker: you don't need an excuse to touch a guy's penis
  2807. (1:14:18 PM) Noiree: just a toilet... and good running shoes
  2808. (1:14:54 PM) TheShocker: you mean use his foreskin to make running shoes? OMG THAT'S HORRIBLE HOW CAN YOU THINK THAT? :O
  2809. (1:15:23 PM) TheShocker: I KNOW RIGHT???
  2810. (1:17:05 PM) Noiree: welp... could be problematic in Israel
  2811. (1:34:23 PM) Potato__: no running shoes for em :(
  2812. (1:52:09 PM) ocr|Sio^ding left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2813. (1:52:20 PM) ocr|Sio^ding [~alex@sioding.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2814. (1:54:06 PM) endy left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2815. (1:59:07 PM) endy [~endy@62-210-129-137.rev.poneytelecom.eu] entered the room.
  2816. (2:01:51 PM) Noiree: how much I like those ppl 'no tits, no like' rly...
  2817. (2:05:51 PM) TheShocker: I love to pretend I'm a gay guy to people like that and call them hottie and ask for dick picks
  2818. (2:26:13 PM) TheShocker has changed the topic to: surf's up! || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  2819. (2:33:30 PM) TheShocker: just logged on 4 minutes ago
  2820. (2:34:30 PM) Noiree: when I was in super heal mode with my AM
  2821. (2:39:44 PM) TheShocker: got dcd
  2822. (2:47:32 PM) Potato__: getting dced :/
  2823. (2:52:28 PM) TheShocker: ridiculous how people just stand there fighting like they were in napoleon's army instead of pushing -_-
  2824. (2:55:41 PM) Viny_ [webchat@c213-89-207-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room.
  2825. (2:56:11 PM) TheShocker: yase
  2826. (2:57:30 PM) TheShocker: in t1 it's great atm
  2827. (2:57:46 PM) TheShocker: I think there's an order group attacking stk atm in t2
  2828. (2:58:47 PM) Viny_: me and a guy from the guild did a 2man group roam yesterday
  2829. (2:59:02 PM) TheShocker: you on your shammie?
  2830. (2:59:05 PM) Viny_: got purple shoulders and purple gloves for BG :D
  2831. (2:59:14 PM) TheShocker: shammies are so good for that
  2832. (3:02:47 PM) TheShocker: I got a chosen axe again today
  2833. (3:03:04 PM) TheShocker: glad they at least sell for like 30 silver XD
  2834. (3:10:43 PM) Viny_: I'm still in need of bw gear btw
  2835. (3:11:00 PM) Viny_: in case you get some random drops :>
  2836. (3:12:53 PM) TheShocker: got nothing at all on WH so far :
  2837. (3:14:48 PM) Macavity` [~Macavity@Macavity.users.quakenet.org] entered the room.
  2838. (3:16:50 PM) chaser_ [webchat@h75n9-m-rg-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com] entered the room.
  2839. (3:17:15 PM) chaser_: how to reset/respec crafting skill?'
  2840. (3:17:30 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2841. (3:17:46 PM) TheShocker: with /say .respec Crafting
  2842. (3:18:08 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2843. (3:18:59 PM) Elratie: order player´s are all noobs
  2844. (3:20:32 PM) Potato__ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2845. (3:22:42 PM) chaser_: and where to pick up talisman making?
  2846. (3:22:51 PM) chaser_: and do i need something else aswell?
  2847. (3:23:14 PM) TheShocker: you can go to the chapter 1 town or altdorf for that
  2848. (3:23:22 PM) TheShocker: you need to talk to a hedge wizard to learn it
  2849. (3:23:54 PM) TheShocker: I'd suggest getting scavenging on a character you play often, and make an alt to do salvaging on
  2850. (3:24:23 PM) chaser_: scavining for?
  2851. (3:26:37 PM) TheShocker: scavenging to get fragments and curios
  2852. (3:31:33 PM) TheShocker: they need to fix the level ranges back to what it was on live before the free trials
  2853. (3:31:43 PM) TheShocker: can go to t2 at 10, have to at 12
  2854. (3:47:18 PM) Potato__ [webchat@] entered the room.
  2855. (4:11:13 PM) Noiree: did the obligatory streaming - hope ppls are happy now
  2856. (4:19:19 PM) chris^sb is now known as Chris^SB
  2857. (4:26:30 PM) TheShocker: I'm in zone 28 :O
  2858. (4:26:43 PM) TheShocker: when I press M I see 'This map is not yet available'
  2859. (4:37:14 PM) Erron_Black [webchat@dynamic-78-8-40-160.ssp.dialog.net.pl] entered the room.
  2860. (4:45:39 PM) Erron_Black: WTB server restart. 20 silver :P
  2861. (4:55:50 PM) chris^sb is now known as Chris^SB
  2862. (4:56:49 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-207-2.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  2863. (5:05:59 PM) Macavity` is now known as Macavity
  2864. (5:31:54 PM) Londo [webchat@] entered the room.
  2865. (5:32:55 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2866. (5:34:37 PM) TheShocker: oh godfuckingdammit, you don't even get xp in pve in t2 as a level 9
  2867. (5:35:09 PM) TheShocker: WHO'S DICK DO I HAVE TO SUCK TO GET OUT OF T1 ASAP?
  2868. (5:35:21 PM) TheShocker: think so
  2869. (5:35:25 PM) Noiree: erm... Azarael's, I guess
  2870. (5:35:55 PM) TheShocker: ah, must've been a bug
  2871. (5:36:00 PM) TheShocker: getting xp and inf now -_-
  2872. (5:36:12 PM) Noiree: I need a laptop... want to code from my bed
  2873. (5:42:53 PM) TheShocker: can do that with a tablet and kbd too
  2874. (5:46:40 PM) Noiree: ebay is an interesting portal: there's a guy 'selling' pretty much nothing, just having a pic that says 'pics later' and a text that says absolutely nothing but infos later... ppl still buy whatever might be behind this... it's just 'dell latitude notebook #2' and #3 #4 #5 etc
  2875. (5:51:59 PM) TheShocker: someone I know fell for that, got a nice box with a picture in it XD
  2876. (5:53:08 PM) Noiree: guy who did this had 800+ sales and all positive
  2877. (5:53:37 PM) Noiree: but with absolutely no description of what you might get, I'd invest no money at all
  2878. (5:55:36 PM) Noiree: waaaait a sec...we got a laptop in this house... hmm...maybe eclipse can run on oldschool win xp
  2879. (5:56:39 PM) Viny_: TheShocker: you need to boost your tank to 26 right meo
  2880. (5:59:51 PM) TheShocker: got you some BW boots just now, viny
  2881. (6:00:25 PM) Viny_: but we are short a tank for our late night groups :<
  2882. (6:09:23 PM) TheShocker: powerlevel my lvl 5 chosen then
  2883. (6:10:51 PM) Viny_: what was the name again
  2884. (6:11:11 PM) Noiree: glorious... every time the dps say 'great heals' the one who definitely wasn't the reason that was said, writes 'thank you' :D
  2885. (6:14:38 PM) TheShocker: Viny_: pwnies, but I'm on my WH now
  2886. (6:25:26 PM) chaser_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2887. (6:28:56 PM) sinisterror [sinisterro@87-100-207-2.bb.dnainternet.fi] entered the room.
  2888. (6:32:10 PM) Upgrayedd [webchat@ip68-0-230-39.ri.ri.cox.net] entered the room.
  2889. (6:32:24 PM) Upgrayedd left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2890. (6:39:24 PM) Valnak: Viny_: i'm on right now, invite
  2891. (6:40:09 PM) Valnak: hmm
  2892. (6:40:39 PM) TheShocker: http://i.imgur.com/gjqWgbq.jpg
  2893. (6:42:51 PM) TheShocker: is that a hotdog next to him?
  2894. (6:43:17 PM) Viny_: destro
  2895. (7:08:09 PM) Viny_ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2896. (7:08:33 PM) Potato__ left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  2897. (7:17:26 PM) Noiree: healer - so easy so grind eRPees...lvl 11, RR15np
  2898. (7:18:22 PM) Noiree: crosshealing - it ain'tfor everybody
  2899. (7:21:15 PM) Valnak: is so amazing
  2900. (7:21:47 PM) Valnak: http://puu.sh/ldivt/f5a2801f50.jpg
  2901. (7:39:31 PM) sinisterror left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  2902. (7:48:54 PM) Noiree left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  2903. (8:27:49 PM) Macavity left the room (quit: Signed off).
  2904. (8:29:30 PM) TheShocker: heh, my BW was rr 20 when I was level 12 XD
  2905. (8:29:39 PM) TheShocker: killing blows are so easy as a BW
  2906. (8:29:48 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  2907. (8:49:09 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: surf's up! || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  2908. (8:49:09 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 2:26:10 PM on 11/7/2015
  2909. (9:11:00 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
  2910. (9:37:14 PM) The topic for #martyrs_square is: surf's up! || http://returnofreckoning.com/join.php
  2911. (9:37:14 PM) Topic for #martyrs_square set by TheShocker at 2:26:10 PM on 11/7/2015
  2912. (9:37:24 PM) Valnak: what a ruckus that was at mandreds

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