Silent Hunter 4 Manual Targeting Tutorial

Many thanks for this extremely useful dosument, it helped enmesh me back to a game / genre I had abandoned for two years now.
Of course, back then it was a real simulation, SH3, not this bugfest that euphemistically is called a 'final version' of the game. I believe that the designers of SH4 became quite envious of FPS and wanted to create a hybrid :p, hence the total absence of all the useful TDC tools present in SH3.
However, given the dearth of map and plotting tools and the absence of the chronometer, your document is indeed very helpful.
One very friendly criticism though, and forget my venom here as it is targeted towards Ubisoft (and other irresponsible game designers around the world ):
Indeed, the two sections on Range and AOB are very easy and informative.
What your document lacks, however, is a clear and concise explanation of speed estimation. E.g., when you mention the 12 o' clock point of the PK and its relation to the scope, which bearing in the 12 o' clock pt do you refer to?
Then, you mention subtracting or adding to the AOB by moving the scope but yet you indicate that the scope is already locked, don't you?
Again, a couple of screen shots - just going the extra mile! - would indeed transform your guide into an extremely instructive tool!

Silent Hunter 4 Manual Targeting Tutorial

11 Playing Silent Hunter 4 Submarine Sim Manual Targeting Japanese Destroyer Silent Hunter 4 is a WW2 sub sim game. You play as a skipper of a US submarine in the Pacific and your mission is to sink japanese ships while avoiding getting destroyed by the enemy yourself.

Silent Hunter 4 Manual Wolves

I've just put the final touches on a fairly comprehensive manual for this wonderful sim. While I don't think I added anything particularly new when it comes to game play, the guide does have a few features that some people might be interested in.
This includes:
— A thorough review of the 'Replay' feature
— Tips and tests if the game plays sluggishly
— How to get a full batch of torpedoes when doing a 'Refit'
— The 'trick' to bringing down troop carriers and destroyers
— The revelation of what I call 'Liner Lane', a hot spot for troop carriers
— Six saved scenarios for your steel carnage enjoyment. Three involve troop carriers, three involve warships. One of them features a Jap harbor with two heavy cruisers, two battleships and two aircraft carriers. Fun for the whole family!
— How to change single voice files, plus a download that changes every voice to the 'whispered' Silent Running voices. It also lowers the volume of some of the sound effects, like that loud obnoxious klaxon horn when it dives or surfaces.
— How to automatically store your saved games on a different partition in case your system melts down.
The manual is here. Any critiques, corrections or additions are welcome, of course, either here or the guide's contact form.

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