Fundamental Molecular Biology Allison 2nd Edition

Fundamental Molecular Biology, 2nd Edition. The Beginnings of Molecular Biology. Recombinant DNA Technology and Molecular Cloning.

♥ Book Title : Fundamental Molecular Biology, 2nd Edition
♣ Name Author : Lizabeth A. Allison
∞ Launching : 2011-10-03
◊ Info ISBN Link : 9781118209882
⊗ Detail ISBN code : 1118209885
⊕ Number Pages : Total 672 sheet
♮ News id : aeUbAAAAQBAJ
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☯ Full Synopsis : 'Perfect for a single term on Molecular Biology and more accessible to beginning students in the field than its encyclopedic counterparts, Fundamental Molecular Biology provides a distillation of the essential concepts of molecular biology, and is supported by current examples, experimental evidence, an outstanding art program, multimedia support and a solid pedagogical framework. The text has been praised both for its balanced and solid coverage of traditional topics, and for its broad coverage of RNA structure and function, epigenetics and medical molecular biology.'Article| Lizabeth A. Allison| Statement ...'

Author: Lizabeth A. Allison
Editor: Wiley Global Education
ISBN: 1118209885
Size: 19,52 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Read: 266
Perfect for a single term on Molecular Biology and more accessible to beginning students in the field than its encyclopedic counterparts, Fundamental Molecular Biology provides a distillation of the essential concepts of molecular biology, and is supported by current examples, experimental evidence, an outstanding art program, multimedia support and a solid pedagogical framework. The text has been praised both for its balanced and solid coverage of traditional topics, and for its broad coverage of RNA structure and function, epigenetics and medical molecular biology.

Exam Prep For Fundamental Molecular Biology 2nd Edition

Author: David Mason
Editor: Rico Publications
Size: 18,13 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
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5,600 Exam Prep questions and answers. Ebooks, Textbooks, Courses, Books Simplified as questions and answers by Rico Publications. Very effective study tools especially when you only have a limited amount of time. They work with your textbook or without a textbook and can help you to review and learn essential terms, people, places, events, and key concepts.
Author: Lizabeth A. Allison
Editor: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444311166
Size: 15,46 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Read: 495
The author received the 2009 Outstanding Faculty Award, theCommonwealth of Virginia's highest honor for faculty, in January2009. More accessible to beginning students in the field than itsencyclopedic counterparts, Fundamental Molecular Biologyprovides a distillation of the essential concepts of molecularbiology, and is supported by current examples, experimentalevidence, an outstanding art program, multimedia support and asolid pedagogical framework. The text has been praised both for itsbalanced and solid coverage of traditional topics, and for itsbroad coverage of RNA structure and function, epigenetics andmedical molecular biology. Focuses primarily on eukaryotic examples but includes keycomparisons with prokaryotic organisms where it is appropriate Includes all-original artwork providing the clearest possibleinsight into complex concepts. All artwork is available online andon CD-ROM Supplemented by outstanding student and instructor mediaresources including a CD-ROM that comes with every book and aninteractive website at all artwork, animations of key processes, and usefulstudent comprehension material Pedagogical boxes throughout explain additional concepts andtopics in molecular biology: -TOOLS BOXES explore key experimental methods and techniquesin molecular biology -FOCUS BOXES offer more detailed treatment of topics anddelve into experimental strategies, historical background and areasfor further exploration -DISEASE BOXES illustrate key principles of molecularbiology by examining diseases that result from gene defects Visit to access helpfulstudent and instructor resources online. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file.

Using The Biological Literature

Author: Diane Schmidt
Editor: CRC Press
ISBN: 1466558571
Size: 17,10 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Read: 423
The biological sciences cover a broad array of literature types, from younger fields like molecular biology with its reliance on recent journal articles, genomic databases, and protocol manuals to classic fields such as taxonomy with its scattered literature found in monographs and journals from the past three centuries. Using the Biological Literature: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition is an annotated guide to selected resources in the biological sciences, presenting a wide-ranging list of important sources. This completely revised edition contains numerous new resources and descriptions of all entries including textbooks. The guide emphasizes current materials in the English language and includes retrospective references for historical perspective and to provide access to the taxonomic literature. It covers both print and electronic resources including monographs, journals, databases, indexes and abstracting tools, websites, and associations—providing users with listings of authoritative informational resources of both classical and recently published works. With chapters devoted to each of the main fields in the basic biological sciences, this book offers a guide to the best and most up-to-date resources in biology. It is appropriate for anyone interested in searching the biological literature, from undergraduate students to faculty, researchers, and librarians. The guide includes a supplementary website dedicated to keeping URLs of electronic and web-based resources up to date, a popular feature continued from the third edition.
Author: S. C. Rastogi
Editor: New Age International
ISBN: 9788122414875
Size: 20,83 MB
Format: PDF
Read: 134
Cell And Molecular Biology, Second Edition Gives An Extensive Coverage Of The Fundamentals Of Molecular Biology; The Problems It Addresses And The Methods It Uses. Molecular Biology Is Presented As An Information Science, Describing Molecular Steps That Nature Uses To Replicate And Repair Dna; Regulate Expression Of Genes; Process And Translate The Coded Information In Mrna; Modify And Target Proteins In The Cell; Integrate And Regulate Metabolism.Written In A Lucid Style, The Book Will Serve As An Ideal Text For Undergraduate Students, As Well As Scientific Workers Of Other Disciplines Who Need A Comprehensive Overview Of The Subject.Features Of The Second Editionò Incorporates Many New Topics And Updatesò Gives Independent Chapters On Dna Replication, Dna Repair, Transcription And Translation To Accommodate Recent Advancesò A New Chapter On Post-Translational Modification And Protein Targetingò A Chapter On Tools And Techniques Employed In Molecular Biologyò An Introductory Chapter On Bioinformatics Included To Emphasise That Molecular Processes Can Be Addressed Computationallyò Extensive Glossary.

Molecular Biology

Author: David P. Clark
Editor: Newnes
ISBN: 9780124105171
Size: 11,46 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Read: 661
The second edition of Molecular Biology effectively introduces major concepts of cell structure and genetics, followed by a survey of DNA, RNA, and proteins, and how they interact to provide the cell with genetic information. This thorough update also reflects the recent, massive surge in our understanding of the molecular foundations of genetics via scientific revolutions in genetics and computer technology. This enhanced ebook goes far beyond the flowing text, annotation, and hyperlinking available in most ebooks. Unique features include interactive quizzes, narrated animations, and 62 full-text journal articles, all in one downloadable package. By combining primary literature, a fundamental text, and interactive features, Molecular Biology, Second Edition provides an encompassing, cohesive learning experience. • Winner of a 2013 Texty Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association • Includes interactive elements for enhanced student understanding and self-testing; animations to clarify complex content; and study guides equipped with full-text Cell Press journal articles • New to second edition: updated chapters on genomics and systems biology; proteomics; bacterial genetics; and molecular evolution and RNA • Fully revised art
Author: Wolfgang Arthur Schulz
Editor: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402031866
Size: 15,41 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Read: 142
Cancer research is now an interdisciplinary effort requiring a basic knowledge of commonly used terms, facts, issues, and concepts. This interdisciplinary book meets this need, providing an authoritative overview to the field. It presents many of the molecules and mechanisms generally important in human cancers and examines a broad, but exemplary, selection of cancers. In addition, cancer research has now reached a critical stage, in which the accumulated knowledge on molecular mechanisms is gradually translated into improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. This book summarizes the state, pitfalls, and potential of these efforts.

Molecular Biology Of The Cell 5th Ed 2008

Author: Garland Science
Editor: Bukupedia
Size: 13,76 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Read: 393

Molecular Biology Pdf

In many respects,w e understand the structure of the universeb etter than the workings of living cells. Scientists can calculate the age of the Sun and predict when it will cease to shine, but we cannot explain how it is that a human being may live for eighty years but a mouse for only two. We know the complete genomes equenceso f thesea nd many other speciesb, ut we still cannot predict how a cell will behave if we mutate a previously unstudied gene. Stars may be l0a3 times bigger, but cells are more complex, more intricately structured, and more astonishingp roducts of the laws of physicsa nd chemistry.T hrough heredity and natural selection, operating from the beginnings of life on Earth to the presentd ay-that is, for about 20Voo f the ageo f the universe-living cellsh ave been progressively refining and extending their molecular machinery and recording the results of their experiments in the genetic instructions they pass on to their progeny. With each edition of this book, we marvel at the new information that cell biologists have gathered in just a few years. But we are even more amazed and daunted at the sophistication of the mechanisms that we encounter. The deeper we probe into the cell,t he more we reafizeh ow much remainst o be understood. In the days of our innocence, working on the first edition, we hailed the identification of a single protein-a signal receptol say-as a great step forward' Now we appreciate that each protein is generally part of a complexwith many others, working together as a system, regulating one another's activities in subtle ways, and held in specific positions by binding to scaffold proteins that give the chemical factory a definite spatial structure. Genome sequencing has given us virtually complete molecular parts-lists for many different organisms; genetics and biochemistry have told us a great deal about what those parts are capable of individually and which ones interact with which others; but we have only the most primitive grasp of the dynamics of these biochemical systems, with all their interlocking control loops. Therefore, although there are great achievements to report, cell biologistsf ace eveng reaterc hallengesf or the future. In this edition, we have included new material on many topics, ranging from epigeneticsh, istonem odificationss, mall RNAs,a nd comparativeg enomicst,o geneticn oise,c ytoskeletadl lmamics,c ell-cyclec ontrol, apoptosis,s tem cells, and novel cancer therapies. As in previous editions, we have tried above all to give readers a conceptual framework for the mass of information that we now have about cells. This means going beyond the recitation of facts. The goal is to learn how to put the facts to use-to reason, to predict, and to control the behavior of living systems. To help readers on the way to an active understanding, we have for the first time incorporatede nd-of-chapterp roblems,w ritten by Iohn Wilson and Tim Hunt. These emphasize a quantitative approach and the art of reasoning from experiments.A companion volume, MolecularB iologyo f the CelI,F ifth Edition: TheP roblemsB ook0 SBN9 78-0-8153-4110-9b)y, t he samea uthors,g ivesc omplete answerst o thesep roblemsa nd alsoc ontainsm ore than 1700a dditional problems and solutions. A further major adjunct to the main book is the attached Media DVD-ROM disc. This provides hundreds of movies and animations, including manythat are new in this edition, showing cells and cellular processesin action and bringing the text to life; the disc also now includes all the figures and tables from the main book,p re-loadedin to [email protected] esentationsO. thera ncillariesa vailablefo r the book include a bank of test questions and lecture outlines, available to qualified instructors,a nd a seto f 200f ull-coloro verheadtr ansparencies. Perhaps the biggest change is in the physical structure of the book. In an effort to make the standard Student Edition somewhat more portable, we are providing chapters 2r-25, covering multicellular systems, in electronic (pDF) form on the accompanying disc, while retaining in the printed volume chapters l-20, covering the core of the usual cell biology curriculum. But we should emphasize that the final chapters have been revised and updated as thoroughly as the rest of the book and we sincerely hope that they will be read! A Reference Edition (ISBN9 7s-0-8153-4r11-6c)o, ntainingt he full seto f chaptersa sp rinred pages, is also available for those who prefer it. Full details of the conventions adopted in the book are given in the Note to the Readert hat follows this PrefaceA. s explainedt here,w e have taken a drastic approach in confronting the different rules for the writing of gene names in different species: throughout this book, we use the same style, regardless of speciesa, nd often in defianceo fthe usuals pecies-specifcico nventions. As always,w e are indebted to many people. Full acknowledgmentsfo r scientific help are given separatelyb, ut we must here singleo ut somee xceptionally important contributions: Iulie Theriot is almost entirely responsible for chapters 16 (cytoskeleton)a nd 24 (PathogensI,n fection, and Innate Immunity), and David Morgan likewise for chapter 17 (cell cycle). wallace Marshall and Laura Attardi provided substantialh elp with chapters 8 and 20, respectively,a s did Maynardo lson for the genomicss ectiono f chapter4 ,X iaodongwangf or chapter 18, and Nicholas Harberd for the plant section of Chapter 15. we also owe a huge debt to the staff of Garland science and others who helped convert writers' efforts into a polished final product. Denise schanck directed the whole enterprise and shepherded the wayward authors along the road with wisdom, skill, and kindness. Nigel orme put the artwork into its final form and supervisedt he visuala spectso f the book,i ncluding the backc over,w ith his usual flair. Matthew Mcclements designed the book and its front cover. Emma Jeffcockla id out its pagesw ith extraordinarys peeda nd unflappablee fficiency, d ealingi mpeccablywith innumerablec orrections.M ichaelM oralesm anaged the transformation of a mass of animations, video clips, and other materials into a user-friendly DVD-ROM. Eleanor Lawrence and sherry Granum updatedand enlargedt he glossaryJ. ackieH arbor and SigridM assonk ept us organized. Adam Sendroffkept us aware ofour readers and their needs and reactions. Marjorie Anderson, Bruce Goatly, and sherry Granum combed the text for obscurities, infelicities, and errors. we thank them all, not only for their professional skill and dedication and for efficiency far surpassing our own, but also for their unfailing helpftrlnessa nd friendship:t hey havem adei t a pleasuret o work on the book. Lastly, and with no less gratitude, we thank our spouses, families, friends and colleaguesw. ithout their patient,e ndurings upport,w e couldn ot havep roduced any of the editions of this book. MolecularB iologyo f the Cell BruceA lberts AlexandeJro hnson JulianL ewis Martin Raff Keith Roberts PeteWr alter Withp roblemsb y John Wilson Tim Hunt GarlandS cience Taylo&r FranciGs roup
Author: George M. Malacinski
Editor: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9780763740115
Size: 11,62 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Read: 163
Essentials of Molecular Biology, Fourth Edition focuses on the fundamental aspects of molecular structure and function by reviewing key features and along the way, capsulizing them as a series of concise concepts. Thus, students are encouraged to place the reductionist knowledge of molecular biology into broad contexts and thereby develop both academic and personal meaning for this discipline.

Fundamental Molecular Biology 2nd Edition


Author: Ronald W. Dudek
Editor: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9780781799942
Size: 16,48 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Read: 728

Fundamental Molecular Biology Allison 2nd Edition Pdf

Fundamentals Of Biology Pdf


Principles Of Molecular Biology Pdf

Widely used by medical students studying for the USMLE Step 1, the Board Review Series (BRS) provides basic knowledge as it relates to clinical situations. BRS Genetics addresses a field that is increasingly taught in shorter courses. Chapters are written in an outline format and include pedagogical features such as bolded key words, tables, algorithms, and numerous illustrations, including a 16-page full-color insert. The book contains nearly 300 USMLE-style questions to help test students' memorization and mastery. A companion Website includes a question bank as well as fully searchable text.

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